Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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752 results found
I was working on a document where the client had references in footnotes to other references: e.g. "See footnote 6". It would be great to have that be an auto updating cross-reference. (like paragraph numbers or page numbers work now)
You can already choose the "footnote" paragraph style, but the reference footnote number cannot be included in the script. Please fix that
72 votes -
Refine "No Break" by providing suboptions
While hyphenation preferences can be refined at the Paragraph (style) level, Character (style) options only provide a boolean “No Break” attribute which prevents line breaks whatever the location of the text in the layout.
Note, for example, that “Hyphenate Across Column” is available as a paragraph option while the user may actually want to turn on/off column breaks from within a character style. The “No Break” attribute is then too harsh, since it fully disallows line breaking.
Suppose a ITEMS character style is associated to proper names or book titles. We may want to allow regular line breaking for these…
63 votes -
In the paragraph options, we should have an option for how long the last word in a paragraph must be in order to turn down to its own line. Wording could be "minimum of __ characters on last line" And allow us to turn this feature on or off in addition to specifying the number of characters on the last line.
60 votes -
Let baseline shift be expressed as a percentage of the font size
If I've created a paragraph style, sometimes I add a character style with a different size for specific purposes, usually either a bullet point or a quote mark (to highlight a pullquote, for example).
In practice, this means a bullet point is usually smaller, and the quote mark is larger than the rest of the paragraph text. I alter this size as a horizontal and vertical scale, NOT a specific size in points, as this lets the characters scale in proportion when I alter the type size of the paragraph style.
However, I usually also include a baseline shift in…
59 votes -
Select multiple lines of text.
The ability to highlight text on different lines with a simple command or alt press.
55 votes -
Static Endnotes
I need a possibility to turn off the automatic endnote function that appears in InDesign CC 2018. It may be practical for some applications, but it greatly impedes the flexibility of many designs. Can someone tell me if this is possible – the endnotes don't need to be dynamic for my purposes. The way they were imported when placing a Word document in ID CC 2017 was fine.
Richt now, the only way I know to work around it is to use Peter Kahrel's footnote to endnote script.51 votesHello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0 Team
50 votes
Custom numbered footnotes
One feature is really missing from the beginning - and this a free style numbering (endnotes and footnotes as well).
So many times we get the Asterisk (*) as start, followed by numbered footnotes (1, 2, 3, 4, …). So it would be helpful to define something like this: *, # (<-- which means, first Asterisk and numbered from up there, etc.) Or *, o, # etc.
Example for placed footnote text:
- Temp o Temp 1 Temp 2 Temp 3 Temp . . .
It could be implemented in the footnote area of the text container (Command/STRG B) and into…
49 votes -
Would like a feature that would set type flush left to the longest centered line
I often need to set poetry extracts in books so that they are flush left to the longest centered line in the extract—see attached examples.
The workarounds a cumbersome and/or time consuming.
It would be great if there was a setting to do this automatically.
47 votes -
Apply Character style to Running variable header + header in more then one line
Add a possibility to apply character style to Running variable header (italic, bold etc.) and add a possibility to have running header in more than one line
45 votes -
Temporarily disable GREP styles
I'm working on a long document that uses GREP Styles. the applied styles only change the colour of text, so they don’t affect the flow of text. But they sure do slow down the program. I would like to be able to disable the GREP Styles in the paragraph style to speed up the program. The only way to disable GREP Styles is to remove them from the style definition. I duplicated the style to keep a backup of my GREP expressions, but what would be better is a way to individually disable the styles while keeping the expression in…
43 votes -
bullets disappear when you outline the text
bullets disappear when you outline the text. how is this a thing. fix this immediately.
43 votes -
Turn off 'missing fonts' alert
A setting (with no docs open) that says "don't alert me to missing fonts" when I open a doc. It would be just like the "don't ask me about missing links" setting - which we like in the studio. Because sometimes we need to check lots of docs for something (could be a house style thing, a find-replace thing, a colour check thing etc) but don't want to be 'font-alerted' at this stage. The warning seems too pedantic when we're nowhere near final production stages...
43 votes -
XML structures and footnotes/endnotes
This is a point which was subject of lot of discussion since years in several forums. Even this uservoice mentions it (partly) sometime but obviously it hasn't been considered at all.
In InDesign, a footnote can't contain xml structures.
In InDesign, it is not possible to map an xml element to the footnote object.
This is really weird, since:
a) mapping XML element to an InDesign object is something exiting already for tables thanks to attribute aid:table. So why not having set an attribute aid:note, with values "footnote" and "endnote" and implementing this?
b) footnotes and endnotes can contain by…41 votesThanks for reporting the issue.
We will review it shortly.-InDesign Team
Diagonal strike through text
Please allow designers to use diagonal strike through text.
Designer should be able to ...
- Set the trike through line for single a text selection
- Define this in a paragraph style
- Use it as a property in a script
- choose a direction (top left to bottom right / Bottom left to upper right)
- define a line thickness and color
- choose to only display a part of the line below and on top of the textThanks
40 votes -
Uncheck Shared Hyperlink Destination by default
In the panel 'New Hyperlink' the box 'Shared Hyperlink Destination' is by default checked. I always (must) uncheck it. Two questions: can I reset these default-settings somewhere. (I think not - but I'll like to do that). There is no possibility to put this check on/off under a shortcut. That should be nice for automation-purpose.
39 votes -
Full support to Mongolian vertical LTR and reading its font open type feature to combine characters
Full support to Mongolian vertical LTR and reading its font open type feature to combine characters. Currently using Mongolian Baiti or Noto Sans Mongolian fonts the characters in the words do not connect to the correct initial, medial or final forms. Only isolated forms are displayed. We tried any current settings but the characters do not combine. Is there a function to do this? We have not found any plug-ins so far. Perhaps it could be that the open type tables are not read which may be one reason for this. See the attached IndDesign file
38 votes -
make Spell Check and Find/Change operate in page order rather than chronological order of text box creation
Find/Change and Spell Check seem to function in a random way (they actually search through text boxes in the order in which the boxes were created in the document). In a large document a user can become very confused about how much of the document is searched, especially if he makes changes mid-search.
It would be much more user friendly if the functions would operate in a page by page order.
38 votes -
Only show Open Type »O« if there really are Open Type features
It makes no sense to show the »O« if there are no Open Type features. But it slows down the workflow: every time you move the mouse to the O to see if there are maybe some alternatives – and there are not – you loose time. Not very much time, but it adds up.
36 votes -
Improve the tabs window interface
No matter what size your text is or how much Iyou zoom in, when you open the tabs window to set or modify tabs, the window is WAY too small, and the little arrows to adjust the tabs WAY too fussy. It's almost impossible to grab the existing tab to move it over or even select it, and you end up creating 4 or 5 new tabs because you're clicking on the ruler trying to select an existing tab. I wait for this to improve with every update. Going in to my 25th year as a graphic designer, and I…
35 votes
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