Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6923 results found
Problema ao atualizar arquivos do Illustrator / Problem updating files from Illustrator
Boa noite. Há dois dias que começou. Depois da última atualização. Quando já tenho uma imagem vetorizado no InDesign, vou reedita-la no Illustrator (por exemplo mudança de cor ou texto) quando atualizo no InDesign ela muda de posição e de tamanho entro da caixa, quebrando todos ajustes de layout.
Google Translator:
Good night. Two days have begun. After the last update. You are not illustrated in InDesign, that is, in Illustrator (Korean) when you are not in InDesign and change position and size in the box, breaking all layout adjustments.InDesign 2019 (14.0.1)
Illutrator 2019 (23.0.2)
MacOS High Sierre 10.13.6…1 vote -
InDesign 2019 keeps crashing when I change the document size in the properties panel.
Every time I want to change the document/page size in the properties panel so I can have different page sizes in the document InDesign crashes. Over and over.
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Bug: Mac AppleScript change text returns replacement except last character
Search ("find what") and replace ("change to") does not return the expected results when replacing text. It truncates the replacement by one character.
Steps to reproduce
1. Create a new InDesign file (see attached test.indd)
2. Create a text box
3. Add text in the text box including the word "test"
4. Run the following script (see attached) test.scpt
5. Expected the return results to be "foo" but it returns "fo"tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2019"
set find text preferences to nothing
set change text preferences to nothing
set properties of find text preferences to {find what:"test"}
set properties…1 voteHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
Changing the cursor to text AND changes it self to cursor
Always when i'm going change to text but it changes it self back to cursor. really annoying bug. everytime when i do this.
My indesign is version 14.0.1
1 vote -
fi creates embedded subset
When I use the two letters "fi" in that order, when I export PDF, I get embedded subsets. This is on multiple fonts.
if I switch the case of f"I" to fI upper case (EYE), then the embedded subset issue goes away. (the case of the first letter "f" does not matter.
example so words:
indentifies1 vote -
No Break slows down InDesign CC 2019
When No Break is added to multiple words, it slows down InDesign CC 2019 14.01 tremendously.
We use No Break very often in our texts, e.g. to keep web site addresses, email addresses and allergens together as this is a requirement from our customer.
This was never a problem in older versions but something seems to be changed in InDesign.
I added an .idml file containing an auto-size text frame with some text (allergens). Editing the text frame in an older version of InDesign works smoothly. Doing the same thing in CC 2019 goes very slow.1 voteHi,
Please can you mail me a sample file along with a small video showing the steps?
Thanks -
variable barcodes not centered in frame and not always appearing in print files
Recently upgraded to InDesign CC 14.0.1 x64, HP SmartStream Designer 14.0.6, and Tech It Barcode Studio
Existing variable barcodes in InDesign documents are now not centered left to right in their frame.
Sometimes they are not appearing in the JLT print files created using SSD. They do appear in PDF print files created in SSD.
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Export PDF causes unresponsiveness when clicking "same as Document Name" box and changing the filename manually
InDesign freezes and becomes unresponsive when...
Using the latest version of InDesign 14.0.1 on macOS Mojave 10.14.3 and exporting a press ready PDF (setting modified to include bleed and crop marks), checking "Using InDesign Document Name as the Output Filename" and then adding some text or changing the filename manually in the save dialog, InDesign freezes afterwards. The PDF is exported successfully, but the program locks up.
When not checking the box and exporting a PDF there are no problems.
1 vote -
The most unhelpful error mistake ever made - 1 problem (1 failute) was found with background task:
What I should do with this error? When I save each page separately the pdf export works fine)
Please give more specific error warnings! Thanks
1 problem (1 failute) was found with background task:
1 vote -
control panel not showing up
every time i open indesign cc 2019 my control panels are gone. i can get them back with shortcut (cmd t). this happens for every document (new and already existing). it happens also not only at indesign startup, but also when i open close documents during work. it work in two different offices and it happens in both indesigns. any clue?
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Paragraph style naming field typed text overwrites itself
- Double click style name
- Attempt to rename style
- Text field appears limited to 1-3 characters.
- As text is entered into the field, each character deletes and replaces the previous (ie overtype mode).
This occurs only randomly and only inside of InDesign. My keyboard or OS settings can be ruled out as a cause.
1 vote -
Indesign CS5 Extended crashes while launching
I hope someone can help me here, as I couldn't find a solution in other threads. I run CS on Mac OS X 10.9.5. All other programs run fine, except InDesign.
All help is much appreciated!
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
direct selection tool only activates with "v" key
When text tool is active, direct selection tool can't be selected with mouse pointer. It looks like it's active but text tool is still active. Must type "v" to activate the direct selection tool.
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1 vote
windows 10
I am opening InDesign from the start menu but it crashes each time. it will open ok from CC.
1. Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server- InDesign CC 2019 14.0
2. Steps to reproduce the issues – Tried installing oolder versions but seeing the same issue
3. Expected result – Indesign to open
4. Actual result – Crash report page appears1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
Images with transperencies and placed in formular fields are separeted wrong when exported as PDF.
PNGs and PSDs with transparency and directly imported in an InDesign formular field are separeted wrong when exported as a PDF and separeted to cmyk. The images are too dark with a green tone.
This happens in the last InDesign versions til the last CC2019 (14.01).
Mac OS 10.14.3 and also in El Capitan1 vote -
create outlines
- cmd + A = select all objects on the page.
- menu / type / Create Outlines
Error. Not all text-based texts on the page have been converted into curves. Consequence. Time to search for other items and individual conversion. Waste of time and the risk of file defects for the printing process.
Best regards!
1 vote -
feed back
I have a multiple page text document in indesign, I want to spell check only the text in the panels, so manual selection is the best option in this scenario. But what happens is the spell checker always reverts back to document. how do you set it to stay on selection mode?
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formatting linked pictres lost by updating picture
When i update linked pictures (where i used bevore a special formatting for example size in frame) then i loose this formatting by refreshing the picture in the link-tool. i testet all the preferenzes but every time it resets the size.
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When importing .ai files it doesn't load correctly and even when exporting to pdf if displays it pixelated.
This image is not just on typical view, but even on high quality or even exporting as pdf X-1a.
I'm on InDesign cc 2019
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?