Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5184 results found
Option to remove empty frames in Data Merge
Empty image frames placed inline in a text field will throw off the alignment if the text field is centered. (This happens when you're going to have a row of, say, icons and different pages will have different numbers of icons)
It would be excellent to have an checkbox in the Options tab of the Data Merge dialog box to "Delete empty frames" upon merging.
2 votes -
There are Variables (Chapter number etc) keyboard shortcut options.
All of the text variables are missing from the keyboard shortcuts option. It would be helpful to have more options for creating shortcuts..
2 votes -
Need an Ignore button for Missing Fonts in imported PDF Image files, like JPGs.
Have an Ignore button for Missing Fonts in imported JPG PDF's.
When graphic PDF's are imported Indesign tries to recognise the fonts when there are no fonts there, like the name of a street sign or shop sign.. If I don't want it to recognize PDF imports there should be a button to ignore font substitutions. Instead I often get a hindered font errors where non exist and no way to clear them.
Have verified with Adobe InDesign and Adobe PDF technical support that there is no way to ignore these errors and it needs to be a "Feature"2 votes -
Please add this function: Insert Special Character > Markers > Last page
This would add the ability to insert a 'Page A of Z' (Z being the last page in the document) on the masterpage. So a page would show 'Page 7 of 24'.
Today I can put 'Page A of 24' in the master, but if the number of pages change I have to change the number manually and it seems this would be easily implemented?Please :)
2 votesThe feature already exists. How this can be achieved has been communicated to the user.
InDesign team -
Batch export multiple JPG by layout name
Would love to be able to export JPG by the layout names just like how you can with PDF.
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Updating master page synchronize in a book
Would love to see an option to synchronize master pages to the source file in a book that offers "deleting" master pages we do not want in the selection.
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InDesign review feature request - accept edits
As I am playing with the new review feature within InDesign, I noticed that it is not a robust as the PDF comments feature. There is the "resolve" button, but no "accept" button. I would like to request that there is an "accept" button so I don't have to make any type edits and adding in the risk of error.
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Hold Alt when dragging from Bridge/Explorer/Finder to pop the 'Import options' dialogue for that file placement
QoL improvement - would allow you to skip using the menu interface when you just want to set PDFs/AI to include bleed or not - or when you want a specific page or layer from a paginated or layer file type.
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Layers in InDesing
I would be happy if in the future it will be possible to export a document including layers, in PSD format.
Baruch Donenfeld
2 votes -
Importer une même image dans plusieurs blocs, en une seule fois
J'ai plusieurs blocs, sur la même page, et je souhaite y importer (si les blocs sont vierges) ou remplacer (si les blocs ont déjà un visuel), en une seule fois, la même image.
Actuellement, je dois sélectionner un à un les blocs, ou un à un l'image à remplacer. C'est long !
D'une sélection multiples, dire que je veux importer autant de fois la même image.2 votes -
Find and replace also looks at Layer Names
I use layers for multiple versions and when modifying layer names (as a callout on the appropriate layer) would also like the Search and Replace Function to look at the layer names as well. Example - often same files are used from quarter to quarter and it is necessary to update the date on layer or a particular code included in the layer name.
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size of Effects dialogue box
Would love it if the "Effects" dialogue box could be reduced in size so it doesn't take up so much of my workspace; I commonly have to zoom out the object I'm working on in addition to dragging the dialogue box as far off the screen as possible just to preview the changes I'm attempting to make.
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Make layered PDFs Illustrator compatible
Currently, layers made from PDF exported in InDesign are not preserved when the PDF is opened in Illustrator. Would be real helpful if they were.
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Change Bar
Change bar, as a very basic future and just as applied easily in Adobe Framemaker, I belive most users will welcome this if it is added at no cost.
Could you please consider adding this for next versions and provide it it for the current users. Thank you for your support.2 votes -
Adobe could help improve the remote production work flow for small publishing operations
I LOVE the Adobe Cloud suite. The only thing that's missing from the apps, which surprises me, is some sort of collaborative, drag-and-drop flatplanner capability, to tie in ads with magazine/publication production. I know subscription platforms exist, the likes of AdSalesGenius, but such a platform is way beyond our budget. We are a small-time operation with a small team.
Can't you develop an app or script that enables us to easily view the pages of our publications that are in production so we can see the updated content? Seems to me that would be an easy and natural integration…
2 votes -
Fixed Spaces Automatically set as Nonbreaking
It would be helpful if fixed spaces were not automatically treated as non-breaking. I often use fixed spaces to finesse typographic issues—like a lowercase "f" crashing into an uppercase letter that follows it (e.g., "if I"), which seems to happen a lot, even in reputable fonts. I don't however, necessarily want InDesign to prevent a line break after the fixed space.
Ideally, we would be able to have breaking and nonbreaking versions of all of the fixed spaces, but perhaps it wouldn't be very useful for hair or thin spaces. Ems, ens, thirds, fourths, and sixths, however....
Thanks for considering…
2 votes -
Add Pasteboard Options to Document Setup
It would be handy if Pasteboard Options could be set in the New Document/Document Setup window - OR - Pasteboard default size options could be set as a percentage of document size (so it will scale relative to doc size).
My default paste board size is fine for most jobs I do (which are generally brochures / flyers etc); but it is too small for working on large banners etc. I find I am changing the preferences all the time.
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Center applied style in style panels
When I click on a paragraph or character with the text tool, InDesign’s style panel automatically jumps to and highlights the paragraph or character style, which is applied to the paragraph or character.
(From now on please read the word »style« as »paragraph or character style«.)But sadly the applied style is always shown as the very last item or the very first in the visible list of style panel. There are styles above and styles below this style in the whole list. (See »Standard-behaviour.png«.)
It’s easy to access the items above (respectively below): I simply can click on them.…
2 votes -
add pages to cc library
my team works on multiple sales decks that use a lot of the same pages. It would be amazing to be able to pull a full page into the cc library so the team would easily be able to compile a new deck from pulling new pages out of a single library
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Remove "Publication must be saved before continuing" workflow requirement.
The requirement to save a file before creating a package is cumbersome. Often, I am saving a package to a new location to use as a starting point for a new project, or a creating a new separate version. Saving it requires potential alterations to be saved in the original file. Even without modifying the file, updated links or fonts might saved or broken.
One can Save As first, as a workaround, but this is the cumbersome second step. Creating a package from any open file without first saving it should be possible.
2 votes
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