Restore video from URL media option
For some unexplained reason the Video from URL option has been removed from InDesign 2020. This needs to be restored ASAP as there are people using this feature.
Moveover, it needs a minor improvement to allow HTTPS links (
It was a big mistake to not query the community before removing this and it should be a simple thing to restore.

“Place Video from URL” option has been restored in the latest InDesign update – version 15.1.
Please update InDesign to use the feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Marco commented
I'm not able to select this feature. It appears in the media tab but I can't actually click it. It's soft gray, like the option can't be chosen. Can someone help me with this?
Anonymous commented
Is it fixed. Vimeo links don't show the native mp4 file name, so getting this error message?
Claudio Marconato commented
Now it works only in an interactive PDF, if I remember well it worked also with Fixed Layout EPUB.
Mark Pierce commented
Nice! Thanks for reinstating this function.
Clement Batifoulier commented
great news ! this should be a warning for future "update", survey should be interesting when Id team want to remove features....
Anonymous commented
Restore video from URL media option please add this back in!
Anonymous commented
PLEASE add this feature back!
Andre Burkard commented
I do not want to embeed the Video directly in the pdf. The file will be to big. Therefore i want to link the Video e.q from Vimeo into the pdf presentaton with linked Video. Please, bring back this Feature.
Katlyn commented
PLEASE add this feature back!
PSullivan commented
Please add it back!
Anonymous commented
Still no fix ? it's under review since end january....
Anonymous commented
How is it even possible that this isn't fixed yet? Is there any way to do this without the button? I have only one week to my deadline left which I need this function asap.
Jeremiah Brown commented
Please restore ASAP! Not only have I lost time searching for this Globe button, but my client was expecting this to be possible due to previous capability!!!
Anonymous commented
This is a very important fitsure that we use in many places. Without it we have to re-invent a lot of solutions.
Please restore this function or we have to re-invent a lot of solutions. -
Stefan Arthur commented
Please restore this feature. It's very important to our workflows.
Teresa commented
Que vuelva la opción y también la de elegir Controlador en la ventana Multimedia
Mattis Merkel commented
its still not working... thanks for nothing but trouble.
Sophs commented
Please restore this feature. It's very important to our workflows.
Anonymous commented
The way Adobe acts with users is just disconcerting. Removing a fonctionnality without querying users shows us how Adobe treats their clients. Could you imagine the impact on our own client discovering that a fonctionality they paid for isn't working anymore. I guess not… After Edge animate, after Muse, after this Indesign's functionality, what's next ? How is it possible to trust a tool which, may be- may be not , disappear on the day after.
Anonymous commented
I agree with every comment below (and probably every one that comes in after mine).