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  1. Export All Alternate Layouts as PDFs With Layout Name

    I use the alternate layout tool a lot to group different sized content in the same InDesign file.

    While I know I can select the layout as a range during export, it would be a huge timesaver to be able to export all of my layouts as separate PDFs and then just add the alternate layout name to the end of the PDF file.

    Ideally this could be a check box in the export settings "export each alternate layout as a separate file"

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  2. Advanced Paragraph Shading Options

    1. The ability to specify a specific measured width for paragraph shading in pica, inches or whatever is the standard unit for the document.
    2. The ability to extend shading through continuous paragraphs. (i.e. If two consecutive paragraphs have the same paragraph style (with shading) that there is no gap between the paragraphs. Currently you have to use offset to extend these.
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  3. Update the QR Code dialog box

    The current QR Code dialog box has options for very basic QR codes, but does not take into account recent improvements and developments for the QR Code syntax. It would be great if the dialog could also include options for calendar events, map coordinates, etc (syntax can be found at

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  4. Add a built in HTML5 Page Curl Effect please

    At the moment Indesign still only offers the SWF option to create a page curl effect and with Flash player soon to be no longer supported, and currently it only works intermittently now, it would be very useful to have a built in html5 version. At the moment the only option is to purchase an expensive plugin from In5 to do something I think Indesign should have?

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  5. XML Import URL

    it would be nice if there was an invocation of an xml-file by url. It's time for InDesign to look to the future.

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  6. Transform Each

    There should be a Transform Each or "Transform Individually" tool, just like there is in Illustrator

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  7. Rotating a linear gradient used in paragraph shading

    At the moment there is no level of control for rotating a linear gradient used in paragraph shading. Please add that functionality.

    Thanks, René

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  8. Live link Microsoft word documents when placed in InDesign

    When working with lots of teams and writers in our organisation. the constant issue we run into is only a select group of people have InDesign and the experience to operate the files. If there was a way when placing word documents were linked into InDesign, this would allow for a much more fluid workflow when there are a lot of edits.

    I am sure there are many limitations to this, but finding some sort of solution could make a big difference to creating quality documents that will allow non indesign users access. InCopy is not a viable option in…

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  9. 'Even' and 'odd' pages from consecutive files in an InDesign book will not combine on a spread when exporting to PDF

    When exporting a book with multiple InDesign files to PDF the last 'even' page from document 'x' needs to combine with the first 'odd' page of the next document on a spread.
    So let's say document 1 is from page 1-6 and document 2 is from page 7 to page 50, pages 6 and 7 need to merge onto a spread when exporting to PDF. It will now make separate pages, while the pages from one and the same document do come out as spreads.

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  10. Table cell stroke missing (once save to IDML)

    2019 indesign bug: When I save as an IDML version for our client, the table cell has a missing 'stroke/baseline for all the pages.

    Please see comparison of 2019 and IDML version.

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  11. Add section number (^x) in Paragraph Style / Bullets and Numbering / Number

    The ability to add the section number in Paragraph Style / Bullets and Numbering / Number.

    Currently, chapter number (^H) works but section number (^x) does not.

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  12. Cross Reference feature - Relink selection to a different Indesign document

    I need assistance to add a feature to the cross references panel. Right now you cannot batch relink cross references to a different indesign document. I need a feature added to this such as relink selected, locate different document, select and relink. Right now the only way to do this is to individually relink each cross-reference. For example if I have a book file and the glossary with 250 entries in it and I change some of the content from one document to another and move the text anchors with it, I have to individually relink each cross reference. Could…

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  13. let users change app language dynamically, without re-installing the app.

    Users can't but reinstall apps in order to change language(e.g. Korean -> English).
    I want it to be more simple.
    Mandatory reinstallation just for changing language is overkill.

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  14. Eliminate document size limits

    It would be great if there weren't size limit on documents. I am currently working on a very large design for a trade show booth. And I have to do it in Photoshop due to the size limits of InDesign. It is taking so much longer than it needs to because every time I try to transform or resize something, it takes 20 minutes to complete a small task Doing this in InDesign would be way better.

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  15. select page on PDF place with drag and drop

    When I drag & drop a multipage PDF it place ever the first page. It could be useful a shortcut to select the other page

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  16. The option to LOCK panels and their objects into place so they cannot be undocked by accident.

    Not everyone one of us is young, and some of us have conditions where we're not able to fully control our movements such as advanced arthritis or MS. I often accidently undock an item in the panel, and I mean OFTEN. It is frustrating, and interrupts my workflow.

    For accessibility to disabled designers, there really SHOULD be a way to make those docks NOT so easily moved, undocked, etc. Floating panels was fine when I had finger control but now that I'm in early stages of MS--its frustrating that I accidently undock an item from a panel or move the…

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  17. I have problems copying illustrations from illustrator into documents InDesign.

    I have problems copying illustrations from illustrator into documents InDesign.

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  18. Allow alternating row fills AND column fills in table styles

    Currently, there is no automatic way to have a table with alternating row fills AND alternating column fills; the table settings will only allow you to set one or the other, and you must manually change the colors of the rows (if you set columns to alternate in the style) or columns (if you set rows to alternate in the style) from there.

    It would be nice if we could set BOTH columns and rows to have alternate fills. For example:

    You have a table with five columns, ten rows. You tell every other column to be 100% Magenta. You…

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  19. Animation Effects

    It would be great if the animation effects of the Online Publish function could be made more sophisticated.

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  20. Define word count when filling placeholder text

    When creating documents waiting on content to be supplied, would be great to be able to define number of words or paragraphs for placeholder text to help accurately identify space that may be required.

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