Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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747 results found
Integrate Optical Margin Alignment into Paragraph tab
Currently, the Story tab is a standalone tab, offering only one checkbox: the Optical Margin Alignment option. This functionality, in my opinion, is closely related to paragraph adjustments, such as paragraph alignment within text boxes. Given its nature, it seems more intuitive and efficient to integrate Optical Margin Alignment within the Paragraph tab or the main text formatting panel.
Adding the Story tab to my workspace alongside essential tabs like Character, Paragraph, and various styles consumes more horizontal screen space than necessary. Once positioned next to other panels, the tab's label, "Story," becomes difficult to read due to the limited…
1 vote -
Make other type of non-separable characters
Sometimes, on dealing with math questions, we need to use measurament unities like "kg/cm²" and the character "/" wrap the line, separating a measure that is one itself. So I think it might be nice to include other non-separable characters than space and hyphen, like non-separable "!", "()", "/", ", etc. Maybe it could be even an option in the character panel...
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Make overset text + icon stand out better
Maybe it is just me grappling with this, but I find it extremely hard to see the overset text ‘+’ in the bottom right of the text frames. Sure, I can go to preflight panel and resolve everything from there, but I often fix many other things too as I go and work quite visually. If the box had a red fill and the + was white, it would stand out better. Currently I have to zoom way out to get an idea of where they are.
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Please fix text boxes after accepting a PDF comment
When importing PDF comments and accepting the markup/comment, the text box becomes unresponsive until you click off and back on multiple times. This has been an unaddressed bug for years. I am working on a catalogue with over 1,000 comments, this is going to double the time it takes to work on each page. Please fix this bug
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Change hypenation-language for all text frames at the same time
I would like to select all text frames on one page and change the (hypenation-)language for all of them at the same time. This would save a lot of time when working with seveal languages in the same document.
I know, that I can add new paragraph styles with the corresponding language setting. But that takes way too much time. In our documents, each language has its own layer.1 vote -
Font Paths
In the Links pallet, I can see the path to a link; EVEN if it's missing I can see where it was linked from. I would like the same thing for Fonts. In Find/Replace fonts I can only see a path to fonts that are found. I would like a path for Missing fonts, so I know--- were the activated through the Cloud? Or from someone's Font folder (and not properly Packaged). If I know, I can either Activate the fonts from Adobe, or retrieve the fonts from their local hiding place. It would remove the risk of activating an…
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Font paths
In the Links pallet, I can see the path to a link; EVEN if it's missing I can see where it was linked from. I would like the same thing for Fonts. In Find/Replace fonts I can only see a path to fonts that are found. I would like a path for Missing fonts, so I know--- were the activated through the Cloud? Or from someone's Font folder (and not properly Packaged). If I know, I can either Activate the fonts from Adobe, or retrieve the fonts from their local hiding place. It would remove the risk of activating an…
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Vertical Type
Please add a Vertical Type tool like the one that is in Illustrator and Photoshop. The method of typing each letter on a line and returning after each is fine, but more time-consuming than it needs to be. The other method, using Type on a Path with a straight line and the stair step effect, does not produce aligned text.
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Span Columns -- please allow to control width of individual columns
I posted this same note under a topic called "Uneven columns," thinking it was to do with Span Columns. I realized later that it was referring to text frame columns. I am reposting here; please excuse the redundancy.
I run into this over and over and over again when typesetting business text books. Sometimes bullet items are long and sometimes short. The way columns work now, I'm forced to have some of the longer bullet text break to two lines even though, if i could adjust the column widths and have better control over the gutter, there would be ample…
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Paragraph Styles / shading transparency options
I would love to see the paragraph styles / shading have transparency options (multiply, darken, etc.)
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Scaling Text in InDesign
I would like to suggest an improvement to how InDesign handles text scaling. Currently, when I scale an object containing text, the visual size of the text changes, but InDesign still shows the original size in the text panel, displayed in parentheses. This forces users to go through several complicated steps to make the scaled text size permanent without showing the parentheses.
It would be incredibly useful if Adobe could implement a simple feature where the scaled text size is automatically updated to a permanent size, without needing to create outlines or perform manual recalculations. This would streamline workflows and…
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In Find/replace be able to find specifically an upper or lower case version of the search
Several fonts have kerning issues. Specifically capital Y and lower case o like in words such as You. The Yo tends to look like Y ou. Lowercase usually looks fine. The request is to be able to find specifically a cap or lower case version of a letter or group of letters. In the Y o example putting a negative tracking on the Y will make it once again look like Yo without having to find and fix in excess of 80 You, yours, etc. per file.
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insert "current date" like MS Word does.
insert "current date" like MS Word does.
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Add a tab feature that automatically sets even spacing between words or blocks of text
When creating forms, I often have a line of text where I need to break the line into individual words or groups of words, similar to placing them in columns, but it's done using tab stops. It would be great to have a tab feature that lets you automatically set the tab distance between each word group so that the spacing between each word group is consistent. Right now it has to be done manually setting multiple tab stops on each line, which is time-consuming.
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Free time
Looking for some online entertainment, I came across . I liked that the site was easy to navigate and seemed safe. Plus, they offer bonuses that suit Bangladeshi users, which adds a nice local touch. I find it enjoyable to spend my time here, with a variety of games that keep things interesting. The platform is a great way to unwind without feeling too commercial or complicated.
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Combine Enhance Scanned File with AI
I have a very large scanned pdf of a document that was typed with an old typewriter. I am transferring it all to InDesign and the quality of the text when I copy and paste from the scanned document is awful which is making me have to retype large chunks.
It would be very powerful to use AI to test the text and make sense of it rather than the current output which is mostly garbage.
And when I use the spell suggester, it comes out with such random suggestions which bear no relation to the actual spelling of the…1 vote -
Ancient Greek spell check
I have read an article ( about adding a Hunspell dictionary in inDesign and try to insert the Ancient Greek dic in InDesign but it was not working properly. I hope Adobe in the future to include and the Ancient Greek Language as there are many University Studies which teach Ancient Greek Literature and print books in ancient greek language. There is already a free hunspell dic so I suppose that it will be easy for adobe such a thing.
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Word Import: local overrides filter
when importing a Word file with removing pragraph formats while keeping local overrides a FILTER would be great: which type of local override?
p.e. I'd use only italcs.
then allow these local overrides be formatted with a characeter format.Working with importing Word is a pain, causing lot of mistakes and even crushes InDesign. A filter like this might clean up imported data while keeing necessary formatting.
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Update text box design so that the middle bottom anchor point isn't almost always hidden by "Explore more text options" / "O" icon
The text box needs an update. I can almost never adjust the size of my text boxes from the middle bottom anchorpoint, butcause the "O" icon for "Explore More Text Options" is on top of it or near enough to it that I can't select the anchorpoint. I need to be able to resize text boxes from the bottom middle anchorpoint. Adjusting the size with the bottom right anchorpoint isn't a usually a good option because the width will change slightly.
Fix this issue by moving the O icon away from any anchorpoints outside of the box somewhere.
6 votes -
Add different offset for start/end poin
Add different offset for start/end point in paragraph rules and strikethrough
1 vote
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