Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
403 results found
Select pages in a multi document file not displaying graphics or text.
Select pages in a multi-document file not displaying graphics or text. Layers display the links to text and graphics but does not display in Indesign nor after when it is PDF.
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
An Orginalposition einfügen
Seid Adobe InDesign 2018 tritt folgendes Problem auf.
Ich öffne ein mehrseitiges Dokument und kopiere eine Doppelseite - mit "apple + c" in die Zwischenablage. Anschließen erstelle ich ein neues Dokument (DIN A4, 2 Seiten) und füge den Inhalt der Zwischenablage über "An Orginalposition einfügen" ein. Nun werden verschieden Textboxen nicht mehr richtig angezeigt. So werden z.B. Texte die über "Textrahmenoptionen" "zentriert" ausgerichtet waren nicht mehr richtig angezeigt. Sie erscheinen nun wie einfach obenlinks ausgerichteter Text. Zur besseren Veranschaulichung habe ich zwei Sreenshots angefügt.1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
Special Character Current page numbers, double digits loose all kerning. Not able to adjust.
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
Pagina on Master page - deleted on one page
Pagina is on Master page, and deleted on one page.
In version the pagina that is deleted still shows.
In version the pagina is not there.
I do not know which version the designer used when creating the document, some version of 2017.
The pagina block is from the edge to spine.2 votes -
Indesign won't stop loading when adding a new page. Incredibly frustrating!
Indesign won't stop loading when adding a new page. Incredibly frustrating! Tried clearing other tabs, restart and shutdown computer, even updating won't solve this painful problem! I can't edit / add pages to my resume that I need to forward to a job application!
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• What were you doing when the issue was observed in InDesign?
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
Mistakenly copying layer name instead of layer content
Nobody command-clicks the an Indesign layer hoping to copy the layer name, but much of the time when attempting to copy the layer content, the layer title is the only thing brought into the clipboard.
1 voteWe have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
Reproducible Steps –
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
• Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)Adobe InDesign team
False layer gets duplicated through context menu
If for example layer 1 is selected in the layers panel and layer 2 is right-clicked, the context menu for layer 2 appears. If you choose to duplicate the layer 2, the selected layer 1 gets duplicated. Deleting works as expected.
1 voteWe have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Workaround: Select the Layer that needs to be duplicated to avoid the issue.
InDesign Team -
Incorrect Page Count Value
It appears that InDesign CS6 or any of the later CC versions is incorrectly writing the page count metadata, such as CC2018.
This can be demonstrated using Adobe Bridge or ExifTool with the -XMP-xmp:PageImagePageNumber command.
Files consisting of 1 to 2 pages are correctly reported. In all cases, only 2 pages are being shown, whether the file has 3, 4, 128 pages etc.
Screenshots from Bridge CC2018 uploaded/attached.
1 voteHi Stephen,
There is a preference in InDesign to save preview images with document, by default ‘First 2 Pages’ is selected in that preference. You can change the setting as per your requirement. It is under ‘InDesign CC/ Edit→Preferences→File Handling’.
-Anshul -
Stack Order changes when pages deleted bug
When both "Allow Document Pages to shuffle" and "Allow Selected Spread to Shuffle" are selected and you delete a spread some text boxes on other pages move behind placed graphics. To stop this unselect "Allow Selected Spread to Shuffle" option.
1 voteFix is available in version 13.1.
Please update to the latest version available to you via Creative Cloud Desktop application.Thanks,
Adobe InDesign team -
Bug with search and replace on locked layers
Hi all,
it seems I’ve found an InDesign bug that is creating some problem on a project for a customer.
I have a document with a table nested inside another table, the layer is locked but I’m able to find the text inside the nested table even if the “search on locked layer” is inactive.
I can also apply another paragraph style to the text inside the nested table (with the layer locked) and this is causing some problem because I need to change the styles of the text of unlocked layers with a script.4 votesThe issue is currently under review.
Thanks for reporting.Regards,
Abhinav -
Errorcode 2 too now.. (in Addition to Errorcode 4).. Database // Writing Rights...
After having troubles with errorcode 4 since CC17 and High Sierra, now Errorcode 2 enters the stage :(.
First Symptoms: If you are working on a document and you have to re-save it under different names, e.g. you are working with a kind of template and have to import assets and save the INDD files... you always stay in the folder of the file after using "save as" ... but in this case the Indesign points to something like "documents" or another default folder after clicking "save as".
