[ID-4222284]Different views when switching between preview and normal mode
Strange behavior. I recently switched between preview and normal mode and InDesign showed me an older version of the document.
Most recent MacOS and InDesign Version.

Please send the following information to santalwa@adobe.com :
• Video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)
Workaround: Restart InDesign
Adobe InDesign Team
Oliver_ commented
I have the same problem in 2024 with the newest InDesign version. And how amazing, this problem is known since 2019 and no one ever fixed it…?
Preview seems shows older version of the document (cached?). I was just about going to do corrections again when I realized that it is only wrongly shown. Makes it hard though to evaluate corrections.
> You see the issue in the different number in the table description and in the coloured boxes I placed as temporary notes for client review.To my specs: I work on a MacBook Pro 16-inch 2023 M2 Max with 96 GB memory, Sonoma 14.3.1, using InDesign 19.3.
sf commented
This gets me every time. If I view as Preview, and go to edit text, the text isn't where it looks like and I wonder if I'm losing it.
I guarantee the answer has nothing to do with any particular document. Preview mode seems to show a cached view.
John Tardif commented
Still a problem - November 2022.
Switching from preview to normal screen.
Also enlarging images, screen not updating.Pointless "uservoice" site if bugs are ignored for two years.
Halvor commented
It has been TWO whole years since the last reply from Adobe, what on earth are you doing? This is a huge problem and should be addressed first of all bug reports!
As I've mentioned before, there's also other bug reports that seems to be the same problem. The suggested workaround is far from good enough, the bug is very unpredictable and it's often not obvious that it's present.
Please prioritise your professional users!I can't share any documents (contains sensitive info), it's not related to any specific docs, it's not caused by lack of hardware power – currently running ID 17.4 on OS X 12.5.1 on Mac Studio M1 Max. I can't update anything yet (for collaboration reasons)
Nicholas Besuyen commented
I've had the same issue where it seemingly flips back and forth between the current and an old version of the document. Unfortunately I can't provide the document but I have attached a screen recording of the issue.
Dan commented
Critical issue, this is frequently awkward when reviewing work with a colleague or boss, recent changes are not reflected and they see a random WIP view.
No word files in my documents although they are heavy on linked images.
Working in windows 10 on a dell laptop. -
Phillip commented
This continues to be a problem in 18.0. Again, for me it’s files upwards of 10 pages with imported Word files. I have not been able to narrow it down any further.
Please fix this bug, it’s making work on long documents very difficult and error prone. -
Anonymous commented
Same issue, please fix. Its a huge bug.
Allison Merrick commented
This is a problem in 17.2.1--toggling between preview/default is causing text to shift. If I close the file and restart indesign it will resolve, but only temporarily as it is intermittent.
Daniel Meehan commented
Same issue. Very frustrating. Please fix.
Alexandre Lourdel commented
Several years after reporting this HUGE bug, posting screencaptures, sending reports to you at your mailbox (with no answer, by the way), it is indeed still present in the latest 2022 version. I have to deal with it every day. What's the use of reporting a bug if you don't do anything to solve it ? If Adobe doesn't want to resolve it, please tell us, there are other softwares around here that look very interesting to us professionals (Affinity Publisher…) and much cheaper. Adobe if following the same path than Quark 15 years ago.
Michelle Wilby commented
I'm in Indesign 16.0 Mac, Yosemite..... When the page is viewed in preview mode, certain objects appear from a previous iteration. In normal mode, I placed 2 vector objects from Illustrator into Indesign, then after placing , I deleted them, then added boxes I created in Indesign. Then I switched to preview mode.... The placed vectors from Illustrator that I deleted were still there & the boxes I created after deleting them were not. I closed the document then reopened it.... now preview mode & normal mode are the same. Glad I caught this....if it had been a more complex design, I might I shown a client the wrong design. Have to agree with other comments here: FIX THE OLD BUGS BEFORE ADDING NEW HALF-BAKED FEATURES!
Anonymous commented
Another video: https://youtu.be/nHnVv4pEKqc
Anonymous commented
Same issue here.
I recently changed from 2021 to 2022 with hope that this error would be fixed, but still there.
Using Indesign 17.0 in Macbook Pro M1 2020, 12.0.1 Monterey.Screen Recording: https://youtu.be/tVgotZJjiiQ
Paul T commented
I have been plagued by this problem for months. I am using version 16.2. Sometimes it's just some paragraphs missing between views, but today a whole page of text was missing, so I decided to take screen shots of the the two views. This is not document specific, it has been happening on many documents. To fix I either have to add some text to the story, then delete it or restart InDesign.
zuly.be commented
So I’m working on a Flemish document that I’m translating into English, meaning copy and pasting text out of word documents.
When switching between preview and normal mode I also see this.I made a video: https://www.loom.com/share/66a71ac5a89043428ebe758c62eeda1e
Gemma commented
Same issue, seems to happen at random and hard to spot unless regularly switching between normal and preview.
FrankyFox commented
Same issue - driving me nuts. changes made in preview mode don't show in normal mode and vice versa. Not consistent though - sometimes it works fine.
Workaround - closing and re-opening the document seems sufficient.
JAPONfan commented
Issue is showing in 16.0.1 on freshly installed InDesing on new machine. I opened file from 16.0.1 I changed on different machine. Added few things (pages with new content). New PDF have errors (content missing) that were fixed (because I have PDFs with proper content). File had 2 pages (now 4). I cannot check files if "old" changes are there and present. Doing it on this file with 5 versions is PITA. Doing on 80 pages documents with 12 versions? Impossible. Working with indesign is making ME look like I do bad work, can't be reliable and not wanting to put "extra work" (yes, checking if idnesign didn't f**ked up something is extra work).
Martin Ende commented
A video would not show more then the screenshots. And it is not a specific document.