[ID-4218137]Thumbnail of InDesign saved files not appearing after 2019 to 2020 update.
Can anyone help me with this issue, since I update to the 2020 InDesign from 2019 all my icons in saved files don't show the InDesign thumbnail is this a bug or just me being dumb?
note -
-Files still open as normal.
-Even if I save them in 2020 formate still no icons
-Other adobe programs since update show Icons.

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Richard Stephenson commented
Indesign 2023 V18.3 - Windows 10 - the issue is back. Default association is there, and IDML icons there. INDD icon missing
Kathy Lecocq commented
I had no problem with the 16.4 version, but now I'm on 17.01 , the icon for the files doesn't appear either.
I'm on windows 10.
I desisntall it and came back at the 16.4 version, and it appear again. I think I would desinstall 17.01 if it persist.
I restad my computer several times also... -
Travis Pernsteiner commented
I just updated to InDesign 2022 and it happened to me. Blank (white) file icon thumbnails. Files work just fine. Hmm...
Rob Pile commented
Toni Kerr's approach below (5 Jan 2021) works and seems to solve the problem (migrating from 2021 to 2022), but you do have to dig quite deep to find the InDesign.exe file to associate with the .indd file.
One you've done for the first .indd file, all others seem to have the icon reapplied.
But this really shouldn't be necessary, Adobe techies... :-( -
Andre commented
Encountered this problem switching from 2021 to 2022 today, with both InDesign and Illustrator. Restarting didn't work. Not sure if someone's already posted this solution, but what worked for me was:
1. Uninstall the 2022 version and reinstall the 2021 version.
2. Open files in program, set as default, etc, thus restoring the icons.
3. Install 2022 version, this time NOT overwriting the old version (the checkbox pops up in CC when installing. It's probably unchecked by default (unlike PS) for this reason).
4. Uninstall 2021.
5. Open files in 2022, setting as default program. The icons reappear! -
Lauren Solomon commented
Adding some more information to this bug - I have witnessed this happening now on 3 different computers.
My own computer and my coworkers computer on the same network - both upgrading to 2021 and uninstalling 2020 version after the fact.
My husbands personal computer did this, different network - upgraded to 2021 but uninstalled 2020 version prior to upgrading.
Additionally, I have a new laptop at work now that's been completely reformatted and has had the latest version on InDesign installed and the icons appear fine.
I suspect something related to existing data from a previous version of InDesign not being properly purged when it's uninstalled and is clashing with icon information from the newer version. As mentioned in previous comments, right-clicking the file and changing the 'open with' default does not fix this, rebuilding the thumbnail cache of my PC does not fix this, restarting my pc does NOT fix this (and it's definitely the most futile suggestion so far), completely uninstalling all version of indesign and removing ALL preferences does not fix this either, using third-party software to manually assign different icons didn't even fix this for me.
I do not want to have to format my computer just to fix a graphical bug that the Adobe team should be more than capable of fixing. I also don't have the skills to do any registry edit fixes as others on other forums have suggested either.
Please fix this!!
Lauren Solomon commented
Adding yet again that this is still an issue. Changing the 'Open With' is not working for me and I'm a bit tired of seeing that 'solution' posted. There's clearly two types of bugs that result in the same thing, one can seemingly be fixed by changing the the default program that INDD files open with, the other does not get fixed with these steps.
Amy commented
What worked for me: Opening an explorer window, right-clicking on an .indd document, select "Open With," and then click "choose another app". When I picked InDesign 2021, there was a check box that said "always use this app to open .indd files". When I checked that and clicked "Okay," all my .indd files suddenly had the InDesign icon.
Sophie Jackson commented
(after 2021 update)
As suggested by Toni Kerr, right-clicking on the file, selecting "open with" and choosing InDesign from my computer worked for me. No more blank icons. -
Sarah Ortega commented
Just adding this is still an issue, ongoing since the update to 2021.
Lauren Solomon commented
My comment got merged with this thread but I'm still not seeing a solution or fix that works for me. I updated from 15.1.3 to 16.0.1 in 2021 and this issue is still occurring (per my comment below).
I've tried the recommended steps given by amaarora and by Ravi Kiran (both from Adobe) as well as any other user-submitted solutions. The solution suggested by Toni Kerr did not work either as my INDD and all other associated inDesign files are correctly associated with InDesign. I have no problems with opening, saving and using any file types associated with InDesign, it is purely a visual bug with the icon.
Lauren Solomon commented
This problem has been happening to me as well since updating from InDesign 15.1.3 to 16.0.1.
All of my INDD files have blank icons. IDML files are the only related files that I can see that is not affected and has the correct icon.
I have tried the following:
- Restarting my computer
- Uninstalling InDesign completely (including removing preferences) and reinstalling
- Rebuilding my Thumbnails CacheNone of these have worked. The issue isn't present within the previous version of Indesign (15.1.3) as I also tried re-installing this version and the thumbnails worked perfectly. Additionally, this has not affected any other Adobe software that I have updated to the 2021 editions of (including Photoshop and Illustrator).
Please fix this ASAP as I have many Indesign files in folders with mixed file extensions and the icon makes it a lot easier to identify the files I'm looking for.
Attached is a screenshot of how the INDD file icon looks on my computer vs the IDML file icon.
This also appears to be happening on my Husbands personal computer that has Indesign as well. I am experiencing this issue on my company laptop that has completely different specs and different versions of Windows.
Toni Kerr commented
You guys!!! I figured this out!! I tried opening an indd file (with a blank icon) via "open with" and it said there was no program associated with the file type.. so I had to go digging to assign a program to .indd files, and all the icons re-appeared. :-) I hope this helps someone!
Toni Kerr commented
I'll just add my name to this list. Blank icons make the indd files very tough to spot in a long list of file types. A solution would be greatly appreciated. :-)
Editing... For me, this issue started when my hard drive was running out of space, so I uninstall earlier versions of my adobe programs (18 and 19 versions of photoshop, indd, illustrator, xd, premier, AE, bridge, lightroom) ... and kept 20 and 21 versions. If re-installing indd 19 helps, I'll report back.
Christine commented
My icons are still not apprearing. I have uninstalled and resinstalled InDesign. Please help ... it is very frustrating!
Charlotte Sinclaire commented
I have the same problem, and no, restarting has made no difference. I've restarted several times now.
Andrea commented
In the latest version on InDesign on cloud, the InDesign icon is missing when you save the file as document or template.
If you save as IDML, then the icon is purple. If save as Document the windows icon is blank white. Seems the icon image is missing in the .dll file for indd files. idml files are ok.
Using indesign 16.0--2021 -
Andrea commented
I also have this problem, seems the icon image is missing in the .dll file for indd files. idml files are ok.
Using indesign 16.0--2021 -
Kristen C commented
Any update on this? Restarting and refreshing doesn't work.
Ruan commented
Hi Adobe InDesign team.
This comment is to confirm that the last recommendation regarding the thumbnails is not sufficient and not acceptable . Restarting the computer does not solve the issue. Please spend sufficient time and energy on resolving this and provide users of this VERY EXPENSIVE software with a proper solution. Your urgent attention to this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.