I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML .
Lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality while working.
To save my work, the only thing to do is to export as an IDML file. Force quitting to recover the file doesn't work. This has been happening to me since InDesign 5.5. I am currently using InDesign CC 2018. There are no particular steps, it happens at random. I can have several files open and it only happens to one file, or sometimes it's more than one file. It happens whether I'm working off of my Desktop or on our server.
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As part of the investigation into the cause of this issue, we personally reached out to many of you over email. We have so far heard from only some of you.
Of the responses we have received, the conclusion we’ve come to is:
This issue was intermittent, happened once during the course of work but somehow got resolved and has not happened again. This issue can’t be reproduced now.
Over a period of time, this thread has not thrown any fresh clues on why this issue seems to occur randomly for some and then seems to resolve itself. So we’re closing this thread.
However, even though we’re closing this thread, if you again run into this issue any time on a consistent basis, please report it here on UserVoice (in a new thread) with supporting assets like:
A) a test file,
B) detailed steps to replicate the issue
C) any specific type of content that causes this
D) a screen recording, etc.
E) ID version, OS, etc.
(You can put the testing artifacts at a shareable location and share the link with us, reaching us at sharewithID@adobe.com OR rkiran@adobe.com.
This will help us immensely in determining a proper fix for this issue.
We seek your continued support to help improve InDesign. Let us do it together.
Adobe InDesign team
Barbara commented
Same problem. Can't save file. Can export to PDF and IDML. Can open IDML but can't undo is any formats. Using Indesign CS6 on Macbook Pro with OSx Yosemite 10.10.5
Please help! -
Anonymous commented
Ravi Kiran: RE: Photoshop CC 2018 File>Save . Save is grayed out sometimes, other times not. The Save As is not grayed out, however if backup my work this way, I have to rename the file to do so. Please help. Jizell Albright
vince commented
Indesign CC 13.1 – can't save or undo.
First aid:
Export to IDMLPossible solutions:
• WACOM tablet users might want to switch of their touch feature on their tablet. For some reason this feature interferes with Indesign;
• Clear Indesign preferences: http://www.tech4pub.com/2012/10/10/indesign-tip-reset-preferences-to-improve-performance/
• Disable Preflight. (Adobe: Attempting to save the file via a scripting interface also fails. Adobe has been unable to reproduce this failure, and hasn't found a root case that can be resolved. Some customers report they have been able to avoid this issue by disabling Preflight. But others report that disabling Preflight did not solve this issue for them. Adobe will continue to try to uncover the root cause for additional solutions.)
• Check for updates: https://indesignsecrets.com/save-save-save-copy-undo-help.php -
Anonymous commented
I am and have been having the same issues for months!! Today, as I know this issue has been haunting me, I saved and saved and save through out the entire document, about every other move... (InDesign® CS6.0)... and there is was again... can't save... when I force quit... today, it seem to not have saved anything from the multiple saves I did. This seems to have happening since I upgraded to high sierra 10.13.4 on my MacBook pro... PLEASE HELP!!!!
Anonymous commented
Same as above is currently happening to me. Lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality.
This is urgent as I am worried to loose a lot of work.
MSC commented
I've been having this issue for several months. I've been saving as .idml but it seems like it's getting more frequent that I'm having to save as .idml and restart.
Anonymous commented
I am also having this issue
Jeff Yerkey commented
Having this same issue too!
Summer commented
having this issue!!! what do I do?
Anonymous commented
Yep... I'm having the same issue. Any solutions?
Anonymous commented
Having this same issue-VERY FRUSTRATING WHEN YOU CANT SAVE!!!!! Please fix!!!
Anonymous commented
Since I stopped using the fontbase fontmanager tool (https://fontba.se/), the problem has been solved. maybe there was no connection but maybe someone installed the tool and can solve the problem.
rc commented
try to export the file as Indesign Markup (IDML), close then open the file.
MSC commented
I am having this issue as well
Pete MZ commented
All of a sudden, last night I began having the same issue. I lost 3 hours of work last night even while thinking I was saving the updates to the catalog document I am creating. Rebuilt all my directories, etc. to no avail. Still have the issue. I am using the current version of InDesign cc 2018. I've been using InDesign since its inception and never experienced anything like this before.
Alicia commented
Still having this issue.
Cassandra commented
I am also having this problem, not able to save or undo. And when exported as an IDML, some of the files show up as grey boxes.
Randy commented
OS El captain..
13.1 IDCannot utilize the save selection on past or new documents. Just stopped on day. Same issue as being reported everywhere. Same one discussed back in 2013. Same a many below.
Angie commented
I am experiencing this issue as well on a Macbook pro (MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6), I am running InDesign CC 13.1. I am changing colors to text and vector elements in a single page document then exporting out to pdf. All of the sudden, I could not save, save as or undo and in my internet browser window I had to sign into Adobe.com. I tried adding another page, messing with the masters and no luck bringing those functions back. I saved out the file as an idml file, renamed it saved as .indd, exported PDF, was able to save. I tried deleting the extra page I had added, once I deleted that page, I lost the functionality again. Please help!
Randy commented
we are experiencing this issue also with 2018 cc version. Just out of nowhere happened. We have to Mac's with the exact operating system and versions of indesign. I've searched with different subjects and question order and all eventually come to similar bug.. no particular fix, but lots getting the same error saving. Only solution given to some is save as IDML which is not a solution.