[Performance] Footnote disappears
A footnote disappeared without reason then appeared back when I changed something in the page layout. This is a very important bug because InDesign didn't display any kind of warning about this problem: no red indicator of missing text or overfull text block. I noticed it by chance. Please look at the screen captures to understand it: the number 2 footnote is missing whereas the footnote number is present in the text. In the other screen capture, the problem has been solved.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix. To prevent problem on existing documents and see the footnotes again, you will have to force recompose the stories.
To force recompose stories, you can use the shortcut Command-Option-/ (slash) on Mac or Ctrl-Alt-slash on Windows
-InDesign Team
Andy commented
Same problem. Running 15.1. All footnotes just disappeared from the bottom of the pages of the report I designed. If I enlarge the text box the footnotes reappear. I didn't notice and my client wasn't thrilled.
Tim Newcombe commented
I hadn't previously encountered this bug, but just now discovered footnotes had completely vanished from a layout. Moving/adjusting the text frame made them re-appear/disappear at random, but I can find no consistent way of working around the problem, and there's not even any way of being aware that it has occurred (no errors, overset indicator etc).
Worse than this, the footnotes are also missing from exported PDF, so it's not just a simple redraw glitch. This is a Very Serious Bug. It needs to be fixed *immediately*.
Honestly this one is so serious that Adobe really should provide a warning to users in ID update notes until it's been definitely fixed.
MacOS 10.14.6
InDesign 15.1 -
Steve commented
No fix in 15.1? The headaches this bug has caused ...
Anonymous commented
I have exactly the same problem, PLEASE DO SOMETHING!
Steve commented
Hi Adobe Design Design Team -
So it's been over SEVEN MONTHS since you knew about this.
Any clue as to what's going on?
Still reviewing it?
Meanwhile we're still having to do laborious checks on every file to make sure footnotes haven't disappeared. -
Anonymous commented
Hi everyone. I have this problem too and it's VERY serious. However, as a temporary work around, try inserting a hair-space/sixth space before every footnote (using find/replace is probably the easiest way) and then the footnotes will re-appear.
JS commented
Hi, I am still facing this issue with v. 15.0.2 x64. It happens very frequently and is becoming a real headache. I don't seem to find a pattern for what triggers this, and since there is no way to know when it happens I have to go over every footnote reference using grep search (~F) and then manually resize the textboxes. Also, this happens with most of the files I've been working on for the past months. You can contact me by email should you need example files since I can't legally post a copyrighted book over here. Please fix this quickly.
Khalid AlAjaji commented
My own workaround to this problem while working on a 1000 page document:
Firstly, I only know of the problem when updating the TOC. It gives a warning of overset text, but no indication of where it is.
The solution is to do a global change of all superscript characters (footnotes reference format) to be changed to the same color of the characters. I use black in my document, and actually nothing changes, but this will make all footnotes appear again. You can check this first on individual occurrences. -
Alexandre Lourdel commented
I had to face again this bug today using the latest version. One footnote had disappeared. Please solve this ASAP.
Anonymous commented
i have had the same problem.
It happens whenever i have to add a page in one of the files contained in my book.
Then it automatically makes the footnotes of most of all the the files below disappear (but not all of the files...)
Very stressfull... It gets back together by working on the text approach. But i do have to check everything.
What a waste of time.
please, please, please do something about it ! -
Anonymous commented
Can confirm. Footnote references appear in the text, but the footnote itself disappears until the text is made to reflow by inserting a space or re-sizing the text box.
The missing Footnotes do not print or export to PDF, either
Running CC2020 (up-to-date) on a mac, running Mojave (10.14.6)
Maya Mansour commented
I am facing a similar problem with endnotes. In the text the references are there, but the first lines of the endnotes disappear.
I am using ID 15.0.1 but the file was created in an older version.
Thank you for any advise you can give me. -
Slawek commented
I think I found a solution to disappearing footnotes.
The problem occurs when it is not selected 'Restart numbering every:' in the Footnote Options.
If we choose it and select the "Section" option, the footnotes stop disappearing.
This should be done even if the publication consists only of from one section. -
Guillaume commented
This is not solved in 15.0.1 !!
I tried to create a new file after the release of the last version, but the same bug occurred…
Please, do something, it's such a terrible issue ! -
Yolande Martel commented
Same problem. I could track with Time Machine that it was Ok when I worked on the specific article, but at the end there were 4 articles of a journal with some footnotes text missing. I opened the document by idml and footnotes reappeared. But this a major bug. - Yolande Martel
sree commented
When I touch up the large continues footnote, indesign file got corrupted
Sevil commented
This bug is not solved! You can see in the screenshot i shared. No 6, 7, and 8 footnotes.
Thomas Stark commented
I have the same problem. The footnotes just disappear, meaning I have to go through each document and check whether the footnotes are there. When I adjust the text box they reappear, but possibly disappear someplace else. Sending an InDesign file, and the same file exported to pdf to amaarora@adobe.com. – See the first footnote on p.38: footnotes should begin with '1' but start with '5'; 1–4 have been swallowed. Please fix this problem! ID 15.0.1 x64, Windows 10
Shane Smith commented
What the ****! I just sent a document to our client and it was missing all the footnotes! This is a serious bug that needs to be fixed immediately.
S. Krupkowski commented
Same issue as other comment; page hangs when I attach the file, and click "Post Comment" button.