bullets disappear when you outline the text
bullets disappear when you outline the text. how is this a thing. fix this immediately.

mig sicari commented
Just logging this is still an issue.
Luckily caught it in my case and used the workaround.
Anonymous commented
Is there a workaround?
Anonymous commented
You are kidding me right? I cant believe this has to be a feature request. This bug has been known for so long. In Europe printing press demans font conversion. No matter how people in the US forums talk about poor workflow. WE NEED THIS!
Kevin Walton commented
Fix this in Illustrator, too!
Saima commented
This works, thanks!
"Rodolfo Téllez Girón commented · August 18, 2021 02:53 · Report
I found a solution to this with numbered lists: instead of selecting the whole text box (with cmd + click), try double clicking inside the box so you can edit the text. Then, press cmd + a to select all the text and then press cmd + shift + o to create the outline. The numbering will not be affected."
evasheep commented
just wasted a huge foam board signage due to this problem from illustrator, I hope this problem can be solved on indeisgn too.
Gobbs commented
Hello Adobe, we need your IMMEDIATE ATTENTION
Converted the bullets into text but bullets still disappeared after I "Create Outlines".
Another item that disappear after I "Create Outlines", was the translucent white background behind the text I created with "Text Frame Options"
Just sent out my brochure for printing without creating outlines.
This is a serious issue and it seems like an old issue that has not been solved. : (
vallery agrawal commented
Out of multiple problems this expensive software gives..it is just another added to list? Does anyone care?
scapricorn commented
Hello guys. I've been chatting with an Adobe agent which helped me resolve it. You first need to convert the bullets into text – after that you can outline the text without the bullets/numbers disappearing.
Select the text box -> Type -> Bullet and Numbered lists -> Convert Bullet and Numbers to text
After that you can use the normal command + shift + O.
Not super smooth but at least it works!
Rodolfo Téllez Girón commented
I found a solution to this with numbered lists: instead of selecting the whole text box (with cmd + click), try double clicking inside the box so you can edit the text. Then, press cmd + a to select all the text and then press cmd + shift + o to create the outline. The numbering will not be affected.
Quynh Ta commented
So what should I do now? Illustrator or PowerPoint instead?? We need InDesign for brochures, what do you think about a non-bullet brochure?????????
Anonymous commented
Ridiculous that this is a problem in Adobe's publication design program, wherein outlined text would be often needed for docs sent to printers.
Anonymous commented
2 and a half years later, not fixed :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
Anonymous commented
You complete imbeciles ! I upgraded my very old CS5 for the 2020 subscription and STILL this is an issue. What on earth are you charging a monthly fee for if you don't update your software? I expected big improvements to the whole suite of products but this is really bad.
Anonymous commented
Hello Adobe? This has been a costly issue for many designers during 2 decades. Are you listening ?
Andy commented
Just dumped 10,000 brochures in the bin. When will this be resolved??
Anonymous commented
This is a costly error!
Zach commented
Totally agree. Designers shouldn't have to worry about basic elements disappearing (without warning) when outlining fonts in InDesign. Bulleted and Numbered lists as well as strokes and fills applied to text boxes should outline or somehow be retained when outlining fonts.
Bogdan commented
Yeah, Anonymous commented · September 17, 2018 21:55 - what you say it's correct but, as we can use the bullets and numbering when editing the text paragraphs, we should be able to safely convert them to outlines.
The same issue with disappearing we have on text box. If we use a text box with some colour background for design reasons, when we convert text to outlines, the box disappears. Only the outlined text itself remains in place.
Anonymous commented
This has been a thing for at least 10 years. I'd recommend using a bullet glyph instead of the "Bullets and Numbering" option. It's much easier to do and not worry about remembering to convert bullets to text before you outline for PDF.