Temporarily disable GREP styles
I'm working on a long document that uses GREP Styles. the applied styles only change the colour of text, so they don’t affect the flow of text. But they sure do slow down the program. I would like to be able to disable the GREP Styles in the paragraph style to speed up the program. The only way to disable GREP Styles is to remove them from the style definition. I duplicated the style to keep a backup of my GREP expressions, but what would be better is a way to individually disable the styles while keeping the expression in the style definition.
This could pair well with the Based On feature. I could make a paragraph style that contains many GREP expression then enable or disable them within the various child styles.

Charlotte Sinclaire commented
This would be so helpful to me! I design books and need to use NoBreak a lot. But the script I use has to reflow every time I make a change in the layout. I'd like to have it available but be able to turn it off when I want to charge ahead with layout. It is cumbersome to reinsert and retype GREP expressions for every single document (even though the NoBreak one is rather simple; but some aren't). I would appreciate being able to temporarily disable GREP expressions without having to delete them from the style and re-enter them if I need them again later.
Jorge commented
Check out the script “Grep Styles On Off” at http://www.kerntiff.co.uk/free-stuff/grep-styles-on-off
Stéphane Baril commented
I'm seeing a lot of value to have a "freeze calculation button" for any GREP Styles user.
Perhaps also some options in the Export and Print dialog boxes to choose if you want a new calculation before export/print or if you want to rely on the previous one, so that you'll skip the calculation time!This being said, editing the text or the GREP Style will still take time but will be freeze (option) when exiting the text bloc and if you don't resize the text bloc (position with no warp option will not launch a new calculation).
Fabien Dronkert commented
We are a 20th of graphic designers working on a standardized process.
In this process we create many files with styles that contain 10th of GREP styles.
For each action, create block of text, move block, click in a block of text, and so on. indesign will freeze for several minutes.
The more text you have, the longer it takes.
The more you have grep style, the longer it is.
(After analysis, the longest grep styles to calculate are those related to the color change of the text, but we must find a solution for the whole and not just for the color treatments).
A button that would stop the GREP calculations would earn 10 minutes of productivity per day per person.