thumbnail publish online
Publish online thumbnails extend off the right hand side of the browser window and cover the button for forward navigation through the thumbails. This means that the only way to navigate to the desired page is by clicking through page by page, or by resizing the browser window and clicking quickly before the thumbnails have time to respond and cover the button.
I don't know if this is a bug since it's my first time using publish online but if it isn't, there certainly needs to be a better way to navigate through a long document, like a book. For instance scrolling quickly, page number field to jump to, or just thumbnails that don't cover their own navigation buttons.
This issue exists in both Chrome and Safari and is not unique to my published document. I've tried with other publicly available documents and the viewer has the same issue.
DEVICE: MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021)
BROWSER: Chrome, Safari

Richard Doering commented
I have the same problem with our documents that are long. the Thumbnails stop after about 14 pages and don't advance even when advancing the pages using the right arrow icon. screenshot attached shows that the thumbnail is limited to where the red arrow points.