My feedback
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2 votes
jeffHalmos shared this idea ·
13 votes
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.—
Adobe InDesign Team
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
For the last 3 or 4 updates (current is, in MacOS running the latest versions, ID presents with a blank screen when the app is open but not active for a period of time. This is absolutely a continuing lack of ability of Adobe to work with Apple silicon, namely the video RAM, since the solution is to switch to CPU view, which is a no. Otherwise the app has to be quit and rebooted. Every single time that this happens, which is every single time it's left unattended. Everyone I know that uses ID has this problem.
jeffHalmos supported this idea ·
InDesign performance issue: Text disappears while editing
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.35.png 1787 KB -
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.31.png 1661 KB -
Screenshot 2021-10-15 at 10.57.24.png 1405 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-04 um 10.59.02.png 17 KB -
Schermata 2020-10-10 alle 10.57.38.png 381 KB -
Schermata 2020-10-10 alle 10.57.47.png 318 KB -
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_Programme 2019 30.5.19.indd @ 125% 13_06_2019 16_47_40_Trim.mp4 3918 KB -
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InDesighDisappeagingText.png 440 KB
148 votesWe're happy to announce that the fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available to download from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest InDesign version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
The only way to successfully deal with this ridiculous issue until the final fix is released and we don't hear about it again for a few years (this issue is on and off and goes back to August 2017) is to keep Activity monitor open and make sure you don't go over 80% memory usage. So 16GB M1 Mac mini has to be under 13.5GB total. Basically that means not running Photoshop while using InDesign.
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
Guys, this thread goes back to August of 2017. InDesign is now the Land Rover of software.
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
Editing text causes a blank textbook. only way to fix it is to refresh the screen, either with zooming or turning on and off Guides.
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
Why is this issue "fixed" When I activate Overprint Preview?
I prefer not to work in this mode, but have to until it's solved.
jeffHalmos supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
Ya, it's back baby, and bigger than ever.
16.4 on an M1 Mac mini.
12 votes
Fix for this was available in the previous release of InDesign – InDesign 2021. Please update to the latest update of InDesign 2021 or install the latest version of InDesign 2022 to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
What is this? Just let us have the beta back, which actually works well, until Adobe has a replacement. How hard is that?
You know, or make all of us paying customers mad.
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
"How can we improve InDesign (Beta)?"
Letting us use the app would be a good start.
1 vote
jeffHalmos shared this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
Same here. Just fingered it out that it's InDesign. Quitting the app fixes the issue immediately.
34 votes
Based on our investigations after communicating with users, we’ve come to the conclusion that this issue is not related to OS 10.15.x
Closing this thread.
Adobe InDesign teamAn error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
For me it's all about 4K monitors. Photoshop is fine but most other suite apps are jerky and sluggish. Affinity apps, however, sings.
285 votes
Scalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team
An error occurred while saving the comment jeffHalmos commented
It's not a bug. It's just not a priority. 4K is just not on their radar still. Nor is multi-processors.
Samsung 32” 4K via DisplayPort. MacBook Poro 16” M2, clambhelled. Latest developer beta of Sequoia, it it’s been happening with official releases. Because the Samsung is 4K I’m using the 3008 pixel setting for a better interface size. It’s a ratio that doesn’t slow down the OS.
I would boot ID, work on a project that might take a few hours and a variety of other apps and everything would be fine. But leaving the app open but not active for hours including various amounts of the Mac sleeping would without fail cause ID to show a blank screen even though there is still a file open. I can blindly select things but nothing shows, and i can see the art if i select CPU View, but it all goes blank the second i select GPU again. Only recourse is to quit and reboot the app.
There are many people on the ID Forum mentioning the very same issue, one was an IT guy who says all of their ID designers have the issue. It’s a thing.