Google File Stream Images taking a long time to update in Indesign
Since upgrading to Mac OSX Catalina and adobe 2020 I have issues with google file stream and indesign.
When I open a document with images that are saved on google drive and then open in photoshop or illutrator to edit and then save and go back to indesign, the images are showing as needing updated by indesign (yellow triangle) however the rotating / update round arrows icon is greyed out and I can't update the image. I have to wait several minutes before the image updates on indesign.
I have contacted Adobe support and apple support and neither is claiming responsibility for the issue. Abobe has says that it's not able to verify network sharing as it can be unstable.
All I know is that I've NEVER had this issue before and have had it since the day my computer and apps were updated.
Please help?

tom ferna commented
same problem
PrettyfyPrint commented
My team has the same issue you are describing.
It's only the most recent updated image that won't update. If you make changes to multiple images, all will update except for the one with the most recent modified date.
The workaround I'm using is to move the image temporarily out of its folder and then move it back. At that point, InDesign recognized it and will allow you to update the image via the links panel.
Frank commented
I have the same problem but mine doesn't update the images until i close and open indesign completely. Very useless. Even if i wait for couple of minutes and the files are synched. Indesign update button is still grey. Pleas help.