Endnotes in epub2 don't work when using split document by paragraph style
After exporting to a reflowable epub 2.0.1, endnotes don't work when you have selected to split the epub using paragraph styles based on export label.
Thanks in advance

This issue has been fixed in the latest update of InDesign 2022 - version 17.3
Please update to this latest update of InDesign using Creative Cloud Desktop Application to get the fix.
InDesign team
Sophie Gauducheau commented
Bonjour, quand j'insère une vidéo, elle ne s'affiche pas, sauf dans la petite fenêtre média !
pouvez-vous y remédier à ce bug ? SVP -
Peter Maas commented
Very glad with this update, an endnote actually has a hyperlink that works back and forth. But: why do you strip out the hyperlink that is INSIDE the endnote? When people make endnotes in a document they often tend to refer to other documentation that is outside the actual document. A hyperlink could be ideal for that. Now I see that a hyperlink inside the endnote gets stripped out.
Ganesh commented
In Epub 3 also we have the same issue.
Helal Uddin commented
Isn't this feature upgraded yet? So frustated.
Peter Villevoye commented
BTW, in the tests I did, there's no difference in using a split document or not. InDesign just crashes...
Peter Villevoye commented
BTW, probably due to the bug, InDesign version CC 2021 / 16.0.1 on Catalina crashes upon exporting. So I can't output the ePub and code the hundreds of references manually (I know, it's a horrible job but it needs to be done). Thanks for going from bad to worse...
Peter Villevoye commented
How many developers does it take to fix these endnote references, back and forth ???
And how many developers and product managers have been asleep, while coding this ?Any person with just a slight notion of HTML and HREFs knows what's going wrong here.
This isn't rocket science !! -
Host_sazba commented
I'm experiencing similar problem trying to export a book with endnotes and hyperlinks contained even with InD 2020. It's not exporting the endnotes backlinks properly and with active hyperlinks it crashes down during the export. So it's still an isuue it seems… 😟
George Krompacky commented
How is this still a thing? Creating an ePUB with separate chapters that each have endnotes is basic functionality for the application. I've been puzzling over why my ePUB endnote links aren't working and aren't validating and it turns out it's a bug that's been around for almost THREE YEARS? Unbelievable.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, big issue. I make academic books with hundreds of references that need to restart every section to avoid endnotes in the triple digits. This bug has made export to epub a big problem. Looking forward to the fix
Curt Bianchi commented
One more vote for this being a serious issue that needs to be fixed in order to make endnotes usable in ePUBs. The problem is that when an ePUB is split into multiple xhtml files (as is customary for books), the links embedded in the xhtml file are not updated to include the appropriate file designation. For example, an endnote reference make look like this in an xhtml file generated by ePUB export:
<a class="_idEndnoteLink _idGenColorInherit" href="#endnote-001">1</a>
Note that there is no file specified in the href. This will work if the endnote ref and the endnote itself are in the same file (i.e., Split Document is disabled on export). However, if they are not in the same file, then the href needs to have the file specified, e.g.:
<a class="_idEndnoteLink _idGenColorInherit" href="test-2.xhtml#endnote-001">1</a>
In addition, the appropriate file designation needs to be applied in the endnotes themselves so that they will properly link back to the endnote reference. This is already done for indexes in documents exported as ePUBs with document splitting. We just need to same mechanism for endnotes.
Stephanie Anderson commented
I create a ton of ePUBs from InDesign. When I have to create one with endnotes, I cringe. I've resorted to just making the endnotes static. But now Amazon/KDP are being sticklers in making sure they link.
However, InDesign still doesn't link/backlink when you use the split document feature. I need to use the split document feature because of the many chapters.
This problem has gone on for a long time and needs to be corrected ASAP! Please help! I'm having to refund a client a large amount of money because of this issue. Correcting 400 endnotes manually on something the program should do, could do, because it does when you don't have split document selected, is not something that is feasibly possible for me with multiple deadlines looming.
Another problem -- when there is a hyperlink in the endnote, all numbering after that hyperlink is void. I have to remove all hyperlinks in the endnotes to get them to number then manually add in the hyperlinks in the cracked open version of the ePUB.
Richard commented
I had hoped the recent updates to InDesign would fix this issue, but sadly it persists. When exporting to reflowable ePub, endnote links don't work if "Split document" is ticked on the export options.
Here is an example of what InDesign currently produces:
<span id="endnote-061-backlink"><a class="_idEndnoteLink _idGenColorInherit" href="#endnote-061">61</a></span>This is what SHOULD be produced:
<span id="endnote-061-backlink"><a class="_idEndnoteLink _idGenColorInherit" href="../Text/File_Name-15.xhtml#endnote-061">61</a></span>And here is an example of the backlink in the endnotes:
<span id="endnote-000"><a class="_idEndnoteAnchor _idGenColorInherit" href="#endnote-061-backlink">61</a> Endnote Text Here</span>This is what SHOULD be produced:
<span id="endnote-061"><a class="_idEndnoteAnchor _idGenColorInherit" href="../Text/File_Name-2.xhtml#endnote-061-backlink">61</a> Endnote Text Here</span>Note that the correct path and filename are missing from the href attribute.
Mahmoud Mohamed commented
I have been waiting to add this feature to InDesign "footnote to end note issue"
Thanks for adding it in the new versionBut when I export my file to a reflowable epub, and of course my file contain a split option the epub comes out with no end notes links
I have to not include the epub split option in the export options to get my endnotes with 2 ways directioncould you please help, it is serious, currently I use script to link back the references with text and it work in the final result
but I prefer to add this to the indesign itself
Anne-Marie Concepcion commented
It is not just EPUB 2.01, it is for any reflowable EPUB.
Anne-Marie Concepcion commented
Approximately 99% of books that get exported to epub from InDesign are split into chapters via the numerous features Adobe built into InDesign for doing so. Please fix the broken endnotes! Just look at how you're indexes, which works perfectly.
Robert Kern commented
Endnotes break when exporting to ePub or HTML. The first note is correct, but subsequent notes lose their note number and link.
Adrian Yudeson commented
Currently, if the Epub is exported into multiple .xhtml files, the Epub references don't work since they are local.
Instead, make the endnote links and their back links refer to the proper xhtml file.
Monica Singh commented
Hi Gret,
Thanks for writing to us. I understand your workflow and can see it is not working but since, in case of split paragraph style split epub in new chapters, endnote referencing lost its context which is why it is not working. Please share an outline of your workflow explaining its importance.
InDesign Team