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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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  2. Steps to reproduce the issues
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If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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6927 results found

  1. Turn off Share for Review email notifications

    Is there a way to Turn off Share for Review email notifications?

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  2. Activating Font

    My Indesign will randomly start trying to activate source sans pro fonts and will not ever finish activating. I can't cancel it, I can't go online to adobe fonts and decative and then active because it says there is a conflict. Because it's syncing it won't export any of my files until it's done ... and it's never done. The only way I get it to work is to force quit Indesign and it will work until it randomly starts trying to activate it again and the cycle repeats.

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  3. this update is terribly slow

    this update (16,0 x64) is terribly slow

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  4. Script | Selection on merged row makes indesign crash

    Hi everyone,

    I'm facing a new problem with a script I was working on, it is supposed to read every cells I selected and let me apply a cell and paragraph style. It works fine unless my first selection is a merge row and the second one a row without any merge.

    so selecting this two rows with this code makes indesign crash (see: rows.png):

    try {
    var mySelection = app.selection[0];
    } catch (e) {
    alert("error\n" + e.number + ": " + e.message)

    Thanks for your help,

    here's an example of my selection that crashes (error.png)

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  5. some pages are transparent in Preview Mode

    In preview mode, most empty pages are white (as they should be), but some are transparent -- the pasteboard color theme shows through.

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  6. Hidden characters not showing

    Indesign 15.1.2 OSX Catalina 10.15.4 MBP 2020 16"

    Hidden characters not showing, either from keyboard shortcut or from drop down menu, having tried various options, resolve seems to be shut down Indesign and restart Mac... not a quick fix!

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  7. MacOS Big Sur Creative Cloud Download Manager iCon not clearly visible in Apple Menu

    MacOS Big Sur Creative Cloud Download Manager iCon is barely showing up at the top of my screen. Since the top control bar in Big Sur is now transparent, I am using a black background so its quite faint. Attaching screen shot. This wasn't an issue with previous OS and had the same black background.

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  8. Variable Font: top of "U" wiggles as you change weight (FreeType bug)

    1. Download and unzip

    2. Install the font from font/DaikonVF-mini.ttf

    3. Run InDesign 15.1.1

    4. Type "AU" and choose the Daikon VF font

    5. Click the Variable Font button and move the weight slider between the extreme locations. Observe how the top of "U" "wiggles" (jumps up and down). This is shown in videos/DaikonVF-InDesign-15.1.1.mp4

    6. The same problem occurs in Illustrator 24.2.1 and I have logged it at

    7. The same problem occurs in DTL OTmaster 7.9 and in FontView 2019 (an open source app built from ) — both apps use older versions of the FreeType library.

    8. The problem no longer occurs in…

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  9. Viewing page with linked image causes file to be marked as dirty (needs saving)

    InDesign version: 15.1.1
    Additional versions tried: 15.0.3, 15.0, 14.0.3
    MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) on two different computers

    To reproduce:
    1. Create a new empty document.
    2. Add a second page to the document.
    3. Place Image, onto the page you're viewing (I did a PNG)
    4. Save and close the document.
    5. Open the document.
    6. Wait 2-20 seconds, doing nothing to change the document.

    Expected result: document opens to page with placed image, nothing else happens / changes.

    Actual result: document opens to page with placed image, and after a delay the document is marked as changed (asterisk appears in…

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  10. Find/Change dialog does not work

    InDesign Find/Change dialog does not open neither after keyboard prompt (CTRL + F) nor after to pulldown menu choice

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  11. qr


    We created a business card for our employee, that includes QR code generated within InDesign. When we tested it with Android it reads everything correctly, but when reading QR code with iPhone, it only reads first and last name and job title. We tested with several different Iphones and everywhere the same result. But when we've tested a similar business card from a colleague, it worked ok. Sending both business cards in the attachment. Daniel Fischer's business card is not working correctly on the iPhone.

    We are using InDesign 15.1.1 x64

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  12. Some spreads gone grey and only export as blank pages in 15.1.1

    I have a 48-page magazine about to go to print and three spreads have suddenly gone grey - as you see in screenshot. In the Pages panel they appear blank and when I export them - also blank. Getting worried...

    Separately, the "Fit Page/Spread in Window" instead zooms in to 2,642% magnification.

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  13. FIle extension should NOT be highlighted in the Save window.

    FIle extension should NOT be highlighted in the Save window.

    This didn't use to happen, but all the adobe apps has started doing this from 2 or 3 updates ago.

    PLEASE REVERT. There's no good reason for the file extension to be highlighted.

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  14. Update to the latest version not possible

    After reinstalling Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe InDesign CC 2018 (version 13.1) on a new Windows computer, it is not possible to update to the latest version 13.1.1.
    Even with a new installation of Adobe InDesign, version 13.0, no update is offered.
    All update installers should be available for all authorized versions * of the Creative Cloud.

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  15. Spinning wheel keeps running make program not responding

    When starting up InDesign 2020 (15.0.3) it runs a ok for a couple of minutes, then the spinning wheel comes on/off randomly. When on its impossible to use the program.
    Its the program CEP Html Engine causing the problem. A lot of instances is started up (se attached image). Tried to debug the problem and found that its the file cef.pak (in CEP Program folder) that’s the problem. When removing this, everything is fine except that the startup popup is missing.

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  16. Renaming hyperlinks shared destinations: broken links in exported PDF


    I encounter a serious issue with InDesign 2020 (15.0.3) when renaming hyperlinks shared destinations (linking pages in the same document):

    Those links seem still working in InDesign when clicking a page icon in the Hyperlinks panel (it leads to the proper destination page)
    They don't work anymore after the PDF export in Acrobat (the links are clickable but they lead nowhere)
    I had to re-create all the shared destination links in the document, which is a huge waste of time at least and makes the feature very unreliable.

    I made 2 tests files, here's the Dropbox link:


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  17. Crash when "fitting frame to content" on an inline-anchored textframe (inline or above line)

    Last week i noticed that InDesign crashes when I fit the textframe to its contents, when that textframe is anchored as "text" inside another textframe (anchor-option: incline or above line) when it is not separated by paragraph breaks or whitespaces.

    I have a file that has one textframe for the main column. In it I placed several smaller textframes with more than one column as textelements.
    I didn't separate them by a space or linebreak. When fitting one of the smaller frames to its content by double clicking the lower reference point in the middle to get rid of…

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  18. Adobe InDesign 15.0.2 x64 too slow when opening two or more InDesign documents

    Adobe InDesign 15.0.2 x64 is too slow, when opening two or more InDesign documents.

    I work with Windows 10 Enterprise, version 1803

    Previously, I could open two or more InDesign documents without noticing any delays.

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  19. Add the zero-width space (Unicode 200B​) in Insert White Space sub-menu

    Please add a new entry in the [Insert White Space] submenu for a [Zero-Width Space]. The Unicode 200B character.

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  20. eyedropper options

    I'm using InDesign 2020 and lately when I (accidentally) double click the eyedropper tool in the toolbar, it opens the Eyedropper Options window. There's an "OK" and "Cancel" button. When I click on either I can't close the window. It stays in the foreground in all applications. I can move it around, but not close it. The only way I've been able to get rid of the window is to force quit InDesign.

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