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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6920 results found

  1. Export PDF: document bleed values unreadable

    Adobe CC2017.1 Mac
    With interface theme "medium darker" (i.e. the second darkest option) the values of the bleed settings are unreadable in "Export PDF" dialog, when "use document bleed settings" is enabled.

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  2. New Format in InDesign CC

    Beim Anlegen eines neuen Formats kann man rechts oben im Optionsmenu die genauen Masse eingeben. Mit der TAB-Taste kommt man dann ja immer eine Option weiter. In Adobe Illustator und in Photoshop funktioniert das in der gewünschten Reihenfolge, im InDesign (deutsche Version) nicht: da folgt nach der Breitenangabe bei betätigter TAB-Taste die Frage nach der Einheit (z.B. mm etc.) und dann (nach weitere TAB-Taste) erst die zweite Grösse des Dokuments (also die Höhenangabe). Eigentlich sollte die logische Reihenfolge ja lauten: Breite > Höhe > Einheit.

    In english:
    When creating a new format, you can enter the exact mass in the…

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  3. Ctrl + Alt + X

    To use the shortcut "Ctrl + Alt + X" to do a hard space in the text is impossible - it doesn't work at all. When I press "Ctrl + Alt + X" I start some sort of screenshot function. When I chose "Hard space" from the menu it works as it should do.
    So please help, I miss my "Ctrl + Alt + X" -function.

    1. InDesign 2017.1
    2. See above
    3. I expect to get a hard space in the text.
    4. See above
    5. -
    I have Windows10 in my computer.

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  4. Enable Layout Adjustment Fails

    After Enabling Layout Adjustment, then changing the page size, I get an error message that reads "Internal error communicating with AI rulebase. Layout adjustment could not be performed."

    The document page size does in fact change, but pages in spreads actually overlap. Rulers at top of page do not show correct page size except on single pages (for instance, the first and last page of a facing-pages document).

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  5. There is a chance you close your file without knowing you have not saved it!

    It is very simple, just follow the steps below:

    1. Create a new file.

    2. Type a letter (lets say "A" for example) and save your file.

    3. Change the letter to "B" [Notice the "*" beside the file name and the "Save" Option being enabled in the file menu, since the file has been changed]

    4. Save the file again. ["Save" command and "*" disappear]

    5. Now, undo the last change (Back to "A") and save.

    6. Now if you redo the change, you will have "B" in the screen, Notice that the file has changed since your last save, but you neither see the…

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  6. ID CC crashes when edit original is clicked from right-click context dialog in Win 10

    Running CC 2017.1 on Win 10 with tons of memory. After ID has been running for a couple of hours and I right-click edit original on a l inked AI element it instantly crashed. However, choosing edit original from the links menu does not crash. Have deleted cashes and recovery, turned off plugins. Nothing works. See attached error message.

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  7. When I start inDesign ( x 64 build, English Windos version), I get a message from Windows Script Host code 800A0035

    Everytime I start inDesign ( x 64 build, English Windows version), I get a message from Windows Script Host code 800A0035 (see attached). How can i get rid of this bug?

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  8. "align to document guide" function menu is inverted

    The menu says "align to document guide" but it disables this function

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  9. Horizontal page display in Pages pane should be spine aligned

    When View Pages Horizontally is chosen in the Pages pane, the ('floating left'—CSS speak) spread thumbnails should all align on their spines, making the first odd-numbered page flushed to the right as the even page to the left.

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  10. Interactive elements do not export to interactive PDF

    Version - Adobe Indesign CC
    2015.3 Release Build
    operating on Mac OS X El Capitan, Version 10.11

    Steps to reproduce issues:

    Create a new document with a double-page spread in Indesign.
    Import four images into document and arrange on spread.

    Import a shape into Indesign that will be assigned as a pop up box that will appear above Image 1 when rolled over, and place shape next to Image 1.
    Place some text (e.g. "Image credit') on top of shape and group text with shape.
    Open Buttons and Forms dialogue box:
    - Convert group to a button.
    - Set…

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  11. InDesign Publish Online positions incorrectly...

    If you follow the below link in Safari (Mac Desktop), any spread that contains an ad repositions itself in the top left corner of the screen instead of centered. Additionally, in all browsers, the videos all autostart at the same time when the publication opens for the first time. Anyone have any ideas?

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  12. wont activate clipping path in InDesign

    shows clipping path available under options, but will only activate if done thru Phototshop

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  13. Images re-imported and resized in Windows lose scale settings when opened on Mac

    Version of Adobe InDesign CC:

    Steps to reproduce the issues:
    Import document from Word as source into MacOS version.
    2. Open file on Windows computer, re-import one of the images via the Links box and resize to match previous settings (e.g., 91.4%)
    3. Save.
    4. Open again in Mac, and the updated images have lost their sizing and blow outside of the Frame..
    Expected result:
    Image sizing should be retained across platforms.

    Actual result:
    Thee updated images have lost their sizing and blow outside of the Frame..

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  14. print dialog page size

    Since the latest version, the print dialog box no longer clearly shows when the image area exceeds the page size on the preview in the lower left. Before, the image area that would not print would be greyed. That is no longer the case.

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    CLOSED  ·  amaarora responded

    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.

    If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (

    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  16. text

    text contorn doesn't work, the box is empty. Any idea?

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  17. Mistakenly copying layer name instead of layer content

    Nobody command-clicks the an Indesign layer hoping to copy the layer name, but much of the time when attempting to copy the layer content, the layer title is the only thing brought into the clipboard.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  18. Windows 10 PC. VBA for Excel and the InDesign CC2017 library are not functioning.

    I have a serious problem. I have a new Acer PC Windows 10. I am using Office 365 Excel VBA to control InDesign CC2017. The InDesign CC2107 Type Library is not functioning with the VBA. I have been using this setup since CS3 to automate InDesign actions and provide solutions for automating print production.

    I am trying to start a $4000 project using these same InDesign capabilities but am unable to get anywhere. I am most disappointed and upset at this occurrance and am seeking some assistance from Adobe. Attached is the software code that I am trying to implement.…

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  19. Incorrect kerning on justified text

    InDesign v.

    I'm working in a book file, and this problem seems to occur at random. The kerning in the first word of a line of justified type is incorrect visually, but when you check it with the cursor, it is the correct number. If you change it, it jumps and appears to be correct again, visually, but if you save, close, and reopen the file, it is incorrect again.

    It is problematic because when a PDF is exported, the incorrect kerning is what gets exported.

    The problem has occurred in two different books I have worked on with…

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  20. Das Fenster Dateininformationen ist unsichtbar! Aber man muss es mit "Enter" bestätigen, um weiterarbeiten zu können.

    Fenster zeigen, dass die Metadaten wieder angepasst werden können (wie bei früheren Versionen).

    Indesign CC 2017.1

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