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153 results found

  1. Make text variables/live captions breakable like normal text

    We work a lot with pictures that get there captions from xmp meta data stored in the pictures.

    There is a great feature in InDesign called textvariables/live captions ;) for this… BUT these variables don‘t wrap like normal text :(

    Instead we have to convert the live captions to static text to get the proper text warp and in doing so losing our live link to the XMP meta data.

    So please enhance this feature to a real feature and allow variables to wrap like normal text. Thanks!

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  2. Continue footnotes numeration

    Add the possibility to continue footnotes numeration over different stories. For example, continue footnotes numeration on different chapters of a book, where each chapter is one independent file.

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  3. Add run-in footnotes

    Add run-in footnotes, so multiple footnotes could be on the same line to save space (instead of every footnote starting on a new line)

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  4. disable "live-update" of cross-references

    we are working on large document (about 600 pages) with many cross-references (over 3000).
    This leads to a very slow performance and makes working with the document a real test of patience.
    It would be great to have an option to temporarily disable the "live-update" of the cross-references!

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  5. Managing Multiple Sets of Endnotes In a Document AND allowing Endnotes to refer to a separate INDD Document

    Issue #1:
    Here's my first dilemma: I am building a book with several hundred pages. This book will be printed (won't be an eBook/iBook). I'm keeping each chapter as its own document that I will then collect together as a larger Book at the end. The last chapter will be just for all the book's endnotes. In previous versions of InDesign, I would import the Word document, delete the endnotes out of the "Chapter x" document, and pop them back into the "Endnotes chapter" without affecting the superscripts referencing the endnotes throughout the text. Easy. Now, in cc 2018 if…

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  6. Table of Contents

    Table of Contents styles should be able to take a selected page range, and generate a TOC based on only that page range.

    Many books have multiple TOCs these days — a master TOC up front, and TOCs at the beginning of each chapter or section, and often a hidden TOC that is used to generate PDF bookmarks.

    Being able to limit page ranges would mean less manually edited of generated TOCs, faster TOC generation, and needing to use fewer paragraph/character styles to handle them!

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  7. Multiple index

    Support for multiple indices (Index of Subject, Index of Authors, Index of Passages, Index of pictures, index of tables).

    That would greatly improve performance of work and cut a lot of time and get out books faster than before with higher accuracy!

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  8. Text variables to include auto numbers

    When creating a text variable, it would be great to have it capture the auto numbering, e.g. if the heading is "1. Introduction" and the number is set as an auto number to the paragraph style, then the text variable that references that paragraph style should also pick up the number. At the moment, all you get from the text variable is "Introduction". Or at least have that as an option!

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  9. Table of Contents: Character Style Improvements

    TOCs need to be able to do three different things with character styles that are included in text in a generated TOC:

    1. The Character Style stays present in the TOC (this is currently what InDesign does)
    2. The Character Style is stripped.
    3. The Character Style is mapped to another character style.

    These settings should accessible in the Style: <stylename> section of the TOC options -- customizable for each paragraph style used to generate the TOC.

    The most notable use for the mapping style is when the typeface between the TOC and the body text of the book differs, or when the…

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  10. Allow more formatting of running heads

    I'm working on a book whose running heads use both bold and roman type. (Chapter 1: Chapter title where "Chapter 1:" is bold and "Chapter TItle" is roman. As far as I know, I can't use variables or automatic section heads to format this way so have resorted to having a separate master page for each chapter.

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  11. Running Headers to pull from previous page

    Add the ability for a paragraph/character style to pull from previous page. Currently only given first on page and last on page. Need more options. example: chapter 1title is on page 1 and text crosses onto page 2. At the end of page 2 is the next chapter title, but need to be able to put the previous chapter header on page 2 as a running header.

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  12. Add global level or book level text variables.

    It would be nice to have book level text variable(s) that is used in documents in that book.

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  13. Select multiple objects/images across spreads

    Please develop a way to select multiple object or images across multiple spreads. I have a 300+ page document that needs all images nudged slightly up or down.

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  14. 34 votes

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  15. character styles stay/strip/replace in VARIABLES

    Headers created with Variables need to be able to do three different things with character styles that are included in text :

    1. The Character Style stays present in the VARIABLE ;
    2. The Character Style is stripped.
    3. The Character Style is mapped to another character style.

    These settings should accessible in the Style: <stylename> section of the TOC options -- customizable for each paragraph style used to generate the TOC.

    The most notable use for the mapping style is when the typeface between the TOC and the body text of the book differs,…

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  16. Easier Conditional Text in Tables

    Currently, to apply conditional text to text inside tables, you have to go cell-by-cell to apply the text. This behavior is unlike character and paragraph style application, where you can simply select a bunch of cells and apply the styles all at once. Conditional text application to cell contents should behave the same.

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  17. Index - import topics

    To be able to import file as a starting point to creating an index.

    For example – I have a huge index to create and a seperate file with a list of all the individual entries (not a made up index, just a basic file with a list item on a new line). I want to be able to iport this document into the index panel and create topics from each item. As now I have to copy each item create a new entry paste then create it.

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  18. Option in TOC dialogue which merges the same instances into one followed by a page range number

    I have a design guide with a complex table of contents (see toc1.png).

    There are topics like “Head - und Subline Allgemein” (see toc1.pgn) which spans over 3 different pages. After generating the TOC the topic is listed 3 times followed by their associated page number (see toc1.pgn).

    I would like to see a check box in the table of contents dialogue box which merges all the same instances into one followed by the page range number (see toc2.png)!

    Perhaps with a control of what character separates the two page numbers.

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  19. Endnotes from different documents at the end of a book

    When working in a book with several documents and endnotes in each dokument, it would be natural to have it at the print them at the end of the book (Mac)

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  20. pages counter in book panel

    It would be useful to see total number of pages in a book.
    I could be displayed in the very bottom row of book panel, next to synchronize or save book icons (on the left).

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