[ID-4257184]InDesign 2025(v20.0) Performance issues: Delay or beach balls on basic operations
InDesign Performance issues: Delay or beach balls observed on basic operations on Macintosh
Steps to Reproduce:
- We have reproduced one scenario in which the existence of the Documents Font Folder and Contextual Task bar results in some slowness.
- Other workflows causing slowness are being investigated - No reliable reproducible steps
Impacted workflows:
- Switching to InDesign
- Open/Closing of Document
- Edit/Scroll/Copy-paste/Highlight operation on Text
- Text disappears, illustrations disappear
- Imported or added text turns black until a style is applied.
- Font menu highlight not following my mouse movement
- Text will not change fonts until I click the mouse inside or outside the text box.
- Resize a document window, the corner flies below the screen border
- Click or Drag of the mouse
- Switching between tools
- "Waiting for UXP plugins to finish up remaining tasks."
- Disable Contextual Task Bar or remove Documents Font Folder
- Close the MAGNET application
- Revert to InDesign 19.5, No performance lag is observed.
- Restarting the machine and trashing the preferences seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Disabling any font manager software seems to resolve the issue. One customer confirmed that disabling "Rightfont" resolved the issue.
- Uninstall-Reinstall seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Turn off Preflight seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC platform only. Impacted macOS (Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura(maybe), Monterey)
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC devices
- Apple MacBook Pro M1/M2/M3
- Apple MacBook Air M1/M2/M3
- Apple Max Studio M1/M2/M3
- Apple Mac mini M1/i7 Intel
- The issue exists for both old and new documents
Additional information needed:
- Are you opening the indd documents from the folder containing the Documents Font Folder?
- Is the "Contextual Task bar" shown? If yes, Disable it from "Window->Contextual Task bar"
- Screenshot of Memory usage while the issue is observed
- Please follow the below steps for InDesign and InDesign PR 20.1.066 on Macintosh
- Open Terminal in full-screen mode
- Drag the InDesign application on the terminal (e.g. "/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025")
- Copy the logs when you start facing the slowness in a text(.txt) file. Share the file with us at sharewithID@adobe.com.

We have made some Performance Improvements in the latest InDesign Release 2025 (Version 20.1), available via Creative Cloud Desktop application. This issue has also been fixed as part of performance improvements.
Please let us know if you still face slowdown while doing basic operations in this latest InDesign release.
Adobe InDesign team
Vicky commented
Fixing the problem by reverting to 19.5 is not a solution! I work in a company that also runs Windows computers; they all work with the 25 version. Exporting as idml only works to a limited extent. Sometimes the layouts are completely destroyed during conversion. Customers also send us production data from the 25 version. What should I tell them? Why doesn't anyone test whether the software runs on the Silicon chips? They're not that rarely used now, are they? My goodness: Why don't you bring the update when it works!
Vicky commented
I can only confirm this: InDesign 2025 slows down my workflow immensely on both my iMac M1 and my MacBook Pro M3! It makes no difference whether I want to activate a text or image placeholder for editing or simply drag an object, the input or scaling are enormously delayed. I enter something and nothing appears, then I zoom in or click somewhere else, ét voilà it appears or is there twice because I thought InDesign hadn't registered the input. It's impossible to work properly like this! We pay so much money for the cloud and it feels like every update just makes the workflow worse. Moving around in the document is slow. The image previews are broken.
Nanit BS commented
Slowness is observed after the Indesign 2025 update. All files which got converted to 2025 (v.20) version are slow. Slowness happens after opening these documents, beachballs are appearing for 10-15 secs by just clicking any where on the document, scrolling, using text tool, selecting text.. Display settings changed to Fast display but not good..
Thomas commented
20.0 is unusable. I click into Indesign from another window and it takes 3-4 seconds to register, then 3-4 seconds to do anything else. Need a fix immediately.
Courtney Moore commented
InDesign 2025 crashes EVERY SINGLE TIME that I select "Check Spelling". This is causing an issue for my business.
