Global baseline shift
In version 14.0.2, we may select any character(s) in a single line adjusting baseline shift variously for each selection of characters. Having made specific baseline shifts, it would be nice to select the desired text and while preserving their relative differing baseline shifts to then globally raise and/or lower the entire line.
Currently, we are not able to do this. The attached shows that if I select the differing baseline shifted characters, InDesign's UI baseline shift incrementer becomes unavailable. I can globally reset the entire line imposing a single shared baseline value via text input, but this does not respect nor preserve the relative positions of baseline shifts made previous. If it were possible to globally raise and/or lower their relative positions perhaps using a character modifier as we used to have in Quark back in the day, it would put InDesign even a little further ahead of the curve. As it stands now, however, I would have the slight chore to break up the enclosing text box into individual lines which will preserve relative character baseline shifts with their relative positions and where I can then move the entire line without affecting them in any way. This is not a huge consideration for something as simple as letterhead but if the selections were more involved involving more text, then this is something a good designer will always reach for.
Ctrl+SHIFT+brackets|semicolon or comma I think may have been the key binding for such an operation in Quark of old. I still remember InDesign 1.0 haha
Thank you, Adobe! You're awesome!