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I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML .
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129 votesAs part of the investigation into the cause of this issue, we personally reached out to many of you over email. We have so far heard from only some of you.
Of the responses we have received, the conclusion we’ve come to is:
This issue was intermittent, happened once during the course of work but somehow got resolved and has not happened again. This issue can’t be reproduced now.Over a period of time, this thread has not thrown any fresh clues on why this issue seems to occur randomly for some and then seems to resolve itself. So we’re closing this thread.
However, even though we’re closing this thread, if you again run into this issue any time on a consistent basis, please report it here on UserVoice (in a new thread) with supporting assets like:
A) a test file,
B) detailed steps to replicate the issue
C) any…An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Randy commented
we are experiencing this issue also with 2018 cc version. Just out of nowhere happened. We have to Mac's with the exact operating system and versions of indesign. I've searched with different subjects and question order and all eventually come to similar bug.. no particular fix, but lots getting the same error saving. Only solution given to some is save as IDML which is not a solution.
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Randy commented
same issue with us. save option is greyed out. Can save in IDML but this is not feasible to work with. A google search shows this to be an issue with no particular fix.
OS El captain..
13.1 ID
Cannot utilize the save selection on past or new documents. Just stopped on day. Same issue as being reported everywhere. Same one discussed back in 2013. Same a many below.