Hyphenation at page break while option »Hyphenate Across Column« is not selected
InDesign 16.0.2
InDesign 13.1.1
The option not to "Hyphenate Across Column" in hyphenation settings does not seem to work reliably. Not in InDesign CC 2018 and not in InDesign CC 2021.
Sometimes it is ignored and sometimes it is taken into account. See the appended screenshots.
With each recomposing of the text/stories, the behaviour can change: sometimes this way and sometimes that way.
Please make the behaviour computable.
Kind regards
Martin Fischer

Martin Fischer commented
A screencast: <https://1drv.ms/v/s!AoW7CPx5A7EzgdQNu7WvwwJ7grAdUw?e=WdJibD>
Look for the last word »Nobelpreisträger« at the bottom right corner.