Tony commented
I’m having huge issues with InDesign 2025 on Mac OS X Ventura (13.7.1).
Hanging with a spinning beach ball after every click or action. It’s completely unusable, and I’ve reverted to InDesign 2024.
There seems to be a belief the problem may lie with font management software? I’m using FontExplorer X. I can’t work without some form of font management.
Filip Blazek commented
On my machine, the spinning wheel appears immediately, there is no way to work in this version. Just switching to InDesign 2025 takes around 10 seconds. Screenshot of memory usage provided. The values do not change during spinning.
David Stoddart. commented
same problem. Critical with a deadline looming!
Chelsea commented
Hi Sanyam, I'd record the screen showing you the issue but I don't want to risk installing 2025 again.
When I installed 2025, it changed a recently downloaded folder with many 2024 InDesigns to 2025 InDesign, even though I hadn't opened them in 2025, nor had the person sending them to me. When I tried opening them with 2024 it gave me:
"InDesign could not open "File name.indd" because it has been created in a newer version - Adobe InDesign v20. You can convert and open this file but you may lose out on content created using the features specific to the latest versions.”
Not good, and mercifully it wasn’t wide spread to all my InDesign files. So I uninstalled 2025 and then redownloaded that specific folder and they opened as 2024 with no issues.
John Kary commented
I can give you more information. It happens on my Mac as well. It's **** annoying. I am running Sequoia 15.1 and InDesign 20. This happens with new documents as well as old ones. I'd switch back to old InDesign, but I will not be able to open my new docs. I've reset the preferences and reinstalled them. Nothing has helped. Apple claimed this was an Adobe problem. I believe they are correct.
Rhece Nicholas commented
Any fix to this yet? I use indesign full time for my job and this is a Major Issue. I can not do anything in indesign without getting the spinning rainbow of death. Legit I can not even scroll or zoom in and out. The product is basically unusable at this point. Like this is straight garbage. PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE
MBP 2021 | Apple M1 Pro Chip | Sequoia 15.1
Russell Peterson commented
Same thing for me as everyone else. Beach ball every time I backspace or try to make a correction or select type. It's horribly slow and unproductive.
MacMini M2
Sonoma 14.6.1 -
Ralph Barnett commented
Using ID 2025 is simply horrible! It blows my mind how we pay a premium for this software and it can be so buggy
M2 Macbook Pro(64 gb ram) running Sequoia 15.
Feels like I'm running a 2006 iMac. -
Gary Robbins commented
Same issue. Macbook Pro M1, Sequoia 15.0.
Bente Øien Hauge commented
I have the same problem. Sonoma 14.6.1. M1. Especially with copy paste and moving elements. Text disappears, illustrations disappear, spinning ball, crash. Horrible!
Gary commented
From our side:
Sequoia 15.0.1
Apple MacBook Pro
M1 MaxSlownwess with all InDesign docs.
Beachball at the simplest of commands
Unworkable -
Henriques commented
same for me, after each action i must wait for 3 to 10 seconds or simply switching between Acrobat an Indesign (for copy/past words
MACOS 15.0.1 (24A348)
Indesign 2025 20.0 -
Stefan Kraft commented
The latest version of InDesign is sunning extremely sluggish on MacBook Pro M1 Max running Sequoia.
Switching to Indesign, any interaction, editing text – all causes delays or beach balls. this is after a fresh install of InDesign and cleaning all caches.
Using an earlier InDesign works well.
This version is causing major delays. -
Luis Cereigido commented
Any action I do freezes and shows the beach ball. Mac mini 3,2 ik7. 16GB RAM. Sequoia OS. Frustrating.
Pekka Gaiser commented
On Monterey 12.4. Updated to 2025 a couple of days ago. It was fine at first but today started getting the beach ball on every move. Initially I suspected the use of a handwriting font (a normal OTF though, not one of those newfangled things with textures) but am now getting it in every document. Tried deleting presets.