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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6911 results found

  1. Print InDesign

    Develop some way for the printer settings to be put in order. I work with 18 HP 9050 printers, both with the same drive and configuration, but in InDesign they get jammed. Example:
    Printer 1 (Standard)
    Printer 5
    Printer 16
    Printer 3
    Printer 8
    Printer 2

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  2. Habillage indesign

    L'habillage avec le cercle est réglé par défaut à "3,528 mm" lorsqu'on le passe à "0" il repasse tout seul à "3,528 mm",

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  3. Overprint Preview switches off when viewing Story Editor

    I view the InDesign file in Overprint Preview.
    I then need to check some text that isn't quite visible on the page.
    Select the text frame and view it in Story Editor so I can ensure it matches what was supplied.
    Once you do this - Overprint Preview switches off.

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  4. world-ready inline

    In world-ready paragraph mode, the width of inline graphics is not respected. the text is out over top of the graphic. This is with the Khmer language. Indesign version 16.1

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    1 comment  ·  Text/Story/Table  ·  Admin →
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  5. Changing language setting of paragraph text causes turnovers to change

    Indesign Version 16.1 Windows 10 Home 64-bit

    Given some random body text, the default language setting was English: USA, if I want to change this to any other language like English: UK (for spell checking reasons) it causes the turnovers of certain paragraphs to change.

    Different fonts do the same thing, I primarily tested on a non-type 1 version of Melior and Helvetica but also tried some Adobe Fonts. However, different language settings cause different bits of text to change their turnover, ergo English: USA has different turnovers to English: USA Legal.

    Changing this setting in the Paragraph style or…

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  6. animated zoom

    The animated zoom isn't working in InDesign on external monitors. This happens across the board for all documents. Doesn't happen in Photoshop or Illustrator.

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  7. Split columns not working in cell

    The span/split column paragraph setting doesn't work if the text happens to be inside a cell.

    So you can't have your paragraph split into two columns inside a table.

    Please fix!

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  8. cannot select footnote with mouse

    Sometimes, when entering multiple footnotes, I can't select the bottom or next-to-bottom ones with the mouse, as shown in the jpg I just uploaded. File shown in the screenshot also uploaded to my FTP site at, page 80 is where the problem is. Thank you.

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  9. Indesign 16.1 x64

    Spell Checker from time to time switches from checking a story to checking the entire document. This is a pain when I'm working in a large document with hundreds of stories. Is there a way to make Spell Checker default to checking story?

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  10. Applying a different swatch not always working (bug?)

    It happens every now and then that changing the color of text by selecting the text with the text tool and clicking on the desired swatch does not change anyting. You can select the desired color, but the text color stays the same. It does not seem to be document related and is not always happening. If you use the color picker to select a random color from the document, the problem disappears. You can find more comments and examples on this issue in the Support Community:
    At this moment I am running ID CC 16.1 on a fully…

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  11. tables jumping to next page

    Sometimes tables that fit on one page jumps to the next page causing reflow. It does this randomly and can't figure out why. This has to be caused by bug in indesign. I really wish Adobe would focus more on fixing the many bugs in its programs rather than adding new features.

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  12. publish online

    When I try to view my published document, I just get arbitrary website information such as below. The same issue when I try to view my Published documents dashboard.

    {{ | limitTo: (isTouch ? 30 : 80)}}{{ > (isTouch ? 30 : 80) ? '...' : ''}}


    Also, this bug report platform is not letting me upload jpegs or pngs.

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  13. Emailing a document video won't go away

    Opening a saved document and a 'helpful tip' video clip about emailing a document is stuck in the middle of the screen and won't close or go away, can't click on it and nothing works to get rid of it.

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  14. when I hold shift or shift+command and try to scale it doesn't work

    When I try to scale something using shift or command+shift it does not scale proportionately. Unsure what to do.

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  15. Hidden characters not showing

    Hidden characters are not showing up in version 16.1, either from keyboard shortcut or from drop down menu. I ensure that overprint preview is not on and I'm in normal mode (not preview mode). If I quit and restart InDesign they come back for a bit but then disappear again.

    MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H15)

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  16. Layout adjust badly deforms vector graphics

    Vector images pasted from Illustrator (without any raster effect added) become badly deformed when using Layout Adjust. Parts of the image may become bloated, extended, compressed, text is deformed, rectangles become squares; circles, ovals, parts shift, etc. In short, a total mess

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  17. can't type in text box

    I create a text box, but when I type in it, no text appears. My keyboard works, and the rest of InDesign's functions work. And I'm updated to the most recent version of INDD--v16.1.

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  18. Page/Spread Duplicate and Place doesn't work after last update update

    When duplicating pages (or spreads) using Option (on Mac) and dragging inside "Pages" window, it no longer allows you to drag this duplicate anywhere in the page order list, but all the way at the end. This is extremely inefficient now and a lot more work to re-organize pages again after the duplicate is made. This is frustrating since this was a feature before and now it's gone. Please, bring it back.

    Using InDesign 16.1

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  19. Coruppt HTML Export in Indesign v16

    I have a document, which is created in an older Indesign-Version. It contains many HTML-Export Tags - no Problem in Indesign v14 (CC 2019) and v15 (2020). When I export a HTML-File from Indesign v16 (2021), all n-characters in the span-class-Attribute are replaced with blanks!

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  20. Undo reverts to last save

    I'm using InDesign 2021 version 16.1, macOS version. Recently (maybe since the last update) it lost the regular undo ability. Instead of undoing by steps, it undoes all steps since the last save.

    It is similar to the issue reported with InDesign 2020 (, but the bug persists in the current version even though it is reported as 'Fixed' in that thread.

    This happens every time when using Undo (Command-Z). It reverts to the last saved state. In the case that a document has been saved multiple times, it appears each press of Undo goes back to the…

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