After that i am not able to save the files or load…
2 votes -
Auto-Fit for resizing photos.
I've upgraded from InDesign CS6 to CC 2018, and cannot properly resize photos proportionately. Cannot locate "Auto-Fit" button though every tutorial/directions say this is what to use.
1 voteThe Auto-Fit button is in the Control panel in CC 2018, just like it was in CS6. There is no change as such.
FYI, it is also present under Object > Fitting > Frame Fitting Options… -
changing document size
I am using the latest Version of Indesign CC 2018. (13.0).
The following bug exists in the previous version as well.Create a new indesign document of (for example) 500 x 500mm.
Next, place some single objects close to the border, but stay inside the documentformat.
Now, go to "File; Document settings", where you can adjust the document size. Decrease the size from 500 x 500 to (for example) 400 x 400, with the Preview-Button ENABLED.
Wait for the moment until the Objects move OUTSIDE the document border, because of the to smaller fileformat.
Now, again increase the the…
1 voteAs confirmed by the user, the issue is resolved.
InDesign Team -
pages panel collapses
My document has many pages, 50 or more. When I open the document, the pages panel, more often than not, is completely collapsed, and I have to manually resize it back so that I can see all of the pages.
I have the latest version of ID. I have been using versions of ID since 2001, and I never had this problem until I purchased this one. It makes me feel regret for buying it, I can tell you. It might seem like a small thing, but believe me it is annoying.
I know ID inside and out, but nothing…1 voteAs confirmed by the user, The issue is resolved with the latest InDesign CC 2018.1(
InDesign Team
Indesign help takes me to webpage that does not exist. shows:
Safari can’t open the page “” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again.2 votesHi,
As confirmed by the user, The issue is resolved and the link is working fine.Regards
InDesign Team -
Fond de page en gabarit qui se transforme en bloc image dans les pages du document lorsqu'on importe des images dans ces pages.
Sous InDesign 2017.1 build
Je dois créer 8 panneaux différents comportant 1 logo blanc par panneau sur fond noir.
Pour créer mon fond noir et l'appliquer aux 8 pages de mon document en même temps, j'utilise un bloc vide avec couleur de remplissage noir sur le gabarit A (par défaut à la création du document). Je m'attends donc, comme d'habitude, à ce que ce fond soit en quelque sorte verrouillé sur les 8 pages de mon document et que je ne puisse intervenir dessus qu'en me positionnant sur mon gabarit.
Ensuite j'importe tous mes 8 logos en PDF que…
1 vote -
Blocked into portrait mode
My computer's touchscreen and, accidentally touching The screen, I pressed something that made all my pages go into portrait mode and I can't find a way to get them back into landscape mode. Please help! I need to finish my portfolio for tomorrow and this bug is really disturbing my work! I've already tried changing the orientation by going into file>documents setup, but the settings say my pages are already in landscape mode, even though they clearly aren't!
1 vote -
Inversion dans un menu
Indesign version 2017.1 (version française) : Pour autoriser la réorganisation des pages il faut décocher dans le menu "autoriser la réorganisation des pages" (au lieu de le cocher).
1 vote -
New Format in InDesign CC
Beim Anlegen eines neuen Formats kann man rechts oben im Optionsmenu die genauen Masse eingeben. Mit der TAB-Taste kommt man dann ja immer eine Option weiter. In Adobe Illustator und in Photoshop funktioniert das in der gewünschten Reihenfolge, im InDesign (deutsche Version) nicht: da folgt nach der Breitenangabe bei betätigter TAB-Taste die Frage nach der Einheit (z.B. mm etc.) und dann (nach weitere TAB-Taste) erst die zweite Grösse des Dokuments (also die Höhenangabe). Eigentlich sollte die logische Reihenfolge ja lauten: Breite > Höhe > Einheit.
In english:
When creating a new format, you can enter the exact mass in the…1 vote -
Enable Layout Adjustment Fails
After Enabling Layout Adjustment, then changing the page size, I get an error message that reads "Internal error communicating with AI rulebase. Layout adjustment could not be performed."
The document page size does in fact change, but pages in spreads actually overlap. Rulers at top of page do not show correct page size except on single pages (for instance, the first and last page of a facing-pages document).
1 vote
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