Refine "No Break" by providing suboptions
While hyphenation preferences can be refined at the Paragraph (style) level, Character (style) options only provide a boolean “No Break” attribute which prevents line breaks whatever the location of the text in the layout.
Note, for example, that “Hyphenate Across Column” is available as a paragraph option while the user may actually want to turn on/off column breaks from within a character style. The “No Break” attribute is then too harsh, since it fully disallows line breaking.
Suppose a ITEMS character style is associated to proper names or book titles. We may want to allow regular line breaking for these ITEMS within a frame or a page, but we may need to exclude breaks across frame or page, making sure that ITEMS always appear in full within a visual block.
A way to fix this would be to make the character “No Break” attribute more detailed. Instead of a true/false value, a dropdown list of distinct options could be implemented: [No Break (full), No Break Across Column, No Break Across Frame, No Break Across Page]
Note: The option “No hyphenation” (i.e. “No Word Break”) could be added in that list as well. This would address another feature request which is clearly connected to the present one:
Thanks for considering this idea.

Libris Simas Ferraz commented
No Break also ignores Discretionary Line Breaks, so an option for "No Break except as marked" (or some better name!) would be great.
Yassine commented
Amazing idea !
It will be very helpful.
I hope something similar will be implemented soon. -
JeffK commented
Very helpful proposal.
Anonymous commented
Great idea! I use no break a lot and have to customize my greps to fix specific word issues.
Philippe commented
Thanks for this idea! It would be great in edition.
Anonymous commented
yes, break alternatives are a must. in spanish words ending in culo (***) like espectáculo, obstáculo, etc, are usually not hyphenated with "culo" beginning the next line. options to detect them, not simply avoiding partitions, and manage are part of this discussion. thanks, mr Autret.
Anonymous commented
Yes definitely would be nice to have this option rather than ugly forced-line-break.