Lock and Pause the Resynching in a Book
It would be extremely time and frustration saving if I/users could lock/pause/disable the resynching process. The lock could be manually released once I have re-ordered the chapters in a book as I like them, Then I can allow updates and resynchs to happen en masse rather than whenever I make the tiniest change to the order of the chapters.
You see: I write textbooks with exercises at the end of each chapter. Often these exercises are taken from previous books I have written. I then customise them for the current book according to the client's requests.
Once I have imported easily 10 to 20 exercise files, I then need to reorder them, so they appear at the end of each chapter. Adding them one by one is a harrowing process indeed, so I add them as a block of files. Every time I reorder one, I then have to wait for a large book to resynch. I then repeat this process some 10-20 times. It would be much easier if I could defer the individual resynchs until all the "chapter shifting" is completed.
Kind regards
MIke Howell