Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
6923 results found
GREP failure
InDesign 2019 14.0.2 has created a new bug with GREP. If you search for any character, InDesign jumps half way through the file.
So, for example, if you click the cursor at the start of the document, instead of GREP finding the very first character that you search for, it instead jumps towards the end of the document.
So, for example, if you do a search for the letter 'a' in GREP, it will miss most of the document out and find the first one towards the end of the document.
To confirm this, if you do a search and…1 voteBased on user response, closing this issue.
Adobe InDesign team -
text color not selected in swatches
In both these images the text selected is black fill (100% K) with no stroke, but the text color is displaying both fill and stroke as NONE. in one instance the paragraph style is overridden, but the other example the paragraph style of 100% K fill is NOT overridden.
1 vote -
InDesign 14.02 NOT PRINTING
Adobe InDesign 14.02
Only prints a solid line at the top of the page.
No text, diagrams, etc being printed.
When I try exporting to pdf, views OK on screen, but only blank pages will print.(Also, when I tried reverting to previous version, got message saying could not be done because file too complex or similar. Will try this option again, because I have GOT TO PRINT my files
1 voteDeleting all files spooled in the C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS folder and reinstalling the print driver helped resolve the issue.
Drag or transform creates unwanted duplicate of object
Moving any object (text, image, etc) with either the Move tool or Direct Selection tool creates a duplicate without having any other keys pressed (eg, option/alt).
Also when repositioning an object with Properties > Transform it also creates a duplicate of the object.Mac OS 10.14.4
Indesign voteClearing Prefs and restarting the computer resolved the issue.
Adobe InDesign team -
rectangle tool not showing stroke and fill in Preview mode
Since the last update the rectangle tool does not show strokes and fills on rectangles and ovals when I switch from Normal to Preview/bleed/slug/presentation mode. The only way I can make a rectangle that shows correctly (and prints) is to create a text box. It is an okay workaround for a while, but I cannot do ovals.
I am on CC, version 14.0.2 x64, and have done all updates.
1 voteIssue has been resolved for customer over mail.
Issue did not occur after cleaning cache and preferences. -
reverse layout crash
InDesign CC14.0.1 ME always crashes when using the Reverse Layout option if you click on "yes" when the message "The publication contains frame linked between pages. Would you like to break the link?"
If you click "no" it works OK, but "Yes" crashes. Even happens if there is only one page in the document.
1 voteClosed: Not Reproducible ·AdminSanyam Talwar (Senior Lead Software Engineer, Adobe InDesign) responded
To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received an email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding: Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2023(v18.2.1.455) as it is more robust and contains a lot of bug fixes.
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team
Add HSV to Indesign!
1 vote -
Properties Panel snaps closed inconveniently
I must admit, I was not a huge fan of the new properties panel, as I found having the properties at the top of my workspace quick, convenient and more easily accessible. In working with typography I've encountered a few issues with the latest release of CC (working on iMac High Sierra):
- If I try to open the character panel, there is a lag time with the dreaded rainbow spinning wheel that either takes way to long to load and sometimes crashes the program.
So, to get around that, I've adopted using the properties panel for type changes, which opens…
1 voteAfter updating to InDesign 14.0.2, the issue is resolved.
Adobe InDesign team -
Start freeze
When I start InDesign 2019 a pop-up appears that's white. After a while the Adobe logo appears and the loading icon. But that's it. No other menu entries are active
If I close the pop-up the programm closees1 voteTo identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.
If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.—
Adobe InDesign Team -
Copying Table content from Excel to Indesign leaves the first row blank. Why?
InDesign has a strange behavior when copying content from an Excel Table to an InDesign table. When I mark the rows it copies the content not in the first row, instead it leaves it blank and starts with the second one. So all the content moves one row lower than I want.
This is a very annoying behavior which makes working with tables really difficult and uncomfortable. Can you please fix this?
1 vote -
Text auf Pfad ist derzeit nicht anwählbar.
Text auf Pfad ist derzeit nicht anwählbar.
