Cannot copy/paste elements from 2019 to 2020 without the element becoming an image
InDesign 2019 14.0.3 copy/paste issue into InDesign 2020 15.0.01 (and vice-versa).
Steps to reproduce:
1. In a 2019 InD doc, copy a text box with text inside it.
2. Open a new document in InD 2020.
3. Paste the text box with text inside it into 2020 InD.
4. The text becomes an image instead of live text. Though, no links show up in the links panel.
5. This can be reproduced if copying from 2020 into 2019. But it does not happen if copying/pasting from a 2020 doc into a 2020 doc, 2019 doc into a 2019 doc.
6. This happens with other elements, such as boxes with strokes and no text.
I'm not aware of this happening before or that this is a preference issue. Seems like a bug.

Colin commented
I've just experienced this too. This is a bug. Please fix. I used 2020 for one day (discovered the drag-duplicate bug) and now want to go back to 2019 but can't paste assets between them.
TriciaR commented
I'm having this issue too. Did you ever find a solution?