Let Crop Mark offset reflect Bleed size by default
When exporting a .pdf, I find myself correcting that value over and over.
In most cases we want the cropmarks not to overlap the bleed, because that would make the bleed useless.
e.g: I set Bleed to 3mm, but the Crop Mark offset stays 2,117mm
Please let InDesign copy the Bleed value to the Crop Mark Offset value automatically.

Simon commented
This really really needs to be fixed. It would save a tonne of time by not having to ask for files to be resupplied correctly.
Kevin commented
Yes! I've been wondering about this for years. Please fix this as for the default value.
Paul Hibbert commented
I completely agree. This really gets to me.
There are no circumstances whatsoever in which it is a good idea to have the crop marks inside the bleed. Not one. Not EVER.
It’s there when you print anything or export a PDF from InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop … and it should be an easy fix.
What I DON’T understand is why Adobe doesn’t set the defaults to stop this happening.
Why not make them the same value instead of having to set two values? Bleed = Crop Marks Offset.