InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing
When editing a text box, the text disappears.
I have to switch the display mode (Overview > Normal or Normal > Overview) to make the text appear again.
This bug occurs frequently (10~20 times a day) but I did not identify what is the trigger.
Version 2017.1
Build x64
Windows 10 x64
We're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available to download from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Makinzie Sketch commented
This seems to still be happening in the InDesign 2022 version. Any suggestions?
Chryss Yost commented
Rogier Delfos commented
For the ones still suffering this issue;
It might not happen any longer if you uncheck: preferences > display performance > enable anti-aliasing
Anti-aliasing makes fonts appear more smooth on screen. For me this works, and even though the type looks like **** when editing, it doesn't dissappear.
I'm using the latest version of InDesign CC 2022 (17.0) on OSX Monterey.
It's a temporary fix. Adobe, I see in this forum's history that the issue has been coming and going for many people. Please fix asap!
Droneify FPV commented
Have version 16.1 and problem still exists on Mac OSX Big Sur M1 processor. Macbook Pro
Please fix this bug.
jeffHalmos commented
Why is this issue "fixed" When I activate Overprint Preview?
I prefer not to work in this mode, but have to until it's solved.
Andrew Walsh commented
On 17.0.1 on an M1 Macbook Air and this issue has actually gotten worse since the last update. Please fix the issue of text disappearing.
pharwood commented
Bug still present in pre-release ID 2022 Mainline_x17.1.0.28.
Anyone else who can please download the pre-release and if the bug is present follow this link to post a bug report:
If more of us do this Adobe might finally recognise that this serious bug actually exists.
DanIel Twine commented
Even with the new update this is still not working!
pharwood commented
Unfortunately the font cache solution didn't work.
Text still disappears randomly.
I cannot believe that Adobe can't reproduce this issue on an M1 Mac and find a fix.
Anders commented
Please, Adobe, fix this... How am I supposed to work on documents that are over 80 pages long like this? Every edit, every change the text disappears... This needs to be solved! Please. You can do it!
Julien Tora commented
Well, I am in the exact same position as many others here : Macbook Air M1 Monterey and my texts glitch as **** every time I edit them. I am a professional, I need to have reliable programs to earn my life and I swear I am just one finger from deleting my Adobe account to go and see if grass is greener somewhere on the other side.
Please fix it like today. -
Vibor Visković commented
Same issue, Im starting to fear this one is NEVER getting resolved (I'll have to switch back to Windows to continue working). M1 Macbook Pro.
Also, if I turn on Overprint preview, the issue goes away but thats not really a fix since it slows down everything. -
adorodrums commented
hi, though this is an old issue, I have it with the most recent version (17.0) on a M1 Macbook Air (2020, Big Sur 11.6) - the text field i am working on is hiding the text while editing. Have to switch the display mode (preview/normal back and forth) to see the actual text. Very anoying.
pharwood commented
Don't want to speak too soon, but I think I may have discovered a fix. I use FontExplorer X Pro, but I opened FontBook and validated all fonts as suggested. This didn't work for me. I then opened FontExplorer and made sure only the System fonts were active. I then used the Tools menu in FontExplorer to clean the System font caches. It did this and then restarted my Mac.
Since that restart I haven't seen the bug reappear.
For the moment I am only allowing Creative Cloud to activate fonts needed by InDesign files. Over the next week I will activate any other fonts I need using FontExplorer and see if the bug reappears.
If you Google there are many ways to clean the System font caches other that via FontExplorer.
Barton Workman commented
I'm running In Design V 17.0 and all of a sudden my type disappears or separates from itself in the text box.
There is also a weird outer box around the text box which seems to be influencing this.
I've called Adobe Tech Support multiple times now and no one there seems to know what to do other than do a screen share and ***** up my document.
Homeschool Languages LLC commented
Yep. This is the worst. Adobe. Fix this ASAP
Henry commented
I was really struggling with this issue on my brand new M1 chip Macbook Pro. I seem to have found a semi solution. I followed the advice of some of the other comments and opened Fonotbook, selected all fonts and deleted the ones with issues and then I went into InDesign preferences and unchecked GPU performance and my issue seems to have disappeared so far! Hope this helps!
Stephanie commented
I'm also experiencing this on an ongoing basis. New iMac, up-to-date OS and InDesign software.
Quickest (temporary) fix to minimize interruptions in my workflow is to zoom in and out again quickly (cmd + cmd -) but it's super frustrating. Given the fact that this program is such an industry standard, it's wild to me that there are so many strange bugs. Please fix!
Helen commented
Its so annoying, I'm working on my dissertation and it keeps disappearing! I'm on a brand new MacBook Pro with an up to date InDesign
Ian T commented
It's happening to me. Have validated all fonts but still happening.
It's really slowing me down.
Adobe- this needs fixing!