Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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5184 results found
Different line lengths with paragraph shading
Paragraph shading is great but even if you choose to set it to text instead of column, the length of each line is the same for all lines of the paragraph (the longest one). It would be great to have the ability to set it according to the length of each line. For now, you have to use paragraph rules wit a hard return at the end of each line.
6 votes -
Export from Pages Panel
The Pages panel — with pages selected — has a "print spreads/print pages" option in the contextual menu.
An option to export the selected spreads/pages to PDF would be useful, especially if it could be done seamlessly, without need for the Export Adobe PDF dialog.
Alternatively, the CMD-E shortcut with pages/spreads selected in the pages panel should bring up the Export Adobe PDF dialog with the selected page range already entered.
This would be especially useful when exporting contiguous pages!
6 votes -
Scroll document whilst Pop up window is visable (e.g Place)
When any pop up windows like Save/ Place/ Export is open it is useful to be able to scroll the document in background.
For example: In InDesign CS6 and you can scroll the document behind the Place pop-up window. In Adobe CC this function no longer works – which slows the design and layout process down.
This feature was especially useful when producing books with many images in.
6 votes -
Make available fullscreen mode votre videos in Publish Online
Can we have a button in the video controler to go Fullscreeen when adding a video in an Indesign document exported to Publish Online ?
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The color Picker is in RGB instead of CMYK
Every inDesign (my version Adobe inDesign CC 2020 15.0.2)
To open the color picker, go to the toolbar on the left of the screen and double-click on the colored square.
It would be nice if the color picker is the same in inDesign as the one in Illustrator and Photoshop. The color picker opens in RGB while we are on a document in CMYK.
We are graphic designers and we use this software because it is designed for printing professionals. The printer works in CMYK so why have a color picker with an RGB color space?Or have the possibility…
6 votes -
Send PDF comment status from InDesign back to originating PDF
I love and successfully use the Import PDF Comments function in InDesign. I work through them in ID and Accept and Mark Resolved them in the PDF Comments panel. But…
Feature request: please give us the option to send the comment status from the ID PDF Comments panel back to the originating PDF. Our workflow continues to use that original PDF for comparison with the new PDF to cross-check that the alterations were made. We don't necessarily want to turn our editors loose in our InDesign files thereby introducing the chance for unintended and unnoticed changes. Thank you. ~Signed, the…
6 votes -
Allow usage of Data Merge within the Slug
We often use internal templates, that utilize the slug area of documents to handle file-specific data. Often we will utilize Data Merge to populate these fields, but we can only do so if our text fields are moved from the slug area, into the document. This of course forces us to move the slug-specific content back into the slug on what can easily be hundreds of documents.
Please expand Data Merge to being useable for document text fields that don't lie directly on the page(s).
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Swatches palet should ALWAYS 'Add Unnamed Colors'
Swatches palet should ALWAYS 'Add Unnamed Colors'!
especially if RGB or SPOT-colours
regarding printready files6 votes -
Make column rules continue in footnotes
If you have a text frame with multiple columns and the footnotes split into columns, the column rules do not continue in the footnotes.
6 votes -
Preflight warning of unlicensed stock / watermarked images from CC Libraries
When publishing Preflight could warn of unlicensed stock / watermarked images from CC Libraries that are visible in the document.
This would help prevent such mistakes from making it into the final published version.6 votes -
Colouring and user-order of font menu
User customized font menu. Colours and the ability to order the fonts exactly how you want. . This makes it so easy to slide to the part of the menu to grab a font you know. This was done in the 1990's by Now Utilities on OS7, 8 and 9. Bring it on!!! It was SO fast to find your fonts. I had blue for Serif, red for San Serif, green for Script and so on. Colour coding is great for many features.
6 votes -
Reintroduce Composite Fonts, Full East Asian Language Support in English (or any) UI
It used to be a feature of InDesign, regardless of the UI language setting.
(It still is for certain UIs, e.g. in the Japanese iD version)Please bring back this desperately needed feature.
6 votes -
Same Stroke behaviour as Illustrator please
Please make it possible to choose for Illustrator style strokes:
-Strokes should not affect the dimensions of a shape*
-Snapping should snap to the actual box, not the thickness of the Stroke- in Illustrator, a Rectangle of 4x4cm, stays 4 x 4 cm, whatever Stroke is applied. In InDesign, a 4 x 4 cm rectangle, with a 1 cm centered stroke applied, becomes 5 x 5 cm. This makes working with grids very unpleasant.
InDesigns Strokes are very unusefull for trying out styles and thicknesses. Each time the Stroke width changes, the shape size changes along.
6 votes -
Ability to create and edit Object styles in the Properties panel
Trying to lessen dependence on existing panels in an attempt to speed up workflow. So if I could create and edit full Object styles by accessing that option—similar to Para and Character styles on Properties panel, that would be great. I know the Properties panel is a work in progress, so hoping this may appear sometime in the not-to-distant future
6 votes -
Delete swatch / replace swatch
Please display the swatch that will be deleted on the 'Delete Swatch' dialog box to prevent replacing or deleting the wrong swatch (which is too easily done at the moment).
6 votes -
Cloud working
A feature for working together on an Indesign document would be great for the year 2019. Similar to Adobe XD Cloud documents, or comparatively like the collaboration of Indesign and Incopy (Check in / Check out) - just cloud based.
I Just want a solution for a group of Designers working on one project without having the trouble of creating a load of documents.
6 votes -
Set row and column dimensions in table styles
I was looking for a way to set row heights in table styles within InDesign and was surprised out there is no way to do this. The only way to do so is to manually manipulate the size in each table.
If I want to create a new table in a new document, I was hoping to have all parameters set the way they need to be set in the table style so other users don't have to manually change the size. I would think this would be a common feature that users would love to have.
Will this be…
6 votes -
Professional Level Graph Tool
All of us professional users need a real Graph/Chart design tool inside Indesign.
It's crazy that you can do this with Microsoft Word or Excel and not with In Design.. Having to go back and forth between Illustrator (whose own graph tool isn't exactly state of the art either) and InDesign is a waste of time for a functionality that should have been implemented years (decades) ago...6 votes -
Preferences | Spelling... Add Find Option to Ignore Check Spelling on Master Pages and Pasteboard
Please add an option under Preferences | Spelling... Add Find Option to Ignore Check Spelling on Master Pages and Pasteboard.
This should be a Preferences feature under Spelling that can be turned on and off. I see that other people have asked for a similar feature so it's definitely a popular ask.
I'm a design professional and I create and use templates for a large corporation's various product marketing teams. Even with the best editors typos will slip through so it would be nice to be able to run a quick spell check on a document. Unfortunately, a quick spell…
6 votes -
make the footnote continue in the whole document rather than linked textframes
Let the footnote be continues in one document irrelevant to the text frames are linked or not
6 votes
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