I lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality (everything is grayed out). To save my work, I have to export as an IDML .
Lost all Save, Save As, Undo functionality while working.
To save my work, the only thing to do is to export as an IDML file. Force quitting to recover the file doesn't work. This has been happening to me since InDesign 5.5. I am currently using InDesign CC 2018. There are no particular steps, it happens at random. I can have several files open and it only happens to one file, or sometimes it's more than one file. It happens whether I'm working off of my Desktop or on our server.
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As part of the investigation into the cause of this issue, we personally reached out to many of you over email. We have so far heard from only some of you.
Of the responses we have received, the conclusion we’ve come to is:
This issue was intermittent, happened once during the course of work but somehow got resolved and has not happened again. This issue can’t be reproduced now.
Over a period of time, this thread has not thrown any fresh clues on why this issue seems to occur randomly for some and then seems to resolve itself. So we’re closing this thread.
However, even though we’re closing this thread, if you again run into this issue any time on a consistent basis, please report it here on UserVoice (in a new thread) with supporting assets like:
A) a test file,
B) detailed steps to replicate the issue
C) any specific type of content that causes this
D) a screen recording, etc.
E) ID version, OS, etc.
(You can put the testing artifacts at a shareable location and share the link with us, reaching us at sharewithID@adobe.com OR rkiran@adobe.com.
This will help us immensely in determining a proper fix for this issue.
We seek your continued support to help improve InDesign. Let us do it together.
Adobe InDesign team
Irene commented
I just lost 3 hours worth of work in InDesign because of this issue. Apparently it goes all the way back to 2013?? Really?? ADOBE PLEASE FIX THIS. I am on the latest version of Windows 10 on a MS Studio Pro, Adobe CC and InDesign. English US Version. No wacom but I do have the Studio pen stylus.
Joshua Blume commented
Just started seeing this issue tonight! Very frustrating and nerve-wracking with upcoming deadlines!
Anonymous commented
Please fix this issue, it is making it impossible to update my file without risking data loss.
Anonymous commented
I am experiencing this issue as well!
Martin commented
I have narrowed down the specific circumstances this is occurring for me. I'm selecting multiple text boxes and trying to move them but instead it rotates them slightly as I've probably clicked down when the mouse hovered in the right position to rotate. I then try to undo the rotate, can't undo and then check the save and its all greyed out too. I'm using a wacom intuos too.
Lars Bugge commented
I have just been experiencing this as well, so annoying! Is there a solution yet?
Another workaround, besides saving as IDML - go to your job list and force indesign to quit (cmd+opt+esc on mac) then open indesign again and it will automatically recover your file. You can now save as normal.
( I would probably still save as IDML, just to be sure) -
Martin commented
I'm also having this issue with both the 2018 (up to date as of today) and 2017 versions of Indesign. I am using a wacom tablet.
Macpubs commented
I'm also having this issue. I remember I had the same thing happen about 5-6 months ago. I found something on one of Adobe threads that mentioned "holding down the space key while pressing command, or option, or something. It worked immediately but now I cannot figure it out again!
make it so commented
This issue continues to seriously affect our workflow - DAILY. Our Project Manager wants to know if you are working on it. It seriously affects our ability to meet our already tight deadlines - especially for Sales Meetings. Please let us know that you are working on this. Somehow, we will need to accommodate this GIANT BUG in our future planning.
Anonymous Designer commented
i've been experiencing this issue on and off for 12 months. It doesn't happen everyday but happens often. I would say weekly. I've updated my computer thinking it was a computer issue but it's happened on the new computer. please help.
Anonymous commented
I need urgent help with this BUG
barb c commented
just happened to me too
Marco Eggens commented
Same problem here.
As soon as I use paste/undo.Fixed by closing the doc and save as IDML;
However as soon as I start up same problem occurs. -
vanessa simonard commented
I can't save or export my work in Indesign either. Even after downloading the latest update as of today. When is this going to be fixed? Thank you
Anonymous commented
@Ravi Kiran,
Still having this issue to. Happened while working at a document after a while (it was good at the start though). If you send an Email to me i would gladly like to help to fix this issue.
Sebastian Leon Hermfelt commented
I can't save my work in any way. If I paste the graphic elements into a new document that file locks as well.
Oscar commented
Still having this issue.
Anonymous commented
same here
Jorg commented
Still broken here too
Anonymous commented
me too, unfortunately...