Compression settings almost ignored when exporting to PDF
For some weeks now, compression settings (almost) do not apply when I export a PDF.
When I use "300dpi-maximum quality" a pair of pages weight 105Mo, but if I use "130dpi-medium quality", the same pair of pages weights 103,8Mo, not exactly the same, but not what's expected..
And If I "optimize" the 130-medium file in ACROBAT PRO at identical 130-medium settings, it reduces to 1,1Mo (which add a step before I can send each PDF by mail to someone)
This apply as well to the ID I receive from other people than to my own creations.
I'm used to ID for a long time, and I use to change theses settings to adapt proof PDF to mail, so I guess I checked all the parameters. Could there be a new setting somewhere overwhelming Export parameters, or is it a bug? And How to fix it? Thanx