Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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747 results found
errors created when outlining text
When I outlined text today before sending to the printer, extra spaces were introduced into the text. this isn't supposed to happen!
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Fix endnote placement options to include placement immediately following chapter text.
I have yet to see a book with chapter endnotes that had notes starting on a new page rather than immediately after the chapter text. It isn't possible, though, in InDesign, to select this as an option. Can this be addressed?
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Spellchecking and hyphenation anno 2019
The current spell checker is helpful, but also limited. The error detection rate is too low. Hyphenation error also occurs too often. (Both esp. in german language.) Artificial intelligence that maps the complete official dictionaries and spelling rules of each language should be added to the agenda and implemented. User dictionaries should only record WORDSAMENTS that contain words that are not in the official dictionary. Word forms and compound words should be derived from the rules.
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text conversation in profile bugs in CC19
Text converting in outline bugs in CC19!
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horizontal alignment of text inside of text frame
Previously InDesign had HORIZONTAL alignment of text inside the text frame. You could align text at the top, bottom and centre of the text frame. It was one of the best features of InDesign, and it seems to be stripped off. :(
Unless it's still there somewhere, thoroughly hidden away. But why?!1 vote -
1 vote
Find font should allow the use of character styles
When I import a Word file and preserve local formatting some text comes through as an unrecognized font because the local style applied to the text does not match the style available in the family.
For example there is some text that is Calibi Italic. My body copy uses Frutiger LT Std and the italic version is Frutiger LT Std 56 Italic. InDesign has styles the text as Frutiger LT Std Italic, so it is pink and uses the wrong font.
Find/Change does not allow me to search for a style that does not exist. I cannot search for Frutiger…
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Font tool and Character panel lockup
When selecting a font from the character panel or selecting text from a document after opening the file InDesign locks up. It happens without fail since the update and the lockup time range from a minute to going on 5 minutes plus (finally just restart the app).
PC Version on Windows 10
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index/page number with suffix
index - give the possibility to insert a suffix after the page number (word ..... 23f)
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Заедает и тормозит при работе с текстом
Заедает и тормозит при работе с текстом на несколько минут!!! протестите обновление тщательнее
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In character panel when changing cursor from font name to size - automaticly changes text attribute to regular.!
In character panel when changing cursor from font name to size - automaticly changes text attribute to regular.!
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Mark to Mark Kerning & Positioning
Dear Adobe, you should really introduce mark to mark Kerning and Positioning in CC. These features are really crucial in resolving a lot of issues in Indic type design and it's dismal that none of the Adobe software support it. Apple's basic applications like PAGES supports it but not InDesign which is literally sad.
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Räötta text
Varför måste man trycka två gånger för att göra en rättelse i en text när man markerat en bokstav.
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När man ska göra rättelser med textverktyget är inte funktionen optimal.
Först brukar man ju markera det som ska ändras och sedan skriva in ändringen. Det jag har problem med är att man måste trycka två gånger på första bokstaven som ska ändras vilket är mycket frustrerande och lätt innebär att det blir fel i texten.
Varför fungerar inte verktyget så att man markerar och så skriver man in ändringen som man gör i andra program.1 vote -
No language for multiple table cells
I create a huge amount of tables for the medical field. The tables have a lot of medical terms and medicines that I do not want to spell check. I could set up a paragraph style for “no language” but some cells do need to be spell checked.
When you select more than one cell down or across there doesn’t seem to be any way to select “no language” at the top of the screen... it automatically goes into paragraph mode and there doesn’t seem to be any way around this.
I would like to select multiple contiguous cells and…
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Make the first keystroke count
When I highlight text, I'd like my first keystroke to actually make a change rather than deleting the highlighted text. For instance, if I highlighted the word "CHANGE" (all caps) and started to type "change" (all lowercase), I am left with "ange." My first keystroke of "c" doesn't seem to come through. Thanks for looking into this!
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Spell Check prompt upon saving, exporting or printing a document.
When you have finished creating your piece of design or artwork, could InDesign prompt/ask you if you would like to spell check your document? The prompt would come up when you attempt to save, export or print your work, asking if you would like to do this before you complete the relevant action.
This will be extremely useful as this is a key process that gets forgotten by many artworks. This could be a setting option that could ticked on within preferences.
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Hey, it would be so nice to get the possibility to manage the size of the bold for fonts in the text tool
Hey, it would be so nice to get the possibility to manage the size of the bold for fonts in the text tool
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Change text orientation in paragraph style (not only table cells)
It would be nice to change text orientation by paragraph style (not as in text direction or left-to-right vs. right-to-left languages), but as in orientation. For instance, I worked on a book that needed the answers to be under each question, but they needed to be upside-down. The way I worked out to do it was cut and paste each answer into a table cell and turn it upside down using the cell styles, but it'd be nice to set this in the paragraph style options so that one doesn't have to cut and paste into either cells or separate…
1 vote
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