InDesign CC 14.0.3
I work in the health sector of the Pacific North West. We are incorporating Indigenous languages in our communications both in print and online in an effort to be inclusive and represent our diversity.
Recently, I have been unable to use any Indigenous keyboard symbols with InDesign (and I assume other CC products) - though I can use it in this forum and in other software. Examples are Ȼ and Ŧ. I've attached a screen grab showing the language keyboards installed on my MacBook Pro and a result. As a reference, this site provides Indigenous language keyboards for free download:
Step to reproduce issue
• I install a free language keyboard from
• I select SENOCŦEN.
• I use this keyboard to generate an Indigenous character such as Ŧ using the Lato font, which has the tested ability to generate this character.
• I type in the letter T and a line to create the special keyboard character.
Expected result
A T with a horizontal line. Eg Ŧ
Actual Result
• A pink box with a line drawn through it showing that the character cannot be produced.
• Screenshot of result is included.
Thanks for considering,

Matthew Miller commented
As a follow up, I've attached the screen grab showing the names of the installed Indigenous keyboards on a MacBook Pro.