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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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  1. Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
  2. Steps to reproduce the issues
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  5. Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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6923 results found

  1. crash

    Very often when trying to save as InDesign is crashing making me lost my un saved work.

    I can't attach a file since my computer crash...

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    CLOSED  ·  amaarora responded

    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.

    If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  2. InDesign freezes while Adding New/Editing Cross-References

    1. InDesign 13.1 x64 2a. Select the text, go to Insert Cross References either via Type > Hyperlinks & Cross References or via the Cross References Panel. 2b. Select text that already has a cross reference, go to Cross-Reference Options either via Type > Hyperlinks and Cross References of the Cross References panel.
    2. The New Cross-Reference or Edit Cross-Reference dialog box should open and function.
    3. InDesign freezes and has to be force quit. I've waited as long as 20 minutes for the system to function properly before having to force it to quit.
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  3. Open Asset Plugin window keeps opening up even though I keep shutting it. It continuously interrupts my flow.

    The Open Asset plugin for Indesign continuously pops up. I don't use it. I don't want to use it. I want it to stop popping up and interrupting my workflow. If I close the window, it should stay CLOSED.

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  4. Running head containing forced line break inserts space incorrectly

    When a Running Head text variable is generated, under certain (common) conditions, a double-space is inserted where a forced linebreak is used.

    To reproduce bug:

    1. Insert a Running Head text variable into a master page running head position.

    2. Specify the first instance of, say, Level-One paragraph style.

    3. In a multi-page text flow, insert a Level-One styled paragraph with enough text to force a line wrap.

    4. Within the Level-One paragraph, insert a Forced Line Break (FLB) character.

    5. Scroll text back and forth to force update of the text variable display.

    Result: On the page containing the Level-One paragraph, the running head…

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  5. Google sheets in xlsx but still "Cannot place... no filter..."

    I try to place a spreadsheet created in Google sheets and saved as xlsx and I get the error message "Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation". I am using a Mac & Mojave 10.14.6. My copy of InDesign is subscription.

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  6. Mongolian

    Issue: InDesign does not support Mongolian vertical text direction from left-to-right.

    Version: InDesign 2019, 14.0.2 x64

    1. Place or paste Mongolian text into an InDesign text frame by using the attached Word document
    2. Skew the text frame 90 degrees (as done with vertical Chinese and Japanese).

    Expected result: Please see the attached Word document and screenshot.

    Actual result: Notice that the vertical text direction is right-to-left and not left-to-right. Even if the text frame is skewed in the opposite direction (minus 90 degrees) the text is just mirrored and thus not readable.

    Test files and screenshot: They are…

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  7. idml shifts images in bounding boxes


    We send both indd and idml file formats to asian print suppliers. depending on the adobe version the supplier is using we are finding images can shift within bounding boxes - cutting them off at the crop. Or text frames reduce – cutting off copy. This is an incredibly expensive discovery if it not caught in pre-press.

    My team is sending hundreds of files a year to Asian printer suppliers. this bug occurs in about 1 out of a hundred files.


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    1 comment  ·  IDML Export  ·  Admin →
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  8. Bugs with GPU, Bugs without GPU (zoom, moving objects, create text)

    (Working on Adobe InDesign 14.0.2.)

    Hi there,

    so for a couple of weeks, my Indesign behaves quite badly.
    For demonstration purposes, I created a new blank file but these bugs also occur in existing work projects.

    Case 1: GPU switched on (Image: GPU on):
    Zooming does not show any effect, only when I click in and change something. The rulers change, but my board/document is not zooming in (Video: Zooming with GPU). As soon as I found my page, the objects don't really move that well, more in a lagging, stocking way. (Video: Moving Objects with GPU).

    This leads to…

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  9. can't export tagged pdf

    Much time has been spent setting up accessible document in InDesign - added export tagging instructions to paragraph styles, added alt text to all images and figures, anchored images and objects to text, set up reading order using articles. The document will not export to PDF when "create tagged pdf" is selected. Program crashes every time before exporting is complete. Have tried on different computers. Applications are up to date. Have tried exporting from .indd and .idml file types.

