[ID-4257184]InDesign 2025(v20.0) Performance issues: Delay or beach balls on basic operations
InDesign Performance issues: Delay or beach balls observed on basic operations on Macintosh
Steps to Reproduce:
- We have reproduced one scenario in which the existence of the Documents Font Folder and Contextual Task bar results in some slowness.
- Other workflows causing slowness are being investigated - No reliable reproducible steps
Impacted workflows:
- Switching to InDesign
- Open/Closing of Document
- Edit/Scroll/Copy-paste/Highlight operation on Text
- Text disappears, illustrations disappear
- Imported or added text turns black until a style is applied.
- Font menu highlight not following my mouse movement
- Text will not change fonts until I click the mouse inside or outside the text box.
- Resize a document window, the corner flies below the screen border
- Click or Drag of the mouse
- Switching between tools
- "Waiting for UXP plugins to finish up remaining tasks."
- Disable Contextual Task Bar or remove Documents Font Folder
- Close the MAGNET application
- Revert to InDesign 19.5, No performance lag is observed.
- Restarting the machine and trashing the preferences seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Disabling any font manager software seems to resolve the issue. One customer confirmed that disabling "Rightfont" resolved the issue.
- Uninstall-Reinstall seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Turn off Preflight seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC platform only. Impacted macOS (Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura(maybe), Monterey)
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC devices
- Apple MacBook Pro M1/M2/M3
- Apple MacBook Air M1/M2/M3
- Apple Max Studio M1/M2/M3
- Apple Mac mini M1/i7 Intel
- The issue exists for both old and new documents
Additional information needed:
- Are you opening the indd documents from the folder containing the Documents Font Folder?
- Is the "Contextual Task bar" shown? If yes, Disable it from "Window->Contextual Task bar"
- Screenshot of Memory usage while the issue is observed
- Please follow the below steps for InDesign and InDesign PR 20.1.066 on Macintosh
- Open Terminal in full-screen mode
- Drag the InDesign application on the terminal (e.g. "/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025")
- Copy the logs when you start facing the slowness in a text(.txt) file. Share the file with us at sharewithID@adobe.com.

We have made some Performance Improvements in the latest InDesign Release 2025 (Version 20.1), available via Creative Cloud Desktop application. This issue has also been fixed as part of performance improvements.
Please let us know if you still face slowdown while doing basic operations in this latest InDesign release.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
The abolishment of the "Document fonts" folder has eliminated the problem for me.
Brian Chavez commented
Updated to Sequoia 15.2 and ID 20.0.1 is still incredibly slow to respond. I'm having a horrible time! and once you open in 20.0.1 going back is not at all fast nor easy. This is TERRIBLE!
Mary Whitten Warner commented
I am experiencing recurring crashes with InDesign. The only temporary solution I have found is to use the "Save As" option to save files in CC format. However, this method also crashes, although less frequently. Unfortunately, this issue prevents me from packaging the files, which is essential for creating hard copies with linked assets for our network.
This problem has occurred on both my MacBook and Mac Studio. I have attached the latest crash report for your reference.
Thank you!
Zia commented
NOTE: I just downloaded the latest InDesign update V. 20.0.1 and it seems to be fixed. But I am leaving this rant here until it works correctly for like a week. LOL!
Previous Rant:
How the heck can I get my work done when InDesign is sooo SLOW!
I am on a production schedule and simply cannot believe how incredibly slow and laggy the program has become.I have an 18 page illustrated book layout that I am trying to add text to and it takes a full 4 - 6 seconds when I try to copy a line of text from MS word and then place it into ID. Also if I try to click and drag a copy of a text box within Indesign the response time is awful. Switching between the text and selection tools is also a 3 - 6 second lag. I have to be able to nudge things around quickly in my layout work. Waiting on a 3 second lag just to nudge text and center stuff is truly terrible.
I am using v. 19.5.1 (Had to downgrade from v. 20.01 which is worse)
It is the only program open except for Acrobat reader and MS Word. My computer is fine. it's the program.I pay monthly for these programs- it would be nice if they worked as expected.
Please Please FIX the awful lag.
So many of us use these programs to earn a living. .
I have used Adobe Creative Suite and CC for over 30 years as a graphic designer and this is just ridiculous.
Sergio Henrique commented
Alguém está tendo problema com o InDesign 2025 com o MAC OS Sequoia? Quando estou usando ele trava e aparece aquele círculo
Andrew Johnson commented
As everyone's reported here, this update is exceedingly frustrating in how slow it works. Any fixes/workarounds only work momentarily before again running into the spinning wheel with almost every click. What I've discovered lately is that this occurs any time I click outside of the INDD window (ie to copy/paste, open a file, check an email etc). However, if I'm able to stay inside INDD it works properly with no issue. This is not a fix, and not a sustainable workflow, but if you're able to dump all your text into your INDD doc, then save/quit and reopen, you can then work uninterrupted if you stay within your doc (and not click outside of it). Again, not ideal or sustainable, but works if you're in a pinch / on deadline as most of us are. Cannot express how frustrating this update is to work with.
nicky commented
@Gabriele wow!! I tried, I didn't know that opening the ID file in the package folder didn't require installing the fonts! Great, I just hope they fix the bugs that slow down indesign.
I personally don't have the fonts installed in the Windows 10 Font folder, but I have a separate folder.
I don't know how it works on mac OSX, but in Windows it is possible to install the fonts as links and not directly by copying them into the system folder. So I have my D:/Fonts folder and with an external software I install the fonts as links to Windows...
I don't know if this is the same as the problem highlighted...
