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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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403 results found

  1. 2020 Pages Window Broken

    Ever since updating to Indesign 2020 the pages window just doesn't work. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling a number of times but no matter what I do it just shows it as completely blank. This makes it extremely difficult to access anything, let alone my master pages.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. You are able to open, already opened documents

    Indesign 2020
    At the office we work as a team on the same documents. It is important that only one person at a time can work on a document. With the new 2020-version, you are able to open the same document on two computers... with a big risk to save over/erase, the changes that the your college has done.

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  4. more than one file opens

    When I open a file from the thumbnail preview image screen, another file always opens with it. This is very confusing if I work on multiple files that look similar in layout. If I open a file the old way from the File pull down menu, this issue never occurs. Having the thumbnail image preview screen of files is handy, but counter-productive if this bug continues to exist. And it has existed for several months.

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  5. format de document

    Les fenêtres indiquant le format de document sont trop étroites et n'affichent pas les valeurs en entier.
    par exemple : 2500 mm, le 2 est tronqué
    ou comme sur la pièce jointe pour 370,2 mm et 262.2 mm, le chiffre des centaines n'apparaît pas à l'écran.
    W10 écran 32 pouces 2560 x 1440 pixels

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  6. Y axis value changes when resizing document

    Recently, we updated Indesign CC 2015 to CC 2018. Unfortunately we discovered a little flaw. When resizing a document (for instance A4 -> A3), objects like text boxes keep their X axis value, but the Y axis value changes! Since CC 2015 is obsolete and we couldn't reinstall it, we hoped CC 2017 would work correct, but this version has this bug as well.

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  7. pagebreak

    pagebreak is not under control, in new files also. Please see example (at the end of page 2) in annex.

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  8. indesign created white pages when I imported a Word text. There's 1311 endnotes....

    I already start and stylize them... I remarked after the summary a page named endnote text. I never asked this. If if drop off this page, all the link will don't work. My question is how to delete this page without delete the link of the endnote text?
    Thank a lot

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  9. Master page image appear in wrong page in page layout 32(page number) indesign CC 2017.0

    1 . Indesign Version CC 2017.0
    2. Master page image appear wrongly in page 32. If we go to CO master page and change the position of the image on the master page, the image on 32 will get disappear. But if open same file CC 2017.1 we don't have that image.
    3. In page 32 master page image was appear wrongly, Actually that image was not to come there.

    1. In page 32 only text has to be there.

    2. I attached indesign file and link and also the video showing the issue in the below link

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  10. Switch primary text frame's Text Frame Options for multiple pages

    Switch primary text frame's Text Frame Options for multiple pages. See this item on forum: Using 14.0.2 x64. You can't use applying a new Master Page to switch Balance Columns off and on on a Primary Text Frame, though you can use it to change number of columns. Thank you for your attention to this likely bug.

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  11. Master Page

    When setting up multiple 2 page spread master pages, there is an issue with graphics overlapping onto other master pages when 'Facing Pages' is switched on.

    For example - Master Page A is blank, and Master Page B has a green box along the top of the page.

    When the Master Page A is placed next to a Master Page B, the green box graphic spreads onto Master Page A as well.

    Please see the attached screen shots for clearer explanation.


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    We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of bug fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please provide more information to
    • Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when you encountered the issue in InDesign?
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)?

    Adobe InDesign Team

  12. Shortcut CMD + S increasing the file size.

    Files created within InDesign are increasing in size dramatically with every CMD + S.

    It is not the files linked in the document which are 100 % to the ration they are seen and resetting the cache ~/Library>Caches> Adobe Indesign does not have any effect.

    macOS Mojave
    Version 10.14.5

    InDesign CC 2019

    To test this we have created a quick document with an Adobe Support Technician Saptam (see image-01). This document is 1.5 MB and when the design elements have been deleted and the file saved CMD +S you can see the file size doesn't go down (see image-02).

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  13. Diaporama - Speech note under pages

    I propose that tool because it can be really useful when you prepare visual of your diaporama the possibility to write your speech under your pages in same time.

    At the ending, you will be able to print a summary of your speech with markers that indicates the page number.

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  14. Problem with InDesign search and subsequent type tool use

    Do you know of a fix for an annoying glitch with InDesign's search tool?

    When I search for a word and the search spans into the next section/story of a document, I'm unable to type in the text frame.

    Alt+tabbing into a different program and then back into InDesign is the only way I've found of solving the problem.

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  15. Document title field doesn't handle pasted content that includes paragraph characters.

    In the File Information window: If you paste a document title into the Document title field (that includes a return character) it messes with the title field. Maybe you could add scroll bars to solve this…

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  16. layer order

    InDesign is not honoring the layer stack. When I Select All and Create Outlines, some layers are moved to the top where they should not be. I have tried various configurations of the "... Remember Layers" options in the Layers panel, and this has no effect. This appears to be a bug.

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  17. A5 paper size wrong

    The paper size for A5 in the presets is technically wrong as it should be 148.5mm wide and not 148mm. You can't change the built-in presets but it would be really helpful to do so as our onward print workflow relies on 148.5mm wide files and it's really annoying to have to change it after it's all been designed if you forget to change the page size at the beginning.

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  18. Split window re-scrolls after returning from other app and changing other window

    I am running Adobe InDesign CC 14.0.1.x64 on Windows 7 with latest updates (i.e., the most popular platform in the world).

    1. Open the document (see attached).
    2. Split the window (Window > Arrange > Split Window).
    3. Scroll the left window to show page 2, with the Table of Contents.
    4. Scroll the right window to show e.g. page 3, with the cursor in the middle of the page.
    5. With the Type tool active, click the Enter key.
    6. InDesign correctly inserts a new paragraph, with the left window remaining unchanged.
    7. Alt-Tab out of InDesign.
    8. Alt-Tab back into InDesign. The Type tool should still…
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    We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of bug fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please provide more information to
    • Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when you encountered the issue in InDesign?
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)?

    Adobe InDesign Team

  19. when I place an A3 illustrator file into in-design A4 it scales down the content. The content should stay the same size

    when I place an A3 illustrator file into in-design A4 it scales down the content. The content should stay the same size as it does if I place it into an A3 in-design document. Is this a bug or can I stop the scaling down?

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  20. pasteboard changes size when pasting things

    InDesign CC 14.0.1 x64

    Pasting things sometimes changes the size of the pasteboard drastically. Pasteboard margins could be set at 10 in and 10 in and they change to a few inches horizontally and less than an inch vertically. We keep things on the pasteboard. This causes us to fix the pasteboard size many times throughout the day in multiple documents. Over and over again.

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