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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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  1. Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
  2. Steps to reproduce the issues
  3. Expected result
  4. Actual result
  5. Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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6929 results found

  1. no opening screen

    When ID opens there is no splash screen. I have to click the task bar icon for a small box to appear top left of screen. Then I have to repeat and only then can I drag it open across the screen.

    Additionally the man splash scree has an endless loading animation of the rotating circle. Nothing loads into it. However once I have overcome the initial boot so far the version is usable, albeit with some functions not responding to keyboard shortcuts.

    Windows 10 latest updates ID 14.0.2 x64

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  2. Optical Kerning Indesign Plugin (missing)

    CC 2019. Mac OSX 10.14.6

    We have encountered a file corruption whereby we are now unable to open an indesign doc. We get the error message as shown in the screen shot however nobody in our office has this plugin. The operator who created the file cannot even open the file - we are lost as to what has happened to this file as nobody in the team has any additional plugins. We are running the latest version of CC.

    Has anybody else come across this issue as we cannot even search online for such a plugin - does it…

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  3. Bug: Schein Nach Aussen -> Größe lässt sich nicht verstellen

    Bug Report (in german):

    Windows 10 / 64-bit,
    Indesign Version: 14.0.2 x64

    Steps to reproduce (in german, because german indesign version):
    1. Erstellen Sie ein Objekt, z.B. eine Ellipse
    2. Auf "Effekte" klicken (Das "fx"-Symbol im Fenster "Steuerung")
    3. "Schein nach außen" auswählen
    4. In "Schein nach außen" lässt sich der Wert "Größe" nicht mit Pfeiltasten (arrow keys)

    Expected result (german):
    Der Wert "Größe" in "Schein nach außen"-Effekt sollte sich mit Pfeiltasten verstellen lassen.

    Actual result (german):
    Der Wert "Größe" in "Schein nach außen"-Effekt lässt sich NICHT mit Pfeiltasten verstellen (und ist ausgegraut)

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  4. Space character inserted following ligature replacement

    InDesign v14.0.2 inserts an (inaccessible) space character immediately following a substitution performed by the OpenType "Ligatures" feature. This does not occur in Illustrator, Photoshop, nor any other text layout app I'm using.

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  5. Ellipses not found by Find/Replace

    Version of Adobe InDesign
    14.0.2 x64

    Steps to reproduce the issues
    1. Placed a Word document. Reformatted etc - lots of work done.
    2. Tried to Find/Replace all ellipses to ensure they have a Thin Space before and after. InDesign Find/Replace finds no ellipses (but I am looking at them, having already replaced three periods with ellipses throughout the document).
    3. Tested in a new document - problem does not occur there. But it does if I paste the text from the previous document in.
    4. Tried exporting to IDML and re-opening to remove any corruption. This made no difference.…

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  6. tabulator

    When I have a text on a path and I want to set a tabulator it is not possible to insert the number for the position correctly. There is only one cypher you can insert, die second one will not work. On top, there is the behaviour, sometimes when you insert the number, it will insert the text into the text on the path.

    Fakt is, ist is not possible to work with that.

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  7. не активируются кнопки на панели инструменты кроме текстового фрейма

    не активируются кнопки на панели инструменты кроме текстового фрейма

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  8. Data merge should work better with % - empty fields

    when working with factsheets it occurs that there are fields of text that need to be merged. Whenever there is a special character the function doesn't work. This is very very very annoying. It is quite common to use % in text, or brackets (like this)

    Also it should be possible to have a blank cell in the excel merge file. E.g. for 45 lines there is info, but for 1 there isn't. This should be able to be left blank and not obliged to fill in a 0 that you manually need to delete later on.

    Merging happens for…

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  9. indesign not packaging, updated to mojave 10.14.6 last week

    Just updated to Mojave 10.14.6, I cannot package my indesign files, it gets half way through and freezes. When I try to cancel, the spinning wheel comes up and the application does not respond, then I have to force quit. Help! I have catalogs to package up.

