Running head containing forced line break inserts space incorrectly
When a Running Head text variable is generated, under certain (common) conditions, a double-space is inserted where a forced linebreak is used.
To reproduce bug:
Insert a Running Head text variable into a master page running head position.
Specify the first instance of, say, Level-One paragraph style.
In a multi-page text flow, insert a Level-One styled paragraph with enough text to force a line wrap.
Within the Level-One paragraph, insert a Forced Line Break (FLB) character.
Scroll text back and forth to force update of the text variable display.
Result: On the page containing the Level-One paragraph, the running head will display a space where the FLB would be. On subsequent pages, the running head variable is expanded with NO space in that position.
If you ADD a space in the Level-One paragraph, before or after the FLB, the first instance of the Running Head variable will contain TWO spaces, and subsequent instances will contain only ONE space.
Thus, there is no viable work-around for this bug.
I have attached a file illustrating the problem in a Spread layout. Note that if the first instance of the Level-One style is on the left-hand page (and the running head is on the right-hand page), the problem does not occur.

Alexandre Lourdel commented
Same bug here on InDesign 14.0.3, MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.
You can see it on the attached pictures.It happens strangely only on the first page which contains the paragraph style used as a reference to update the running head text. On the following pages, the double-space is not inserted. (!)
I can send you the file where the bug happens if you ask me to.