InDesign CC 2018 Application frame will not fill screen
Hi Folks
Having an issue since InDesign 2018 with sizing the app window.
When in Application Frame mode, the frame will not expand horizontally to fill the screen — it will only expand vertically.
It expands normally up to about 80% of the screen width, but then becomes unresponsive to any attempt to make it wider - so I'm working in a dinky little workspace.
The app seems to think my display is narrower than it really is.
Windows expand normally when application frame is turned off, and return to the problem width when app frame is turned back on.
InDesign CC 2018
iMac Late 2013
High Sierra 10.13.2
Second display: NEC Multisync 2560x1440

Tom Dearie commented
I found a fix for this error.
It appears that the different aspect ratio of the second display confused InDesign.I closed all docs, then switched the arrangement of my displays to put y desired aspect ratio on the left.
When I reopened the document I was working on, the aspect ratio was correct and the frame filled my working display.This must have reset some parameter or preference.
When I put the displays back to their original right-left order, the frame remained correct.