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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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  1. Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
  2. Steps to reproduce the issues
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If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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6920 results found

  1. xml

    Version : Indesign CC 2018

    Steps to reproduce the issues :
    - create a XML file with a InDesign table and two cells (see attached file)
    - in first cell add a image
    - in second cell add a text
    - in a InDesign document, place the structure root tag in a textframe
    - import XML file in structure
    - BUG : the style in the first cell is missing (because there is a image)
    - if you doesn't place the root tag in a textframe before importing the file, the XML file is loaded correctly

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  2. Using tabs with right-aligned text causes crash - CC2017

    When I build a paragraph with tabs and right-aligned text, making any edits to the paragraph at all causes InDesign CC2017 to crash. My co-worker experiences the same problem.

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    CLOSED  ·  amaarora responded

    To identify the cause of this issue, we had started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.

    We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the finding : Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent in nature at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.

    We recommend you to upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2020.0.1 (if you’re not already on it). It contains a lot of stability fixes.

    If you still face this issue even after updating to the latest version of InDesign, please submit the crash report to us. (The guidelines to submit crash are available at (

    We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  3. Cursor Shape Change or Indesign Bug

    Has Adobe changed the cursor icon?

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  4. Every time there's a new update I lose all my saved templates.

    If I'm missing something I'd like to know. Otherwise, I'm tired of having to recreate these templates every time there's an update.


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  5. Zoom

    macOS High Sierra
    Adobe InDesign CC 2017

    In an open document, press Command + Space to activate the

    Temporarily Select Zoom In Tool

    Does not Temporarily Select Zoom In Tool

    I have disabled the Spotlight keyboard shortcuts as well as the Siri shortcut, and I am still unable to use this feature. Was it removed? Am I able to make it work again, somehow?

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  6. I am Korean, but I can not write vertically. I can not rotate the left menu bar, upper menu bar, letter tab character. There is no language

    I am Korean, but I can not write vertically. I can not rotate the left menu bar, upper menu bar, letter tab character. There is no language or oriental language choice. Please make sure you have made the capture
    The company had access to the same ID.
    But you should not come home.

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    Need More Info  ·  amaarora responded

    Can you please uninstall InDesign and then reinstall it with the settings in Creative Cloud same as mine.. I have shown these settings in settings.png attached.

    Let us know what happens then


  7. Object Display Performance

    With an object selected, selecting Object/Display Peroformance/ no matter what setting, nothing happens since the 2018 update. It only works if I use the option in the view menu for the entire document or go to preferences and change the default for Typical to high

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  8. Find/Change built in GREP queries not working

    InDesign says it performed the action (multiple space to single space, remove trailing whitespace, etc) but looking in the document nothing changed.

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  9. Indesign

    I have updated from CC 2017 to CC 2018 and opened an existing 740 page book. This is an indesign book file .INDB with 25 chapters and numerous index entries.
    When I view the index panel in CC 2017 all the entries are there. Screenshot index-cc2017
    When I view the same files in CC 2018 the index panel is completely empty and there is no index at all. Screenshot index-panel2018
    I rebuilt the preferences and the exact same thing happens. These screenshots were done after the pref rebuild when I noticed the problem.
    Is there…

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  10. Select pages in a multi document file not displaying graphics or text.

    Select pages in a multi-document file not displaying graphics or text. Layers display the links to text and graphics but does not display in Indesign nor after when it is PDF.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  11. Page Tab bug

    The deletion of pages in the "pages tab" works only by moving these pages on the trash icon. Selecting pages and then clicking on the trash icon do not work.

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  12. The File size increases after the document is curved and exported.

    Once the document is curved and exported the PDF file size is more then the uncurved PDF

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Export PDF, *.ai files with masks areas are inbverted if cropping marks set

    If I export my indesign file with straight page format is ok, but when I want to export my printer's cutting marks and bleed then my *.ai files that were contained in the indesign files are not good anymore: the mask areas that were previously correct are now inverted...

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  15. Auto-Fit for resizing photos.

    I've upgraded from InDesign CS6 to CC 2018, and cannot properly resize photos proportionately. Cannot locate "Auto-Fit" button though every tutorial/directions say this is what to use.

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  16. color theme menu is off the screen and I can't resize it or see bottom of menu

    when i open the color them window, the bottom of the menu pops up off screen. I can't see the bottom of the color theme menu and I'm unable to resize it.

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  17. Saving INDD to Cloud. Most of the time the ID file refuses to save and a message states that the file may be open elsewhere. This means

    Saving INDD to Cloud. Most of the time the ID file refuses to save and a message states that the file may be open elsewhere. This means

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  18. splash

    Title: Splash screen/Startup Screen won't go away.

    Description: Whenever InDesign is launched by a script the splash screen stays open indefinitely.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Quit InDesign
    2) Make a new AppleScript, with the content:

    "tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
    end tell"

    3) Run the script

    Result: InDesign launches, but the splash screen never close

    Expected result: InDesign should launch, but the splash screen should hide, once the launch is completed.

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    Closed: Fixed  ·  amaarora responded

    Please update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.


  19. An Orginalposition einfügen

    Seid Adobe InDesign 2018 tritt folgendes Problem auf.
    Ich öffne ein mehrseitiges Dokument und kopiere eine Doppelseite - mit "apple + c" in die Zwischenablage. Anschließen erstelle ich ein neues Dokument (DIN A4, 2 Seiten) und füge den Inhalt der Zwischenablage über "An Orginalposition einfügen" ein. Nun werden verschieden Textboxen nicht mehr richtig angezeigt. So werden z.B. Texte die über "Textrahmenoptionen" "zentriert" ausgerichtet waren nicht mehr richtig angezeigt. Sie erscheinen nun wie einfach obenlinks ausgerichteter Text. Zur besseren Veranschaulichung habe ich zwei Sreenshots angefügt.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  20. Edit with/Other cannot open an application on MacOS

    Select a placed image in InDesign. Choose Edit With / Other from the menu. When double clicking an application in the Open File dialog, InDesign opens the .app folder instead of executing the app.

    The behaviour is observed in CC2015, CC2017 and CC2018

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