Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6927 results found
Export to Fixed Layout EPUB - Poor Image Quality
I am currently working on a graphic novel project that I am planning on submitting to apple books as an epub file. The files were created in adobe illustrator and subsequently, linked into adobe indesign to create the final published product. I have noticed that the image quality when exported to epub is far inferior to when that same file is exported to a pdf file. That is regardless of the alterations that you make to PPI or other options (such as altering between PNG, JPG and other file formats) prior to exporting to epub. I have adjusted the PPI…
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properties panel tab order for changing document size
In the properties panel, please change the tab order for document size/number of pages.
When typing new dimensions for a document I would expect to type the new width for the layout and press tab to then type the new height for the layout, instead, tab takes you to number of pages!
The number of times I have gone to resize a document and changed the width to a new measurement and then added 594 new pages instead of altering the new height to 594mm.
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Programs hangs after having selected a text and then opening the font drop down list.
After having selected some text and then opening the drop down font menu, the program starts doing an infinte number of calculations and never stops (the CPU core being used is maxed and remains like that).
FFS hire someone who can fix it.. its been ages.
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after indesign is open I try to open a 2nd file; it attempts to open another instance of indesign (but I only have license for 1 station)
When I already have Indesign open, I try clicking (within windows file explorer) on an Indesign file in an attempt to open it. When I do this an attempt is made to open another instance of Indesign instead of opening the file with the instance of Indesign already open. I only have a license for 1 station of Indesign and so the new instance of Indesign crashes. The result is I am unable to open the Indesign file this way when always before I was able to.
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'Remember last export format' still not working
I posted a bug report on this a while back but I can't find it now.
This feature still isn't functioning for us.
InDesign only remembers the format of the last file exported.
So I just exported an InDesign file as a JPEG, and then when I returned to a file I worked on an hour ago, that I last exported as a PDF, the 'remembered' last export format is JPEG.
So NOTHING is being remembered across individual files at all.
This would be a great feature if we could get it working, but it simply doesn't work. Deleting preferences…
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use file name
Last week when I exported to PDF a tick box was available to use the file name.
This week I don't have that option - (and INDD is newly updated.)
a) the option was useful
b) is this a local problem or was it removed on purpose?running under win7
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Can't create hyperlink destinations out of text with an apostrophe in it. (What's New, Your To-Do's)
1 voteThanks for reporting this issue. We are currently reviewing it.
Adobe InDesign team -
Option to change the color of bitmap fonts
We need a way to change the color for white/grayscale bitmap fonts.
We often use Bitmap fonts for the better texture we can get from them; however, not having the option to change the color of the font, means we have to change the color within photoshop, then either export separate images or entire fonts for each color we use. This is rather inefficient and slows down our process. Having the ability change the color of a white or grayscale bitmap font would be very useful.
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printing to my desktop epson, from indesign made my file enlarge by 1-2%, same my file as pdf from acrobat prints at precisely 100%.
I want to print from indesign and have it be exactly the size I made it, not have to make a pdf and print from there. thanks.ID v 14.0.2
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InDesign buffers every 5 seconds
I am on a new MacBook Pro; every other adobe program runs fine, including After Effects. There shroud be no reason why drawing my second text box InDesign makes it borderline crash. Im working off my internal hard drive and it is happening with every InDesign file. I have the display performance set to fast and I have no other programs opened.
1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team -
excel sheet names
InDesign doesn't show named cell ranges for excel sheet tabs that start with a number. If the sheet name starts with a number the named cell ranges on that sheet will not show up in the import drop down.
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print dialog offset greyed out
The offset, gap and transverse options in the Setup section of the Print Dialog are not greyed out and so available. I tried various document presents, print presets and printers - and no matter what settings are selected these features remain greyed out. I cannot find in help pages or anywhere online how to activate this feature. Please help or fix.
Adobe InDesign CC 2019 14.0.2 x64
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Estilos de linea anidados
Tengo un estilo anidado a la primera linea, donde ha de aparecer en versalita. El problema es que si la palabra de la linea está cortada, no considera que ha terminado la primera linea y sigue aplicando el estilo versalita. También pasa si la segunda linea también parte... La versalita continua hasta encontrar un final de linea que no parte. Entonces considera que se a terminado la linea.
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Estilos de linea anidados
Tengo un estilo anidado a la primera linea, donde ha de aparecer en versalita. El problema es que si la palabra de la linea está cortada, no considera que ha terminado la primera linea y sigue aplicando el estilo versalita. También pasa si la segunda linea también parte... La versalita continua hasta encontrar un final de linea que no parte. Entonces considera que se a terminado la linea.
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Estilos de linea anidados
Tengo un estilo anidado a la primera linea, donde ha de aparecer en versalita. El problema es que si la palabra de la linea está cortada, no considera que ha terminado la primera linea y sigue aplicando el estilo versalita. También pasa si la segunda linea también parte... La versalita continua hasta encontrar un final de linea que no parte. Entonces considera que se a terminado la linea.
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InDesign writes wrong apostroph. Even PageMaker 20 years ago did it right! Bun in InDesign one nees to press Alt + 0146 to get the correct
InDesign is not able to write a correct apostroph (looking like a 9 instead a 6). Even PageMaker some 20 years ago was able to create the right apostroph! In Windows you habe to put in Alt + 0146 everytime you wonna write an apostroph. This is not only a pity, this is a shame.
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"Use Typographer's Quotes" is off by default. Is this a cruel joke?
And this setting seems to automatically reset to "off" arbitrarily. I cannot count how many times I have had to toggle it back on.
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I was trying to export my design to a PDF (for print) when this happened (see first attachment). The elements in the two circles (far right) went missing (these circles should look like the circle on the far left - i used a red arrow to show what I'm talking about). And also, the (black) layers containing these missing elements were locked and cannot be opened/deleted/edited/moved.
After a few minutes, even the white circle disappeared (see second attachment).
Then the program finally crashed and gave me the option to reopen the recovered file but it was damaged (see third attachment).
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master page
The header items of my master pages are not always exporting. The top image is form the PDF. The bottom image is from the InDesign file. Notice how the gray rule is missing from the PDF. Sometimes the rule is missing from the left hand pages, sometimes it's on the right-hand pages.
The affected master pages were child master pages, and I was able to get around this issue by detaching the rule from the parent master page, and making it standalone on the child master page. Has anyone else experienced this issue? This appears to be a very recent…
1 votePlease provide more information to –
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when you encountered the issue in InDesign?
• Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)?
• Does Trashing preference and cache, please create a backup of Preference and cache before trashing them, help to resolve the issue?Adobe InDesign Team
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