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,
    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0

    -InDesign Team

  10. Endnotes are out of sequence in captions and sidebars

    I work on books that often have endnotes in captions or sidebars. The captions/sidebars are always set up as separate frames (and sometimes as anchored objects). Any endnotes in separate frames end up at the end of the endnote list, regardless of where they fall in the page order.

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  11. InDesign Is Still Unusably Slow

    Despite this forum being filled with "solved" reports of InDesign being unusably slow, it remains so.
    I am editing a 4 page document that is almost all text, and yet I get the spinning ball after each and every keystroke. It can take 5-10 seconds just to complete typing a word, and heaven help me if I make a mistake and need to backspace.

    I just updated InDesign this morning so I am on 14.0.2. I'm running Windows 10 1903. The machine is an MSI laptop with an i7 processor and 12GB of RAM.

    I have attempted to edit the…

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  12. InD responding slowly

    This isn't a "bug" per se, but InD has slowed to a crawl when using. Doesn't matter if I am trying to select text, change tools, or click on a menu item. It's been going very slow for a while now, doesn't matter the file. I have tried to trash preferences and reinstall InD, and nothing has changed it. Oh, and I just have major lag, not a spinning ball.

    I am Win10, InD CC 14.0.2. The only plug-in I am running is Suitcase Fusion, and that is up to date as well.

    Help please, as InDesign is unusable at…

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  13. Index "Number Style Override" not working on multivolume works

    InDesign is not recognizing "Number Style Override" on a book document with seven documents. Only recognizing the overrides on the document in which the index is generated. Major suck points there.

    I'm running Mac OSX Mojave, 10.14.1, on a MacBook Pro Retina 15-inch from mid 2015. InDesign CC 2019.

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    2 comments  ·  Book/TOC  ·  Admin →
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  14. PDF comments panel does not stick in workspace

    We have discovered that the PDF Comments panel disappears when a document is closed.

    But we have also found that any panels that are grouped with the PDF Comments panel in a saved workspace disappear when the document is closed.

    Refreshing the workspace brings them all back.

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,

    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3

  15. InDesign performance issue: Lags when selecting and moving items using wacom tablet

    On a iMac with 32 GB RAM running under macOS 10.14.4 (18E226) InDesign v. with Wacom Intuos Pro tablet (6.3.24-1) in some documents cursor / items handling is unresponsive, lagging or too sensitive (click is registered when there was no click, dragging happens yet it wasn't been ignited).

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  16. PDF comment two-way sync

    Let InDesign sync the status of comments (resloved/unresolved/...) back to the PDF.

    OR let InDesign export PDF's with unresolved comments.

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  17. Tiny Anchor Points

    Increase size of anchor points on pahts/objects

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  18. spinning beach ball when clicking into text box

    When clicking on a text box to edit text or move box, spinning beach ball delays response by 5 seconds to over a minute. Happens with text tool or select tools. Only way to solve this issue is to work offline. My internet is fine. I use many other apps besides indd and do not have delay issues. Never had a problem prior to the integration of Typekit in most recent versions. MacOS 10.14.3.
    Attached are some screen grabs showing recent freezes. Spinning beach ball is not visible, but that's what I am seeing. Thank you for your attention.

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  19. Wrong menu selection launched from menu bar

    Unlike the issue explained by another user below, my main menu bar selection opens correctly but the item selected from the main list is not launched. Instead, a random command is used. Example: choosing 'Export...' from File menu launches the Print Booklet dialog box. The problem happens randomly about every week or so. The only solution I've found is relaunching InDesign.

    I'm attaching 3 videos of the problem.

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  20. cannot place this file (xlsx). No filter for requested operation

    When trying to place a xlsx file I get the error "Cannot place this file. No filter for requested operation".

    I'm running the latest version of InDesign CC on a MacOS Mojave.

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