Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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1. Description
2. Why is this valuable to you?
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5184 results found
Add "Blur" Panel (for all Elements like Boxes/Images/Groups) as in XD
There should be an easy and time saving option to blur (0-100%) any elements in InDesign – just like the possibilities in Adobe XD. Especially for creating great web designs this would be a big benefit (more possibilities, less time).
53 votes -
Delete swatch / replace swatch
Please display the swatch that will be deleted on the 'Delete Swatch' dialog box to prevent replacing or deleting the wrong swatch (which is too easily done at the moment).
6 votes -
Data Marge support UTF-8 character set
I always have to convert UTF-8 text to UTF-16.
7 votes -
Make possible search-for-tags in Story Editor
I need to search for tags in Story Editor, or in any manner besides the Structure panel, to remove conditions that are arbitrarily applied by InDesign (when a word has a condition applied).
2 votes -
PDF preset that includes a stored password
When making PDFs, I'd like a way to make a preset that includes a stored password. When you have to make many PDFs with security, it's very time consuming to enter the same info over and over.
2 votes -
Allow Articles Pane to scroll to add more items easily
I'm working on a document that has many articles to drag into the articles pane. It's far too easy to accidentally drag a new article into an existing one because you can't scroll up to show enough blank space in the pane. Why is there no slider in the pane so there's enough room to drag new items?
1 vote -
A way to extract font and text styling from an image
There should be way to capture styling information from an image. It will be helpful to find out and use the font and other kind of text styling used in an image.
This way I'll be able to save information from an inspirational image for later use in my design.1 vote -
Add the ability to add tint swatches to CC Libraries
Please add the ability to add tint swatches to CC Libraries. This is valuable to maintain brand color consistency by multiple team members throughout various adobe applications.
5 votes -
in desing trial is very slowly, plus I payed 7 euros, while should have been FREE. Please contact me REFUND: europauomo,
IN DESIGN trial is very slowly, plus I payed 7 euros, while should have been FREE. Please contact me for REFUND. I used one hour!
1 vote -
swatches, color, and gradient panels like illustrator
Illustrator has the easiest to use and most powerful swatches, color, and gradient panels. Indesign would be a much better experience if it just used them. Just make them exactly the same.
18 votes -
Working with animation
Please allow the option to enlarge the window when previewing the animation that you choose to put in. Thank you.
2 votes -
Exporting Animated Files
Please make exporting animation files accessible again. Various formats to save animation files would be good, too. Thank you.
2 votes -
1 vote
Option to add hidden character on/off button the toolbar
Just a little toggle button on the toolbar so you don't have to click Type > Show/Hide Hidden Characters, for those of us who turn it on and off repeatedly. I swear an older version had it.
3 votes -
Quick image adjustments in InDesign
Sometimes when creating a document I need to ever so slightly brighten the image or adjust the contrast, maybe increase the saturation; and standard workflow means pulling these up in Photoshop and applying the changes and the saving (often as a new file so as to preserve the original).
This always seems like alot of effort for something that I feel could be done on InDesigns side.
I am suggesting image quick adjustments.
So an image is coming out slightly too dark. No worries, right click, apply quick adjustments. A new tool box will open that will have basic image…
62 votesThank you for voting for the feature request.
It will be helpful if you can add your responses for the below queries.1. In the absence of this feature in InDesign – how do you make these adjustments today?
2. Once the image is imported into InDesign, what kind of adjustments do you mostly need?
3. On an average, in a project, how many images need adjustments once they are imported into InDesign?
Add option of "Maximum Space Before First Footnote"
Add option of "Maximum Space Before First Footnote" to set the max space between the story text and the footnotes.
1 vote -
1 vote
arabic support
Add support for toggling right-to-left text in all versions of InDesign.
Do not hide/remove/restrict it for users who don't use an african/middle-eastern language version of the program. Having to install multiple InDesign-versions depending on what document you work with is stilly. Is there any reason for this at all?
We have designers that occasionally have to set documents translated to Arabic. Right now this is near-impossible as we use an English version of InDesign.
It appears the support is there "under the hood" and you have just hidden it in the UI, since I can get "right-to-left" paragraph settings in…
5 votes -
Lock Cells in Tables
It would be nice to be able to lock a cell and prevent content from being added or edited.
2 votes -
Remove the page "drop shadow"
Remove the page "drop shadow". It's confusing to see the thicker black border on the right and bottom of the page. Is it a locked element? No, it's part of the UI! Why? What is it trying to be?
12 votes
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