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5142 results found

  1. Rearrange objects in the control panel

    it used to be when you selected text, it appeared on the far left on the control bar. but now it's stuck at the very end making with scroll over or go to the character, paragraph, etc., panels in order to make changes

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  2. Visual indicator RGB print document - large format inkjet printing AND easier creation of RGB doc

    Making it easier to have an RGB file for printing to a large format inkjet?
    (only saying inkjet made me think of a consumer product).

    Current option for creating a document is for presswork --
    Have to change the transparency blend space to RGB to take advantage of the larger color space available with the extra inks there.

    The top bar that is above the document frame (has the home button in the corner) Can that be a different color to indicate if you are in a CMYK or RGB blend space?

    You already know the color issues if…

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  3. smart tabs

    Suppose I have a document with a table laid out in it. I don't want to use a table, instead I go to a tabbed list so I can save some space. What I would want is the option to left justify the first column, right justify the last column, and distribute the other columns so that each tab has the exact same width in that row without having to manually space them out.

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  4. It should be possible to turn on or turn off “Respect indents” in the Text Wrap Options.

    For a long time InDesign did not respect the indenting of block quotes when text wrap was applied to photos. Then last year I was working on a big book with many indented quotes and many photos and was pleased to see the indent was respected when I set a text wrap around a photo. Now, in the latest version, that is no longer the case. This is a serious problem in large illustrated books with many block quotes. We should have the choice in the Text Wrap box of specifying whether the wrap should respect block quote indents or…

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  5. Toggle between Text Tool and Selection Tool

    I am guessing most users' experience is like mine: I am constantly going back and forth between the Text tool (working within a text block) and the Selection tool (to select/move a text block handle, or reach for something else). It's something I do dozens of times an hour during a work session. Pagemaker used to have a toggle between these two tools, which was easily accessible to the non-mousing hand: Command-Spacebar. I would urge the development of this toggle in future InDesign releases.

    I know you can activate the Selection tool with the Escape key, but that's a long…

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    When you have the Text Tool selected & working inside a Text Frame (cursor blinking inside the text frame), you can hold down the Cmd key. When you do that, you will immediately see the 9-points of the text frame getting highlighted, letting you Move the Text Frame by holding down on the edges with the mouse. You can resize using of the 9-points as well.
    Hope this helps. See the attached demo.

  6. Variable font deactivation

    Please, made possible to deactivate the variable font family loaded by default.

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  7. Find/Replace working with number series

    I am working with a document containing thousands of serial numbers. I want to insert a hyphen i the middle of each number using "find and replace"

    The challenge is to replace all serial numbers in the document that look like this: Mxxxxxxxxxx with this Mxxxx-xxxxxx

    Using find/replace with jokers, i am able to find all serial numbers that i want to change. M^9^9^9^9 but when i want to replace them and insert a – by typing this, M^9^9^9^9–, the old numbers disappear.

    It results in the following example:
    M6015803710 ––> M^9^9^9^9-803710
    Instead of:
    M6015803710 ––> M6015-803710


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  8. Asset Link: Lower asset update time

    We would like to lower the asset update time. Actually, I needs 3 minutes for wait before asset link is recognizing an asset update from AEM Assets (DAM).

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  9. Interchanging versions in saving files in InDesign 2021

    sent my file in InDesign 2021, but my publisher cannot open it in the CS6 version. How Can I solve this problem?

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  10. joboptions

    Allow installation of joboptions via the shortcut menu.

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  11. Show traditional version names in CC Desktop

    In the CC Desktop app, when you are looking at Apps and seeing version numbers, it's confusing to users when you see InDesign v16, which is CC2021, or v15, which is 2020. If the labeling could be InDesign 2021 v16.0, it would be less confusing to users. We have a huge number of users in our company and when we make the switch to each new version as a group, people look at v15 and don't know what that means. For InDesign, in particular, we tend to lag a while while our plugins are updated for the newer versions. So…

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  12. Please standardize key commands between the Adobe apps, specifically Indesign and Photoshop

    type layer commit in PS: Cmd Enter
    type layer commit in InDesign: esc
    (the above is maddening, since in PS, esc undoes everything in the type layer)

    scaling images in PS: with latest update, no need to hold Shift to scale proportionately
    scaling in Indesign: you must hold Shift to scale proportionately

    I'm sure there are others but these 2 are my personal grievances.

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  13. When saving a file, have the cursor default to before the ".indd" suffix.

    This used to be the case a few years ago. not sure if this is an apple ox issue or adobe.

    When saving a file, have the cursor default to before the ".indd" suffix, so it's quicker to rename files.

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  14. Co-edeting

    Co-edeting - as found in Adobe XD! Work as a team from anywhere with InDesign co-editing. Design together in real-time or jump in on your own — everyone has access to the latest version no matter the place or time zone.

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  15. Indesign AI-/Sensei based image scaler

    An AI/Sensei based image-scaler. Let's say you're designing a lot of different document sizes, and have a option in InDesign to upscale image sizes to make sure, that the output dpi / document intent is met.

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  16. highlight text with customc olor

    I want to highlight (or rather, underline because InDesign doesn't have a proper highlight feature...) my text a custom color. The standard 10 or so color options aren't enough. I want to use the color picker or a hex code to specify a different color to highlight my text. This is an important feature for me, because until it's implemented, I have to use Adobe Spark!

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  17. Please let apps remember dialog box size & position

    Please make CC-apps aware of user display setups and changes, single or multiple screen resolutions. Hunting for them acress multiple screens, repositioning and resizing them each time is needlessly cumbersome and time consuming!

    1. Default:
      – in case of multiple screen setup: main screen (as specified in OS display preferences), centered.
      – in case of single screen: centered

    2. User settings
      – record and store user changes to dialog box sizes and positions with current screen setup. Store setups in prefs file.
      – make CC app recognize changes in multiple screen real-estate and store and recall users dialog box positions from this…

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  18. interactive pdf with slug area

    Can you include a slug area for sign off on an interactive pdf. Ive seen this in searches so many time and would really help with workflow and approval processes

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  19. does variables in indesign support diacritic positioning?

    I have kept variables in my header like chapter name, and chapter number, but the diacritic positioning applied in chapter name is not supported in variables. how can i do that? its a big concern for me,

    pls help me out with this issue.

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  20. Creating text anchors for all section heading in a document

    Add a hyperlink style of TEXT ANCHOR to the TOC Style interface.

    The TOC feature allows the creation of TOC entries that recognize the text that was formatted to a specific paragraph style. If only the TOC Style interface allowed users to choose what type of hyperlink they want associated with those entries. Everything I've tried so far always defaults to the page number, which means clicking the TOC hyperlink still requires the reader to find the appropriate item on the page. Using Text Anchors for the TOC instead would land the reader directly where they need to be.


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