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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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403 results found

  1. primary text frames threading is not honored on document pages

    1. Adobe InDesign 15.0.1 x64 (Windows 10)
    2. Facing pages document. I create a master page that includes two text frames per page--creating a two column spread on each page. I designate the leftmost frame as the primary text frame, and then manually link it to the frame just to its right. That frame is then linked to the leftmost frame on the right side page, and that one is linked to the frame furthest to the right. So the frames are linked, from left to right: frame 1 is primary, which is linked to frame 2, then to frame 3 (on…
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  2. Source Serif Pro font baseline not consistent

    I'm using Indesign 15.0 on MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) running Mojave version 10.14.6

    I'm experiencing a bug with the Source Serif Pro font , which I use extensively in a particular project.

    I open an existing document, and the text in Source Serif Pro looks as you'd expect it to. When I start to edit the text however, it all jumps down as if the baseline settings of the text frame has been changed (although checking in the settings confirms they haven't been).

    Copying and pasting the frame, or the text into a new frame, doesn't help.

    It only…

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    We are looking into the issue.
    Seems there is some discrepancy in font information of the font present in Typekit and that on Google fonts.


  3. Footnote split options create blank pages

    When I enable the INDESIGN footnote split option. Its create blank pages with linked story.

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  4. search document and all documents

    Since today's update (03/15/2018) in Indesign CC2018. The Search Box, even if you chose "Document" or "All documents" only performs searches in "Story"

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    We have tried the scenario on latest InDesign 13.1 and we are able to find the in “document” “all document” as set in dialog without any problem.
    Please elaborate the steps for reproducing the issue. That would be really helpful.

    InDesign Team

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  6. Bug with search and replace on locked layers

    Hi all,
    it seems I’ve found an InDesign bug that is creating some problem on a project for a customer.
    I have a document with a table nested inside another table, the layer is locked but I’m able to find the text inside the nested table even if the “search on locked layer” is inactive.
    I can also apply another paragraph style to the text inside the nested table (with the layer locked) and this is causing some problem because I need to change the styles of the text of unlocked layers with a script.

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  7. Master-double-page with bleed makes mistake in assigning a single page

    1. InDesign 2017.1
    2. DIN A5 document with double-page and 3 mm bleed. On master-double-page A is no background and on master-double-page B is a full-faced background on the left page and a full-faced background on the right page. If I assign the right page of master-page B, the left page-background will also displayed on the left page (assigned with master page A, where is no background!!!). This just happens if the background of the master-page is set to the bleed (on top-left and bottom). The backgrounds are exact positioned and are not on the opposite page. See screenshots!
    3. On the left…
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  8. Running Header Removes ZWNJ (Zero-width non-joiner) Character (U+200C)

    I want to use Running Header to have the section name at the top of the pages.
    The section title has Zwnj character ( but running header removes this character (U+200C).
    for more information see the attached image

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Try opening the document with other option (File→Open(Copy))
    • What were you doing when the issue was observed in InDesign?
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Please share sample document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  9. [ID-4255870] Document Fonts available even if not active

    Working on an indesign document that has its own “Document Fonts” folder that contains fonts specific to that document (not activated anywhere else), then switching to a new document that does not have any “Document Fonts” folder, the fonts of the previous document are still available, but if I close indesign completely and then reopen the new document the fonts are no longer available.

    This is not correct, fonts that are not activated or not present in the “Document Fonts” folder specific to that document, should not be available for other documents that do not reside in the same folder.

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.

    Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.


    Adobe InDesign team

  10. Crop tool namings for german version are irritating

    A view months ago I was posting this issue to the community board already. :-) Thanks to Mr. Tyson for directing me to this page here:

    Dear InDesign team,

    please take a look on
    The assistance describes the differences between the three boxes named "crop", "trim" and "bleed".

    Well, in English there is no mistake if I'm going to import a PDF into my InDesign document, e.g. I'd like to display the final cutted format, than I choose for "Trim" or if I need to prepare a page for professional print shops than choosing "Bleed".

    But in the german…

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  11. Unable to see Preset Templates in New Document

    When I try to open a New Document and find a template, all I can see are black boxes with a description. If I click on Preview I do not get one. Please see screenshot. How can I fix this?

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  12. Moving to the next page lag and sometimes doesn't even happen

    When I scroll to the next page the display doesn't change, it stays as the page I was originally on. Sometimes I have to close the document and reopen to access the page I want.

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  13. scroll bar disappears

    My scroll bars are CONSTANTLY disappearing when working in InDesign and using key commands to zoom in and out. This is SO annoying, and I am always having to reset my workspace. Literally fix your buggy software or I'm leaving. This is ridiculous.

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  14. Data Merge to PDF duplicating fields

    When using Export to PDF directly from the Data Merge tab the first 3 records are duplicated on each page. It uses the same data on every single page. If you first create an InDesign merged document the data is correct

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  15. Thumbnails in Pages Panel are blank even though pages have content (Id 17.0, Mac Big Sur)

    The thumbnails displayed in the Pages Panel show up blank even though there is content in the pages themselves. See attached. This is most likely a bug.

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  16. Vector Objects changing size when page layout is duplicated

    While using InDesign v17 I've encountered a bug where some small rectangular vector objects will get larger when a page is duplicated using the "Create Alternate Layout" feature in the "Pages" tab. This has also occurred when a page or layout is dragged and dropped to the "Create New Page" icon to create a duplicate in the "Pages" tab. Design elements should not change when a layout is duplicated, and this did not happen in previous versions.

    This first appeared in an .idml file that was created in 2019, and carries over to new files based on that .idml. It…

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  17. Can't open some Indesign files in finder

    Since the latest 2022 update certain Indesign files will not open via finder - either by double clicking the file icon or going command>O. The app doesn't even acknowledge your action, only workaround is by opening via the app which is an absolute pain. Absolutely ridiculous.

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  18. Can't Duplicate multiple Page with Alt + Drag and place them in a specific place just moves to bottom

    This used to work but the past years updates have stopped this function, again another thing that worked removed! You used to be able to shift click on a few pages in the pages panel then alt drag them and place them ANYWHERE in the document, sometimes i liked them straight underneath current pages but now for some unknown reason its doesn't allow me to do this with more than one page? when you try to move the selected pages nothing happens and the pages are just duplicated at the end of the document not very helpful with a 100…

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  19. Page tool doesn't allow me to align Pages in Spread.

    When i Disallow Document Pages to Shuffle and Mix 3 Pages in One Spread, lets say as an Example i Want to make a cover, the Page tool doesn't let me align the pages if i need it to, please see the video.

    My InDesign Version is InDesign 2021 - 16.1.x64 - Running on Windows 10 Pro - X64

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  20. Choose Anchor point when changing Document size

    When changing the Document Size, Id always crops/adds equal parts on all sides. It would be nice to choose whether to crop to center or from a specific corner or side (see the Photoshop Legacy Crop interface)

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