I don't have any slowdowns in ID, the only thing that slows down is when I go to the TEXT > FONT menu item. But already now having passed the fonts to a faster hard disk than the mechanical one it slows down less...Anyway, yes between fonts, processors, ram and video cards, all Adobe software should improve a little on how to fully exploit these technologies, the more we go forward the slower these software are, not optimized.
John Smith commented
Application switching (Command Tab) from any App to InDesign 20.0.1 has a 2/3 second delay. If I directly click on the InDesign window, it's switches quickly. Happens in all files. MacOS 15.1
Gabriele commented
@nicky When you have the “Document Fonts” folder in the same folder as the Indesign document, you don’t need to install the fonts, they are automatically recognized.
I have always used it and I find it useful because it allows me not to have too many fonts installed that can have conflicts and slow down the work (I am not a graphic designer, but an executivist).Try not to use external font folders (even if I don’t understand how you make them available in Indesign)
At most, copy them into the “Fonts” folder that you find in the same folder where you installed Indesign. -
nicky commented
@Michael Vinson
Let me understand one thing, probably this thing escapes me (I was not aware of it) ...Yes I know the ID package function to export project files, images and fonts (for exchanging material with other users) ...
The thing that escapes me, what does "the slowdown problem with the font folder" have to do with it? Because if I exchange my package with another user, when he opens the indesign file he will automatically find the fonts present in the document fonts installed?
I always knew that those fonts had to be installed in the OS, I did not think they would install themselves/detect from the ID!.Since I do not use the package often, never, I have not noticed these slowdowns. I have noticed other slowdowns on the fonts that I have already written in previous messages
Michael Vinson commented
The Document Fonts folder is created whenever you Package a file in InDesign. The package puts your INDD file (files plural if packaging a Book) into a new folder along with separate Links and Document Fonts folders that said InDesign file(s) will then be linked to. These packages are what I primarily work from as I mostly work in packaged books made up of several INDD files that amount to hundreds of pages. -
nicky commented
@Michael Vinson @Gabriele @Filip Blazek
Someone explain this "Document Fonts" folder thing to me.
Is it something only for MAC OSX or also WINDOWS 10?I have the system fonts installed in Windows, and the fonts I use for graphics (mostly) are links to fonts that reside on another Hard Disk.
What is the post referring to here specifically? -
Michael Vinson commented
@Gabriele @Filip Blazek
Oh my gosh! The Document Fonts folder workaround appears to work for me as well! When I remove that folder from my package the file runs as normal. Hopefully this helps the InDesign team diagnose and patch this issue. -
Filip Blazek commented
I can confirm, total slowdown of InDesign occurs only for documents with Document fonts folder. If I delete the folder, the document does not have fonts, but the behavior of the app is quite smooth. Once I restore the Document fonts folder, working in InDesign is impossible.
Brian Chavez commented
I recently had my 2019 Mac Pro go down, and IT ended up wiping and reinstalling everything, including updating my OS to Sequoia 15.1.1. After that, I updated Creative Cloud to InDesign 20.0.1—and wow, what a nightmare. It’s incredibly sluggish. Opening the app? Wait. Opening a file? Wait. Moving a window? Nothing happens at first, then a bit of movement, followed by the spinning beach ball... and more waiting. I tried merging a file, and what used to take seconds now feels like an eternity. Basic, insert type bar to type text, i have to wait, and wait. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
Gabriele commented
@Michael Vinson
A question, do you use the "Document Fonts" folder?
If yes can you try to work without it?
I'm just asking to verify, since in my case it worked and I have no issues. -
Michael Vinson commented
I've had this issue ever since first downloading the newest InDesign. It will work as normal for maybe a few actions to start and then rainbow wheel after rainbow wheel of lag trying to do the most basic functions (copy and pasting both inside program and from something like Acrobat or Word, scrolling, typing, drawing shapes, moving objects, etc.). The delay is usually 1-2 seconds, sometimes upwards of 5.
I've followed my Activity Monitor when the issue occurs and the reading under "% CPU" will usually jump up somewhere between 50-85% with the rainbow wheel spins. For comparison, I also watched the Activity Monitor while working in a file in InDesign 19.5.1 (no issues), and it would stay consistently between 20-30% during all the same actions.
I've tried
-uninstall/reinstall of Indesign 20.0.1
-"Reset Preferences on Quit” under InDesign-Preferences-General,
-closed Indesign and held down cmd opt ctrl and shift at next startup to get question to reset preferences, selected “Yes” as application started up
-Renamed ~/Library/Caches/com.adobe.indesign and ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign (added “old” to the end of each as noted on Adobe Community site) and restarted applicationNone of these have solved this problem sadly.
Indesign 20.0.1
MacBook Pro with Apple M3 Max Chip
OS - Sequoia 15.1 -
nicky commented
I also noticed a slowdown when I hover over the TEXT>FONT menu.
I also have fonts managed by external software that saves them in a folder other than the Windows system folder.
This happens on Illustrator and Indesign 100%, on Photoshop I don't know, I never use the fonts there.Let's say that on the threshold of 2025, Adobe's CC is very poor in terms of performance.
Gabriele commented
I often have slowdowns and the spinning beach ball when I open several documents and when I have to copy and paste text even from Word and Acrobat.
I almost always use the "Document Fonts" folder, but I noticed that if I remove (or rename) the "Document Fonts" folder then I no longer have slowdowns and copying the fonts I need into the "Fonts" folder inside the Adobe Indesign 2025 folder (in Applications) everything works correctly, without the spinning beach ball.
Indesign 20.0.1
MacOs Sonoma 14.7
Apple M1 Ultra -
Cesar Albornoz commented
Just had to go back to Indesign 19.5.1, there is no way to work with the new version on iMac.