Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6933 results found
Blinking when selecting text
When selecting text, the images and the ui blink
4 votes -
Linked Images Disappearing/ InDesign Files Opening as Read-Only
Good morning!
After my computer updated to Monterey 12.3.1, the linked images in InDesign files (indd) turn black or static or with colored stripes like bad reception on an old TV. The link panel did not show a broken link but I had to manually relink all the files. I've tried reinstalling InDesign and going back to an earlier version of InDesign. All to no avail.
A second problem that occurred is that InDesign files would only open as read only. When I tried to resave it said that someone had them checked out or I didn't have permissions to…
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InDesign 2022 PDF Export Failure with macOS Monterey
Since updating to macOS Monterey v. 12.3.1, InDesign (V 17.2) will frequently fail to export a PDF to a data server. I will attempt to export, and it will fail, but when I export to the downloads folder, it works just fine. That issue also extends to when I create an imposed job using the plug-in HP SmartStream. The temporary file will load on the server, but once SmartStream completes, it will disappear. Exporting to the downloads folder works for that too. There's no rhyme or reason as to when it happens, and I never had this issue before updating…
4 votes -
OCR F font is no longer displayed
InDesign 17.2
Since I upgraded to InDesign 17.2, the OCR F font is no longer displayed. The font runs perfectly on Illustrator and other programmes.
I have cleared the font cache, reinstalled InDesign and re-downloaded and reinstalled the font from Lynotype.
This font simply does not seem to exist for InDesign!4 votes -
.TTF and .OTF font display/loading BUG InDesign 17.2
Fonts that used to load fine in InDesign appear missing even though they are installed and work in other apps like Illustrator or even Word.
Specifically this is occurring with a font that has unique glyphs: Noto Sans - Canadian Aboriginal Regular.TTF this has also been tested with a conversion to .OTF with the same result and this error has been confirmed across multiple devices.
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How to fix package dialog box too wide?
The package dialog box got too wide. How to fix it?
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switching between open files
Version 17.1
Every time I have two ID files open (or more than one file), switching between them takes approximately 30 seconds. This has been happening on and off for a few months, but now happens every time I have more than one file open.4 votes -
Cannot click top MacOS Menu Bar with Indesign running
With Indesign 17 running, top menu bar on MacOS Monterey is unclickable (Apple menu onwards - e.g. File, Edit etc). Sometimes releasing the mouse makes the dropdown menu appear - but can't click on items - or the menu next to the one wanted appears). Quitting InDesgn restores the top menu to normal functions for other Apps.
4 votes -
Display problem in normal screen mode (with guides)
The display has strange lines and a gray background.
MacOS Monterey M14 votes -
Indesign can't search tagged folders
Indesign (17.1 Build) will wrongly show empty folders when I select a Finder tagged folder.
What can I do? I need this function. It's a big timesaver.
Wilm4 votes -
InDesign crashes when formatting footnotes
Formatting footnotes using InDesign 2022 v 17.1 causes severe lag and eventually the program seizes up and must be ended through task manager. Full details here:
The resolution to the issue was to roll back InDesign to 16.4.1, no such problems with that.
Sample files that caused the crash are here:
4 votes -
On master page spread, items get applied to the wrong page
Say I have a two-page master, with facing pages turned on.
And say I have a rectangle spanning the top edge of my left page, and say the right page is empty.When I apply this master to a right sided page (thus using only the right side master), the left rectangle will be rendered onto the left page, even though it shouldn't (as the rectangle belongs to the left handed master, which isn't applied).
This happens when the rectangle is touching the spine, and it's probably rendered by indesign as being part of the right master.
This happens even…4 votes -
multiple files not placing correctly when multi-page pdf is present
when placing multiple PDF files, after placing a multi-page PDF, the next file in sequence is skipped.
InDesign v 17.0.1
to reproduce:
- open place dialogue and select multiple files from same folder (with options)
- apply options for 'all' pages
- place the sequenceWe would expect all pages of all files to place.
Instead, some files are not placed but remain in the links window without a selectable link on the page.
In the screenshot you can see that after each multi-page PDF the following file is not loaded into the placegun.
4 votes -
InDesign 2022 - Wrong Icons in Toolbar
It looks like the icons for selection and direct selection are flip-flipped in the toolbar.
Selection should be black, and direct select should be white.
4 votes -
Can not save or export in MacOS Montery
- version 17.0, apple M1 (also rosetta) MacOS Montery
- Click File, then click Save, Save As or Export
- A window pops up to save or export
- Nothing shows..
- nothing to show....
I can work on my files, but can not save, save as or export anything.
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Some hyperlinks/cross-references lost in HTML export
When exporting a document containing hyperlinks and/or cross-references to HTML, some hyperlinks are lost.
See the screenshot of an example InDesign document attached. (This is an anonymised excerpt from a much larger document.) The index item at the bottom contains cross-references to numbered/lettered paragraphs in the text above.
In the actual HTML output files from both InDesign 2020 and 2021, some of those cross-references have not been correctly converted into hyperlinks. (Compare the links in the expected HTML output file.)
Ugly workaround: insert extra characters immediately before and after each distinct hyperlink/cross-reference. In the actual 'bookended links' HTML file you…
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Memory issues
I began putting the current prerelease build (release candidate for InDesign 2022) through its paces on Monday. For the first time in the almost full year since I have been using this M1 MacBook Pro, the fan came roaring on, and all memory was depleted. When I started force quitting applications and consulted Activity Monitor, InDesign showed stratospheric memory use.
This doesn't happen all the time, but it seemed to degrade performance over time.
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Stop adding the word "Folder" to packaged file names.
Stop adding the word "Folder" to packaged files. My folder names are already long enough and I can tell by the icon that my end product is a folder without it ending in the word "Folder." Would be thrilled if you removed this automatic addition from InDesign.
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Share for Review error message
I am using Indesign CC 16.0.1 and I am trying to use Share for Review—I have created a simple letter sized document with shapes and filler text. When I click "Share for Review—Create" I just get the error message included below. I have tried with multiple documents over the last few weeks—I have restarted, signed in and out of change.
4 votes -
step repeat
Maybe put horizontal before vertical in Step and Repeat.... Everybody knows that x comes before y in a 2D coordinate system. It's basic geometry. I can't be the only person who trips on this bug. FIX IT!
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?