Master page «Based on» does not work properly when objects are bleeding.
When applying B-Master (based on A-Master) on page 5, the objects bleeding on page 4 (linked to A-Master) disappear.
Thank you.

Thanks for reporting this issue. We’re reviewing it.
William Overbeeke commented
4th screenshot
William Overbeeke commented
1. Version: InDesign CC 2019 14.0.3
2. Place an object (usually any kind of graphic or text frame), on or near the gutter line between facing pages or exactly on the outer page edge on a master page. Create at least 2 differing masters.
3. Expected result: Ability to use 2 different masters on 2 consecutive facing pages without any objects disappearing or duplicating when applied to the pages. The objects cannot overlap 2 sides of the facing pages master (never cross the gutter line).
4. Actual result: If I apply one master, say, for chapter openers (master B in my screenshots), then another master for facing pages (master C in my screenshot), for example, and I apply them consecutively in facing pages, then often items disappear and/or duplicate if I have objects on the master that are on or near the page edges or gutter. It is more often that this happens to the verso (left page) than to the recto (right page), as in my screenshot examples attached. In some cases, text boxes disappear completely; in other cases frames are duplicated across the spread (not shown, or the opposite facing master will be applied as if it were B-B, not C-B. It doesn’t happen all the time or always very predictably, but I find that to prevent this bug, I often need to move objects slightly away (like 1 pt away) from the page edges or gutter to avoid this from happening.
You’ll see in screenshot 3, in particular, how the red “Test C” box on the left inexplicably disappears when a master B is applied on the consecutive right page.
Danielle Robinet commented
Thank you!