Das kleine Dreieck bei Textwerkzeug hat keine Funktion. Das sonst gewohnte Text auf Pfad-Icon erscheint nicht.1 vote -
1 vote
Infinite recompose hangs CC15/18
The attached IDML test case (also applicable to CC15/18 clients) enters an infinite recompose loop directly after opening. The second text column repaints continuously. This in itself doesn't directly block interactive use of the InDesign client since recomposing is a background task, but as soon as one tries to save/export the document to disk the application hangs (most likely waiting for a stable document state).
It's notable that the exact placement of the small text frames containing arrows are a necessary piece of the puzzle. Moving them outside of the main text column stops the recompose loop, but then moving…
1 vote -
text skalierung
In InDesign ist es zum Teil nicht mehr möglich, Textfelder so zu skalieren, dass sich Zeilenumbrüche etc. verändern. Das ist ein übler Fehler!!!
Und wieso gibt es das Programm auf Deutsch, aber diese Webseite nicht???
1 vote -
Hi, I am using indesign CC 2018. When formatting text as a numbered list, the number is not displayed until I start typing.
When I hit enter on the numbered text box, I want to see the number I'm about to start entering information for. If I don't see the number, my brain can't move forward onto the next idea.
1 vote -
Powerpoint document links don't work in Adobe Publish
When I create a button that links to a Powerpoint document stored on my company OneDrive and publish via Adobe Publish online, the link brings up a black tab once clicked. The buttons work fine for any other document type, such as a PDF, but not with Powerpoint.
1 vote -
InDesign Export PDF - Misisng font style (i.e., italic, bold, tiny text changed)
Dear InDesign Folks,
We've found some font style attribute changed in PDF file, another one issue is Ligature text missed out at PDF file.
Application: InDesign CC 2015.0 Version 11.0.
Windows: 7 & 10 ProSteps & Process:
1. We are generating 2 set of PDF with different Job-options.PAP Layer enabled PDF (i.e., particular layer enabled and creating the PDF, it's contains Images and Text like water mark).
PRINT Layer disabled PDF (i.e., disabled the layer which we enabled in step 2).
Using JavaScript generating 2 sets of PDF at a time.
PRINT, disabled layer and generating PDF with…
1 vote -
InDesign Export PDF - Misisng font style (i.e., italic, bold, tiny text changed)
Dear InDesign Folks,
We've found some font style attribute changed in PDF file, another one issue is Ligature text missed out at PDF file.
Application: InDesign CC 2015.0 Version 11.0.
Windows: 7 & 10 ProSteps & Process:
1. We are generating 2 set of PDF with different Job-options.PAP Layer enabled PDF (i.e., particular layer enabled and creating the PDF, it's contains Images and Text like water mark).
PRINT Layer disabled PDF (i.e., disabled the layer which we enabled in step 2).
Using JavaScript generating 2 sets of PDF at a time.
PRINT, disabled layer and generating PDF with…
1 vote -
Selection of PDF Comments
InDesign CC2019 (14.02 x64) Windows 10
I am only able to select the corresponding sticky note icon from imported PDF comments at 100% or less view magnification. This is unhelpful as at this scale, large dimension sized documents the text is greeked out, I need to zoom in to see what is written in my document to compare against the comment, but then have to zoom back out to select the next icon to bring that comment to the fore of the list.
Please correct so I can select sticky notes while panning throughout a document at >100%.
1 voteThank you for reporting the issue.
Has is started to happen in Id 14.0.2? Was it working fine before? -
Pasting Chinese text from illustrator to Indesign changes the content of the text. Help!
I have text in Illustrator that are in Chinese, using 苹方-简 typeface. When I copy and paste the same text into Indesign, the text changes into new characters.
I know you need to expand the characters to use as vectors, but sometimes we need to change the text and go back and forth before finalizing. The question is why does it not do that for english text? I copy and paste between illustrator and indesign all the time, but this is the first time I've come across changing the text content completely.
Running CC 2019 for all.
1 vote
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