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  10. Abstürze nach Wechsel von CS6 zu CC

    Ich arbeite an einem Buch mit vielen Abschnitten, einzelne davon wurden in CS6 bearbeitet und dann brauchte ich CC für die weitere Arbeit. Da in den Voreinstellungen für CC das Wörterbuch "Duden" und "Duden tolerant" empfohlen wird, stellte ich dies entsprechend ein. Unter CS6 war nur "Hunspell" oder "Proximity" möglich. Ich wollte aber weiter dasselbe "Benutzerwörterbuch" verwenden, da ich viele Fachwörter und Eigennamen etc. verwende, die nicht im Duden sind. Nach diesem Wechsel stürzte InDesign CC beim Öffnen von CS6 Dokumenten ab. Ich versuchte es mit System- und NVRAM-Resets. Ohne Erfolg. Es funktionierte nur, indem ich vor jedem Öffnen von…

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  11. Applying a negative vertical scale actually increases item's height (and display wrong value)

    Just noticed that while you try to apply a negative vertical scale, item is actually enlarged in height. Also the vertical scale shows wrong value (says -100 instead of -125%)
    In my case, tried to apply -125% vertical scale

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  12. crashes while exporting with long file names

    My InDesign Seems to crash every time I try to export a file to pdf with a filename that is longer than 40 characters. We have to have the file names this long due to our naming conventions.

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    CLOSED  ·  amaarora responded

    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.

    If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  13. Font Issue In Adobe InDesign version 14.0.1

    Currently encountering an error within InDesign where certain fonts are displaying a explination mark and not working correctly. However, they appear as installed when using InDesign (please see attached)

    The current workaround is to re-link the fonts to InDesign. Is there a known fix for this issue? Windows 10, InDesign version 14.0.1

    Thank you

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  14. workspace's features (such as scroll down button and scroll sides, as well as page jump using pages tab) now showing

    I'm using InCopy on Mac, and the bottom features are hidden.
    I'm also using InCopy on my PC and it works fine. All the bottom are shown correctly.
    Before 2019, it only happened when I opened Assignments panel, which hid last couple assignments from the pane and I couldn't scroll down any further to reveal it.
    But now, it's happening on the bottom pane universally(?).
    Does anyone else having similar issues?

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  15. When moving object or multiple objects with arrow keys odd results, sometimes scale, sometimes alignment, sometimes jumps pages

    Mac OS - Updated version of InDesign CC

    Too many to list but here are a few.

    Nudge object with arrow keys, the height but not the width changes
    Nudge multiple objects, one changes alignment
    Click and drag to select object, jumps pages down in the doc
    Moving object with mouse, jumps around the page
    Placing image by drag and drop screen jumps around
    Selecting Text , jumps around screen

    I have videos of all these but they are too large to post apparently.

    These are a small list of issues, i get crazy things constantly, this is the buggiest…

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  16. Fonts displayed as missing with (OTF) appended even though they're installed

    InDesign seems to struggle to recognise installed fonts - possibly something to do with how Skyfonts works?

    A file created with Skyfonts fonts shows the font family in square braces with (OTF) appended and substitutes default font, rather than making use of the identically named font file, sitting in c:\windows\fonts\ on PC / Font Book on Mac.

    Same result if the font files are dumped in a Document fonts subfolder next to the InDesign file.

    Troublingly, using a different font cloud sync app (or in the rare instance where the font is available on doesn't remove the issue -…

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  17. Windows #@$!*&%^((@@)):[[

    Hello to the Adobe InDesign Geniuses! I write this with a heavy heart, I have been a mac holdout/Windows Defender when it comes to Adobe products (Photoshop) since the Mid 1990's If I had to guess, 1995 or 1996. I LOVE Adobe Products and have a huge distaste for Mac. I am reaching a breaking point with Windows, they are trying to make an OS SOOO much more and constantly causing problems, I just had to re install windows on 5 computers due to the latest update that I have yet to have one Windows tech support expert agree as…

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  18. Inside, Outside, Upside Down

    InDesign 14.0.2 (and earlier)

    In File > New, the Bottom Margin is in the upper right and the Inside Margin is in the lower left.

    In File > Document Setup, these two controls are reversed. The Bottom Margin is in the lower left and the Inside Margin is now in the upper right.

    File > Edit Document Presets matches File Document Setup.

    Please make the positions of these four controls consistent every place they appear.

    ~ Jane Edwards

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  19. CS6 won't start because it can not load png import filter.indesign plugin

    The start-up screen says: png import filter.indesign plugin requires the debug version indesign.
    I have the plug-in installed. So I expected the program to open as always.
    I did update to MacOS Mojave 10.14 recently.

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