installed font missing InDesign 17.2 macOS 12.3 (Monterey) and macOS Catalina
Different clients have the same problem. Installed fonts on the system are not recognised by InDesign 17.2. Other Adobe applications recognise the font and it can be used in those applications. I can recreate the problem, my colleague not. After downgrading InDesign to version 17.01 everything works fine.

We've just released InDesign 17.2.1 version which addresses this issue.
Please update to this latest version using Creative Cloud Desktop application.
In case the fix does not work immediately for you, please try the following:
1) Quit InDesign.
2) Delete the following:
on Mac:
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
/Users/[yourname]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
on Win:
Relaunch InDesign & see if it works properly now.
InDesign team
Scott commented
I followed the directions with v17.4 on MacOS 10.15.7 and it still fails to recognize the Gotham family (using Fontbase as my font manager). I downgraded to v17.0.1 and Gotham works.
Jessee J. Smith commented
Followed directions, reinstalled the latest version (17.3), deleted cache...still NOT fixed. Tw Cen MT is still missing (maybe other fonts as well), but works in Illustrator and Photoshop. I have numerous layouts that rely on this font and now cannot work with them.
Jérôme chion commented
Hello there, have any of you still having tis problem under indesign 17.4? I would like to upgrade but I did not like past two update that did not solve anything by me. Still on 17.1…
hambobet commented
Not fixed! Updated, cleared the cache's and preferences - still no good! Help!
Alison Richards commented
Having the same problems, even with InDesign 17.01. Fonts are loaded on FontBook, but not loading in InDesign. I work remotely and constantly have to get colleagues to package files and copy over the "Document Fonts" folder - this is the only way I can get the fonts to work. I have them loaded - WHY is InDesign not pulling them from the System?
This is the worst and most frustrating update to InDesign in years. 17.01 seems to be the least frustrating version of InDesign, but they're all terrible!
Eric Gustafson commented
Still happening to an extent for us under 17.3. one report I have says "was on 17.2. Upgraded her to 17.3 and it didn't work. Downgraded her to 17.0 and it would load the Unify fonts". under 17.3, "If I copied the fonts to the InDesign 2022\fonts folder they'd load. If I deleted them they would no longer load"
In my personal experience, it was under windows and not macos. however I believe we're experiencing the issue under both OS'. Tried uninstall/re-install, clearing cache, copying to indesign fonts folders. etc. -
Joanne Gerstel commented
I am still have the same problem. Running InDesign 2022 v17.3 after uninstalling and reinstalling. Any help would be appreciated.
SN commented
Is anyone still having this issue? I have InDesign 2020 v.17.3 - I've uninstalled, reinstalled. I tried an older version as well but the file created does not open. I have the Montserrat fonts installed on my Windows 10 and couldn't find the font folders mentioned above to drag a font into it or clear cache. Any help would be appreciate, thanks!
Stacie commented
I deleted the suggested files, uninstalled & reinstalled Indesign (17.3) and the fonts are still missing. So far they are the TTF version of Bitter & the OTF version of Monserrat Alternates.
Angela Manente commented
I have deleted InDesign version 17.2.1 and reinstalled version 16.4 which previously had all the fonts but that did not bring back the fonts. Uninstalled 16.4 and reinstalled 17.2.1 cleared my font case and still no fonts...
What other options do I have ??? -
Roy commented
We have a simular issue. We have a variable font 'TT Firs Neue Variable' installed. Working with indesign 17.1 it worked perfectly but after the last update of indesign to 17.2 certain glyphs are missing in exported pdf.
The only thing that solved the issue was to remove indesign, it's preferences and caches and then installing indesign 17.1 again.
I've attached the error message as shown in acrobat.
sgrhill commented
I quit InDesign, deleted the folders mentioned above and restarted the app.
Result: the affected fonts do show up in de font list, but still (red) marked as missing in the text. InDesign tells me that the bold versions are placed and this style is missing. But the affected fonts doesn’t come with this weight, so I don’t know how InDesign comes to this.
I’ve manually changed the fontstyle from bold te regular.
The problem is gone. -
Ron Rutten commented
Same problem here. Fonts show up in Photoshop and Illustrator, not in Indesign
Deleting the cache and preferences didn't also solve the problem.
Veikko commented
Now it works! Thank you! Didn't even have to clear caches etc.
Steve commented
• Missing Font problem fixed eventually thank you...(Mac os x)
• The v17.2.1 update didn't fix the problem for me at first, it was fixed by following Ravi Kiran's suggestion if the new update didn't work (see above)... by deleting the entire 'Adobe InDesign' folder from /Users/[yourname] (the one with the house icon)/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign. (I didn't have to delete any 'Preferences').
• I was a bit nervous because I've never deleted a Cache before, but I found these more detailed instructions at this link (or I've pasted the actual instructions below as well): To manually Clear your InDesign cache files on a Mac:
The User Library folder in which InDesign’s cache files are stored is hidden by default on most Macintoshes. To access it make sure that InDesign is closed and click on the desktop to launch a Finder Window (Command-N). With this window in column view follow the path User>Home folder (it’s the folder with an icon that looks like a house—it may have the user’s name rather than “Home”) and click on the Home folder. With the Option Key pressed choose Library from the Finder Go Menu. “Library” will now appear within the Home folder. Within the Library folder find the “Caches” folder. Within the Caches folder find and delete the entire folder “Adobe InDesign”. I find that deleting the InDesign cache folder completely leads to a lasting change. -
Sebastian Whincop commented
This still seems to be an issue even after the 17.2.1 patch. See attached screenshot of InDesign 2021 and 2022 side by side.
- Font activated via Extensis Suitcase Fusion 22.0.4.
- Font is visible in 2021 InDesign but not 2022 InDesign
- Font is visible in the Mac Text Edit app
- MacOS Monteray -
Steve commented
Also updated to v17.2.1. Font problem still NOT fixed!
Kelly Hartigan commented
Font issue is not fixed in this update!
Michael Hayes commented
Just update to 17.2.1 and issue is not fixed!!?!
Jes Vang commented
Just updated to v17.2.1. The problem is NOT fixed!
Windows 10 computer.